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Mobility – Flexibility - Security

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1 Mobility – Flexibility - Security
Product presentation

2 Our concept: seamless integration and transition
Holistic LCA approach to logistic value creation Store Transport On installation, in contingency stock or replenishment hubs. Easy access and security Instead of repacking, load the entire SharkCage into containers for strategic movement Operate Transition Instead of repacking at the tactical level. Use the cage for on base or in truck storage The intermodal capabilities of the SharkCage makes it possible to rapidly transform from one platform to the next

3 Certifications for military transport
Ammo certified by DAC US Certified to store and transport ammunition by US Army Ammunition Certification Center. Product certifications and approvals Air lift by Royal Navy Top lift by George Downer & Sons LTD Air lift by US Air Force Ammunition Transportability Certification (TP-94-01) Production certification Quality Managment Systems 9001 NATO Quality Assurance Requirements for Production LVS EN ISO 4063 – MAG welding certificate British Standard EN : Letter of compliance Product development Quality Managment Systems 9001: In progress, expected completed Q Air lift by Royal Navy Received Air lift certification from Royal Navy

4 SharkCage - Four categories, same concept
Overview of productlines Product line Description CONTAINER INSERTS Several different sizes designed to optimize different sized containers. Collapsible design. TACTICAL LOCKER Lockers for daily access. Can be outfitted with drawers. Rigid construction – not collapsible. RACK SYSTEM Similar to standard warehouse shelving for pallets, but modular and transport certified. Increases flexibility and adding capabilities. CONTENT SPECIFIC Some content, such as wheels, hazardous material, computer equipment, weapons and missiles, requires custom storage devices. All products are designed for Storage, Transport and Tactical Operations. A B C D

Overview of productlines Product line Description CONTAINER INSERTS Several different sizes designed to optimize different sized containers. Collapsible design. TACTICAL LOCKER Lockers for daily access. Can be outfitted with drawers. Rigid construction – not collapsible. RACK SYSTEM Similar to standard warehouse shelving for pallets, but modular and transport certified. Increases flexibility and adding capabilities. CONTENT SPECIFIC Some content, such as wheels, hazardous material, computer equipment, weapons and missiles, requires custom storage devices. All product lines are designed for Storage, Transport and Tactical Operations.

The SharkCage fits at least two platforms, but is designed to maximize available space in one. We have specific sizes for 20 ft shipping containers, TRICONs, QUADCONs, vehicles and flat racks.

7 A CONTAINER INSERTS FEATURES Slingloadable Collapsible Lock and seal
SharkCage features Slingloadable Collapsible Strengthened corners with holes for slingloading. No tools required Lock and seal 4-way forkliftable Lock panels to prevent pilferage and increase accountability Tested with most common lift assets to ensure flexibility when moving the cages

8 Ammunition certified by DAC
Ammunition transport example Cage configurations Shelf configurations Cage Ammo configurations created by DAC Safe shelf configurations created by DAC Blocking assemblies Easy accessible Recommended reusable blocking assemblies by DAC MSS could make guidelines accessible on any device, in several languages

9 Success story: Army Prepositioned Stock – ASLAC Afloat Bn
The project ( ) 7-12 container ships Equipment for 2x3 brigades Sustainment stock (ammunition, food, etc.) Needed all equipment containerized Wanted less dunnage, faster re-stocking and load out Compliance with storage guidelines Simplified inspection onboard The Success APS-3 purchased ~5000 container inserts, amounting to more than 10 MUSD Container footprint reduced by more than 35% Faster loading, inspections, customs Increased First Time Pull (FTP) rate Less damaged material More material accounted for

Overview of productlines Product line Description CONTAINER INSERTS Several different sizes designed to optimize different sized containers. Collapsible design. TACTICAL LOCKER Lockers for daily access. Can be outfitted with drawers. Rigid construction – not collapsible. RACK SYSTEM Similar to standard warehouse shelving for pallets, but modular and transport certified. Increases flexibility and adding capabilities. CONTENT SPECIFIC Some content, such as wheels, hazardous material, computer equipment, weapons and missiles, requires custom storage devices. All product lines are designed for Storage, Transport and Tactical Operations. So lets turn to our newest product in our production line called the tactical locker.

11 B TACTICAL LOCKER Tactical locker
While the container inserts are optimised for containers and container transport, the tactical locker is designed with more respect to the user phase. It is lighter and not collapsible. However, this product has many of the same features as the container inserts just described. Tactical locker Stack it in the warehouse, ship it on a CROP, in a container, or on a 463L air pallet, sling load it, or just use it as a tool cabinet – wherever

12 B TACTICAL LOCKER Durable Innovative lock Transportable
Galvanized high strength steel construction Spring loaded lock that is one- hand operatable. Gives maximum strength to doors. As for the containers inserts, the tactical locker is hot dip galvanized which makes it durable in harsh weather conditions. The big doors in the front makes the cage easy accessible. It is normally outfitted with shelves, but it can also be outfitted with drawers. It is stackable fully loaded, and designed strong enough for military transport. 4-way forkliftable 8 cages fit into a standard iso 20 container. Perfect for sideopening container. Transportable Tactical features Designed to be strong enough for military transport (4g), and sizes maximize intermodal capabilities Increased rigidity of angled corners enables easy operation on uneven ground

13 Contingency Warehouse
B Contingency Warehouse FT Bragg, Contingency Warehouse The Project/ Challenge The client has the requirement to maintain a contingency warehouse of OCIE supplies ready for immediate issue when responding to emergency situations The warehouse must store OCIE equipment for 4000 personnel Must maximize available space in a 105’L x 35’W x 13’H warehouse All material must be secure from theft and protected from elements The Solution 345 Tactical Lockers (TL) Stack Tactical Lockers two high to maximize vertical space Provide custom waterproof covers for material protection when outside Transport Tactical Lockers to a remote location for issue One lock per device for security

14 C RACK SYSTEM Product line Description CONTAINER INSERTS
Overview of product lines Product line Description CONTAINER INSERTS Several different sizes designed to optimize different sized containers. Collapsible design. TACTICAL LOCKER Lockers for daily access. Can be outfitted with drawers. Rigid construction – not collapsible. RACK SYSTEM Similar to standard warehouse shelving for pallets, but modular and transport certified. Increases flexibility and adding capabilities. CONTENT SPECIFIC Some content, such as wheels, hazardous material, computer equipment, weapons and missiles, requires custom storage devices. All product lines are designed for Storage, Transport and Tactical Operations. The rack system is another product in our product line. While the tactical locker I just described is designed especially for the operational phase, the rack system is designed with more focus on the storage phase.

15 C RACK SYSTEM Issue only content Modular warehouse
Ft. Bragg, Contingency Warehouse Issue only content No return logistic This system seems similar to a standard warehouse system where only the content is issued. However, the system has the advantage of beeing modular and is certifed for transportation. Therefore, this system is great if you need to have the opportunity to move your whole warehouse to another location, or if you want to change configuration of your existing warehouse. Warehouse can be easily reorganised in hours with a fork lift. Modular warehouse Fit inside 40ft container Reconfiguration in hours with a forklift Easily move entire warehouse, and set up with forklift

16 FT Bragg, Contingency Warehouse
The Project Maintain a contingency warehouse of supplies ready for immediate issue when responding to emergency situations Contingency warehouse will maintain primarily Class II and Class IV supplies Maximize the available space in the warehouse (205,200 cf of available space) Support rapid distribution and issue of the supplies Transition to the appropriate transportation platform for deployment Easy reconstitution The Success 408 Rack Systems for use with SURE-Pak pallet systems 24 Baskets for use with pickets, lumber, wire, etc. Stacked three high and four deep No aisles; issue from the front and remove rack when material is gone and access next rack Reorganize warehouse as required for increase in material Easily movable to another location This system is also being rolled out at a contingency warehouse at FT Bragg. They needed a modular warehouse system for use with pallets. It should be asy to move the whole warehouse, or to reorganize the warehouse itself. In this case the cages are stacked three high and four deep to maximize available space in the warehouse. Important: this system it different from the products described earlier since the cage itself is normally not transported to the end user.

Overview of productlines Product line Description CONTAINER INSERTS Several different sizes designed to optimize different sized containers. Collapsible design. TACTICAL LOCKER Lockers for daily access. Can be outfitted with drawers. Rigid construction – not collapsible. RACK SYSTEM Similar to standard warehouse shelving for pallets, but modular and transport certified. Increases flexibility and adding capabilities. CONTENT SPECIFIC Some content, such as wheels, hazardous material, computer equipment, weapons and missiles, requires custom storage devices. All product lines are designed for Storage, Transport and Tactical Operations.

D CONTENT SPECIFIC – SharkCage WST Wheel Storage and Transport Pneumatic wheels and tires must be stored vertically or rotated from time to time. Stacking height for heavy wheels is also very limited. The WST solves that and, by stacking 4-high, it is also very efficient in the warehouse.

19 D Wheel and Tire mission The Project
JBLM Wheel and Tire mission The Project National Wheel and Tire Assembly Maintenance Program Over 1,000 Assemblies Maintained and or repaired annually Warehouse space a premium Daily rotation of assemeblies between mulitiple warehouses .25 miles apart Limited Personnel Damaged caused by flat packing heavy assemblies and by forklift tines The Success ~350 WSTs 95% Reduction Damage Assemblies 75% Personnel Reduction 70% Space Savings Stacked 3 high in the warehouse No aisles in the warehouse, back to back with WSTs

20 D CLASS IIIP - HAZMAT Reality Multiple sizes Motor Pool
APS-5 Kuwait CLASS IIIP Reality No organization or accountability Oil Spills Safety Multiple sizes Motor Pool 55 Gal Drums in storage No secondary containment Lack of securing drums on pallets Contamination due to element exposure

21 D CLASS IIIP - HAZMAT Fits 2 ea on 463 L Air pallet
APS-5 Kuwait CLASS IIIP Fits 2 ea on 463 L Air pallet Fit 2 on 463 L Pallet Fit 6 ea on CROP/PLS Fits 3 ea on MTV Designed to optimize a CROP Fits on MTV without taking tarp and bows off

22 SharkCage - Four categories, same concept
Overview of productlines Product line Description CONTAINER INSERTS Several different sizes designed to optimize different sized containers. Collapsible design. TACTICAL LOCKER Lockers for daily access. Can be outfitted with drawers. Rigid construction – not collapsible. RACK SYSTEM Similar to standard warehouse shelving for pallets, but modular and transport certified. Increases flexibility and adding capabilities. CONTENT SPECIFIC Some content, such as wheels, hazardous material, computer equipment, weapons and missiles, requires custom storage devices. All products are designed for Storage, Transport and Tactical Operations. A B C D


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LSH – Latvian Shipping Hawks

25 Latvian Shipping Hawks – Dedicated Military Logistics

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