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Welcome to CPSC 206 Structured Programming in C. Instructor: Yu Chen Office:H.R. Bright Room 419 D Office Phone:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CPSC 206 Structured Programming in C. Instructor: Yu Chen Office:H.R. Bright Room 419 D Office Phone:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to CPSC 206 Structured Programming in C

2 Instructor: Yu Chen Office:H.R. Bright Room 419 D Office Phone: 979-8624535  Office Hours:TR 2-3PM other times by appointment  Lecture:TR 08:00-09:15 AM, HRBB 124  Website URL: CPSC206.htm

3 TA

4 In today’s lecture:  Course Description  Lecture Topics  Class Policy  Getting Started Scholastic Dishonesty Assignments Examinations Grade Policy Vote

5 Course Description  CPSC206: Structured Programming in C Basically, we need to write a set of instructions. By following this set of instructions, a computer can perform a desired task. How to use a computer to perform the task?

6 Course Description Which language should be used to write the instructions? Programming Language Programming Language: Language with which we can communicate with the computer. Programming We call the process of specifying steps for a computer to perform a desired task as Programming. —— CPSC206: Structured Programming in C

7 7 Course Description To write instructions using C for the computer to perform a desired task. Required text:C by Dissection Required text: A. Kelly and C. Pohl, C by Dissection, 4th Ed., Benjamin Cummings, 2001. —— CPSC206: Structured Programming in C Language features of C Programming techniques Methods of documentation Solution development for desired task

8 Lecture Topics: 0. Introduction to Computer Science 1. Overview of CCh 1, 2 2. Flow of control and functionsCh 3, 4 3. Character processing & fundamental data typesCh 5, 6 4. File I/O Ch 13 5. Pointers, Arrays, and StringsCh 8, 9, 10 6. Structures, and linked listsCh 12 Features of C: 7. Enumeration type and storage classesCh 7, 8 8. RecursionCh 11

9 Class Policy —Scholastic Dishonesty NOT  Scholastic dishonesty will NOT be tolerated.  Assignments: Working together on assignments can be a meaningful learning experience, individual BUT the final product submitted must be the work of the individual student submitting the material. NOT  Examinations: Offering to, or receiving any assistance from, a student will NOT be tolerated.  Any identified incident of scholastic dishonesty will be dealt with severely.

10 Class Policy — Assignment  All assignments will be announced in class and posted on the course web page.  Late Turn-in Policy: in advance  If you cannot turn in an assignment on time, discuss the situation in advance with the instructor.  Assignments should be submitted on or before the due day.  Assignment grades will lose 10% for each day late, up to a maximum loss of 100% (i.e., 10 days late)

11 Class Policy — Assignment  DO NOT  DO NOT copy other’s assignment!  Otherwise, the grade = (-3) * the original grade.  For example: Bob gets a grade 99 for Assignment 4, but he is caught copying other’s assignment. Thus his grade for Assignment 4 is (-3) * 99 = -297

12 If Bob did not submit the assignment 4 439 Total scores:98 + 87 + 67 + 99 + 88=439 73.16 Average score:439/6=73.16 Class Policy — Assignment Assume Bob’s grades for other five assignments are: 98, 87, 67, 99, 88  Then his final grade for the assignments is 142 Total scores:98 + 87 + 67 + 99 + 88 - 297 = 142 23.67 Average score: 142/6=23.67 It is worse than receiving a zero grade

13 Class Policy — Examinations  3 midterm exams  There will be a exam review session before each midterm exam.  The schedule will be announced one week ahead in class. 1 comprehensive final exam Any student caught cheating on exam will receive a failing grade.

14 Class Policy — Final Grade  Grade of Assignments grade of assignments = (Assign1 + Assign 2+ ……+Assign k) / k

15 Class Policy — Final Grade  Grade of Examinations: sum_mid = midterm 1+ midterm 2 + midterm 3; min_mid= min { Midterm 1, Midterm 2, Midterm 3 }; If (min_mid <= Final) then grade_of_exam = (sum_mid-min_mid+2*Final)/4; else grade_of_exam = (sum_mid +Final)/4; Policy 1:

16 Class Policy — Final Grade  Grade of Examinations: grade_of_exam = (midterm 1+ midterm 2 + midterm3+Final)/4; Policy 2: Vote: Policy 1 or Policy 2?

17 Class Policy — Final Grade  Final grade: 30%*grade of assignment + 70%*grade of exam  Final grades will be assigned as follows:  90-100A  80-89B  70-79C  60-69D  below 60F The grade cutoffs might be lowered to accommodate the actual distribution of grades.

18 Getting Started  Get an account from Computer Science department.  HRBB 210 

19 Getting Started  Most of the assignments will be done on Unix.  How to connect to a Unix machine from a Windows machine?  Basic Unix commands.  How to edit a file on a Unix machine?  How to turn in an assignment?

20 Getting Started — Connect to Unix  Connect to a Unix machine using PuTTY.   Follow the instructions of part (b) to connect to i

21 Getting Started — Basic Unix  A useful website provided by helpdesk   Unix is case-sensitive.  Basic Commands: cd dirname: Change directory pwd: Tells you which directory you are currently browsing ls: Lists your files mkdir dirname: Creates a directory vi filename: Edits a file cp file1 file2: Copies a file exit: Ends your SSH session

22 Getting Started — Unix-based Editor  Two commonly used editors are  Pico:  Vi:

23 Getting Started — Turnin turnin  Assignments will be turned in via turnin command  turnin classid filelist classid is course_number-section-number filelist is a space separated list of files to be turned in. Example turnin 206-508 demo1  You can check whether the file is correctly turned in by turnin –c classid Example turnin –c 206-508

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