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Presented by CJ Pickering Live Your Best Life Chiro-Care: The Practice that Makes Sense.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by CJ Pickering Live Your Best Life Chiro-Care: The Practice that Makes Sense."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by CJ Pickering Live Your Best Life Chiro-Care: The Practice that Makes Sense

2  What is chiropractic?  The history of chiropractic medicine.  The theory behind the medicine of chiropractic care.  Research on the use of chiropractic medicine.  How chiropractic medicine is applied.  Education required.

3  Chiropractic is a system of healthcare.  It is based on maintaining proper neurophysiological balance within the body (Center for Spirituality and Healing, 2012).  One of the foundational principles is the respect of homeostasis and the belief that the body can self- regulate.

4  Optimizes health through manipulation of the spine and articular frame work of the body.  Non-invasive techniques, which yield tremendous health benefits for the patients.  Treats the body as a whole, cohesive unit, as opposed to separate parts.  Focuses on attaining highest level of health for the patient.

5  Like Allopathic Medicine, chiropractic is considered to be a complete system of healthcare (CSH, 2012).  It is not an isolated modality of treatment. The word “chiropractic” means “done by hand”.

6  According to the Center for Spirituality and Healing, chiropractic medicine is both complementary and alternative; however, the roots are definitively based in alternative medicine (2012).  The alternative side to chiropractic care involves harnessing the power of the patient’s inner intellect to guide them to health.

7  Since its humble beginnings in the late 19 th century, chiropractic care has been under attack.  The first 95 years of chiropractic care faced much scrutiny from other members of the healthcare community. Daniel David PalmerBartlett Joshua Palmer

8  D. D. Palmer had an advanced understanding of the nervous system and its relationship to other systems in the body.  He also discovered the importance of sustaining homeostasis for health.  In his early writings, D. D. Palmer conceptualized “innate intelligence” with “the structure on function” in his original theory (CSH, 2012).

9  According to the Center for Spirituality and Healing, vitalism is a philosophical model that believes the principles governing life are different from the principles governing inanimate matter (2012).

10  Innate intelligence is an internal force that guides us in such a way to sustain health.  Chiropractors must abide by this law in order to facilitate an environment that is inducive to maintain homeostasis.

11  Proper structure of the body is imperative for proper function to occur.  If one or more elements of the body are misaligned, then it will throw off the other structures; thereby, inhibiting healthy function.

12  According to the Center for Spirituality and Healing, the nervous system is the primary regulator of bodily functions (2012).  The nervous system has great influence over all systems and organs of the body.

13  Intervertebral Subluxation -common condition, results from trauma, postural stress, cognitive abnormalities, disc degeneration  Nerve Compression -intervertebral subluxations can compress nerves and affect their normal transmission  Intersegmental Fixation -vertebral units are in normal position; however, they have a limited range of motion

14  Spinal Cord Compression -a severe condition, which results from spondylosis or a serious injury that the spinal region has sustained.  Nerve Function Hypotheses -two common hypotheses are Axioplasmic Aberration and Somatoautonomic Reflex. Nerve Cells

15  Throughout the history of chiropractic care research has been conducted despite a lack of funding.  Many companies did not want to provide the necessary resources because of the nature of chiropractic medicine.

16  Most clinical studies have focused on the safety and efficacy of spinal treatments.  Designing a proper study to measure the effects of the treatment have been problematic because of how the care is delivered.

17  Research has shown that spinal manipulation is a much more effective treatment for people who suffer from chronic headaches than medication (Bronfort et al., 2004)  Another study that was conducted showed that chiropractic treatments significantly improved patients who were suffering from mechanical neck disorders (Gross et al., 2002). 

18  A clinical study determined that chiropractic care, which included manipulative therapy and low-load exercise considerably, reduced the pain of patients who complained of chronic headaches and upper back pain (Jull et al., 2002).  Researchers concluded that patients who received spinal manipulation for managing chronic spinal pain and discomfort experienced more pain relief compared to those that just took medication (Giles & Muller, 2003).

19  Increased energy  Enhanced vitality  Effective pain relief  Increased flexibility and durability  Aids in the overall prevention of illness and injury  Creates balance within the body

20  A visit at a chiropractic’s office is similar to a visit at any other healthcare provider’s office.  Intake forms  Physical examination  Possibly x-rays  Assessment tests  Treatment plan

21  All chiropractors must be licensed from an accredited institution and pass a four-part, national board examination.  Individual states have their own additional requirements, which are overseen by a state board of chiropractic examiners.

22  Chiropractic care strives to encourage health by harnessing a patient’s own innate intelligence.  Chiropractors employ manipulative therapies to the body’s structures to improve function and health.  The goal of chiropractic care is to maintain homeostasis.  Proper structure is necessary for proper function.  The nervous system is the chief regulator of all bodily functions and plays an integral role in maintaining homeostasis.

23  Aure, O., Nilsen, J., & Vasseljen, O. (2003). Manual therapy and exercise therapy in patients with chronic low back pain. Retrieved from  Bronfort G, Nilsson N, Haas M, Evans R, Goldsmith CH, Assendelft WJ, Bouter LM. (2004). Non-invasive physical treatments for chronic/recurrent headache. The Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews.  Center for Spirituality and Healing. (2012). Chiropractic. Retrieved from  Gilles, L., Muller, R. (2003). Chronic spinal pain. Retrieved from _A_Randomized_Clinical_Trial3.aspx  Gross, A.R., Hoving, J., Haines, T.A., Goldsmith, C.H., Kay, T., Aker, P., Bronfort, G. (2002). Manipulation and mobilization for mechanical neck disorders. The Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews.  Jull, G., Trott, P., Potter, H., Zito, G., Niere, K., Shirley, D., Emberson, J., Marschner, I., Richardson, C. (2002). A randomized controlled trial of exercise and manipulative therapy for cervicogenic headache.  National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (2012). An introduction to chiropractic. Retrieved from  Taking Charge of Your Health. (2011). Chiropractic. Retrieved from

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