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Assurance of Programmable Logic Devices NASA Glenn Research Center Kalynnda Berens, SAIC Coursework: Jacqueline Somos, SAIC.

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Presentation on theme: "Assurance of Programmable Logic Devices NASA Glenn Research Center Kalynnda Berens, SAIC Coursework: Jacqueline Somos, SAIC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assurance of Programmable Logic Devices NASA Glenn Research Center Kalynnda Berens, SAIC Coursework: Jacqueline Somos, SAIC

2 Mission Success Starts With Safety SAS 20042 The Problems: Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are “programmed” by engineers, often without Software Assurance oversight.  PLCs are used in Wind Tunnels and other facilities Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) are hybrids  PLDs (FPGA, ASIC, etc.) are used in ground and flight systems  PLDs are similar to software, with many of the same problems  PL devices are ultimately “hardware”, but programmed like software.  Current assurance activities may not be adequate for the complexity of these devices.

3 Mission Success Starts With Safety SAS 20043 Our approach Year 1:  Distribute surveys to determine where and how Programmable Logic is used at NASA and how it is being assured. Year 2:  Document practices outside of NASA for assuring Programmable Logic.  Compare the assurance practices of NASA with those of other industries (especially high risk industries such as nuclear and medical).  Issue Paper Year 3:  Present best industry practices in the form of a series of courses and in a guidebook.

4 Mission Success Starts With Safety SAS 20044 Importance and Benefits Awareness  Where PLDs and PLCs are used  Current assurance activities Comparison  NASA practices with high risk industry practices  Will new practices improve safety?  PLCs and PLDs for software assurance personnel  Process assurance for hardware QA TRAINING

5 Mission Success Starts With Safety SAS 20045 Relevance to NASA PLCs and PLDs are widely used at NASA  Flight equipment for Shuttle and Station  Small satellite technology development  Centrifuge Control  Wind tunnel Future trends indicate that PLDs will be used more often and in more complex applications.  May replace software in some systems  Complexity means testing is not enough! Can NASA Software Assurance personnel adequately verify PLCs and PLDs? Can NASA Quality Assurance personnel?

6 Mission Success Starts With Safety SAS 20046 Accomplishments Survey of NASA usage and assurance for PLCs and PLDs Industry/military/government Best Practices Issue Paper – summary and recommendations PLCs for SA course  almost complete

7 Mission Success Starts With Safety SAS 20047 Next Steps Create PLD and Process Assurance courses Evaluate/Review courses  We’re looking for interested reviewers  Come see the demo! Submit courses to SOLAR Publish information in a guidebook format

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