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High Confidence Software and Systems HCMDSS Workshop Brad Martin June 2, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "High Confidence Software and Systems HCMDSS Workshop Brad Martin June 2, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Confidence Software and Systems HCMDSS Workshop Brad Martin June 2, 2005

2 The Universe

3 Universal HCSS Research Goals  Provide a sound scientific and technological basis for assured construction of safe, secure systems  Develop software and system engineering tool capabilities to achieve application-based, problem domain-based, and risk-based assurance, and broadly embed these capabilities within the system engineering process  Reduce the effort, time, and cost of assurance and quality certification processes  Provide a technology base of advanced-prototype implementations of high-confidence technologies to enable rapid adoption

4 HCSS Research Goals Provide a sound scientific and technological basis for assured construction of safe, secure system  Strategy: Develop supporting theory and scientific base for HCSS  Components: Theory, Specification, Interoperable Reasoning, Composition and Decomposition, etc.

5 HCSS Research Goals Develop software and system engineering tool capabilities to achieve application-based, problem domain-based, and risk-based assurance, and broadly embed these capabilities within the system engineering process  Strategy: Develop tools, technologies, and libraries to design and build large-scale systems  Components: Programming Languages, Tools, and Environments, Modeling and Simulation, HCSS Building Blocks, Monitoring, Detection, and Response, Evidence and Metrics, Process, etc.

6 HCSS Research Goals Reduce the effort, time, and cost of assurance and quality certification processes  Strategy: Deployment of HCSS engineering technology  Components: Engineering and Experimentation

7 HCSS Research Goals Provide a technology base of advanced-prototype implementations of high-confidence technologies to enable rapid adoption  Strategy: Development of mature reference implementations, proofs-of-concept, tools, libraries, and techniques, conduct experiments  Components: Engineering and Experimentation

8 Universal HCSS Research Goals  Provide a sound scientific and technological basis for assured construction of safe, secure systems  Develop software and system engineering tool capabilities to achieve application-based, problem domain-based, and risk-based assurance, and broadly embed these capabilities within the system engineering process  Reduce the effort, time, and cost of assurance and quality certification processes  Provide a technology base of advanced-prototype implementations of high-confidence technologies to enable rapid adoption

9 NSA HCSS Research Goals  Provide a sound scientific and technological basis for assured construction of safe, secure systems  Develop software and system engineering tool capabilities to achieve application-based, problem domain-based, and risk-based assurance, and broadly embed these capabilities within the system engineering process  Reduce the effort, time, and cost of assurance and quality certification processes  Provide a technology base of advanced-prototype implementations of high-confidence technologies to enable rapid adoption

10 NSA HCSS Focus  Advocacy  Programming Methodologies  Static/Dynamic Analysis  Provide a sound scientific and technological basis for assured construction of safe, secure systems  Develop software and system engineering tool capabilities to achieve application-based, problem domain-based, and risk-based assurance, and broadly embed these capabilities within the system engineering process  Reduce the effort, time, and cost of assurance and quality certification processes  Provide a technology base of advanced-prototype implementations of high- confidence technologies to enable rapid adoption Focused on trusted development in support of domains of interest to NSA’s Information Assurance Directorate (e.g. cryptography, trusted computing, design validation)  Cryptography  Trusted Computing


12 Backup Slides

13 Programming Methodology: Trusted Development  Examples: Specware, Alloy, Spec#, B Method, Z  Strengths: Specification to guide code development  Issues: Interaction between structure and verification, domain formalization  Challenges: Modularity, concurrency, maintaining model/code correspondence  Theme: Generate correct code from high-level specifications instead of verifying low-level code

14 Static and Dynamic Analysis: Design Validation  Examples: ESC/Java, BANE, Ccured, Cyclone, Fluid, Polyspace, Prefix, CodeSurfer  Strengths: Buffer overruns, overflows, memory leaks, and race conditions.  Issues: Combining different SA, integrating SA and DA  Challenges: Efficiency, precision, sensitivity  Theme: Commercial tools are going to focus on bug-finding (how do we focus on the bugs that matter?)

15 Residents in the Universe  Industry  Academia  Government:  NSF: Cyber Trust, Science of Design, Embedded and Hybrid Systems  NASA: Computing, Information, and Communications, Mission Assurance, Software Assurance Program, Software Engineering Initiative, Highly Dependable Computing Platform Testbed  DARPA: Security-Aware Systems, Self-Regenerative Systems  NIST: Software Diagnostics and Conformance Testing Division, Computer Security Division  DHS: Cyber Security  AFRL: Software Protection Initiative  ARDA: Advanced IC Information Assurance  …..  Coming Soon??? - DoD’s Center for Assured Software  Design approaches for the construction of assured software  Effectively and efficiently examine code for vulnerabilities  Tools and techniques to detect malicious code  Metrics and methods to determine quantitatively that assurance is improving

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