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Math for College Readiness. Class Requirements/Grading O Notebooks: It is recommended that you keep a separate three-ring binder –1/2 or 1 inch is best--

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Presentation on theme: "Math for College Readiness. Class Requirements/Grading O Notebooks: It is recommended that you keep a separate three-ring binder –1/2 or 1 inch is best--"— Presentation transcript:

1 Math for College Readiness

2 Class Requirements/Grading O Notebooks: It is recommended that you keep a separate three-ring binder –1/2 or 1 inch is best-- (spiral notebooks are okay) for class notes. O Class Preparation: You must come prepared and on time to class everyday with your three ring binder (or spiral binder with a folder to keep handouts) and a pencil. O Class Absence: If you are absent, you are responsible to make up all missed work. Please check with a classmate for missed class notes. As a general guideline, if you are out for 2 days, you will be given 2 days to make up missed work or prepare for a missed test. O Grading: Tests: 50% (6 tests per marking period) Classwork/homework: 20% Quizzes: 30% O Final Grade: O 1 st Marking Period: 40% O 2 nd Marking Period: 40% O Final Exam: 20%

3 Math for College Readiness O This course is designed for students who have already taken Algebra I and Geometry and could benefit from additional instruction to prepare them for success in college level math.

4 Why are we using Aleks? O The purpose of using Aleks is to prepare each student to be as successful as possible on the Accuplacer college entrance exam for math so that students have a greater chance of bypassing remedial math courses in college. O For ex: at MCC there are 3 remedial math courses (THAT YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR AND DO NOT RECEIVE COLLEGE CREDIT FOR!!) required before you are placed in a math course for credit toward your degree. It is our hope that after working hard in this course you bypass these remedial courses (SAVE VALUABLE TIME AND $)

5 Math for College Readiness O Aleks Video (≈ 4 mins) O ks/research_behind ks/research_behind

6 What is the Accuplacer? O Accuplacer : a suite of computerized tests that determines your knowledge in math, reading and writing as you prepare to enroll in college-level courses. The results of the assessment, together with your academic background, goals and interests, are used by academic advisors and counselors to place you into a college course that meets your skill level. O All community colleges and most state colleges require that students take the Accuplacer. O Even if your school does not require the Accuplacer, there will be another placement test that this course will help with!!


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