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Reitz Lake TMDL. Goal Setting for Reitz Lake Reasonable Expectations 1 Phase II Adaptive Management MPCA Water Quality Standards 40 µg/L Natural Background.

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1 Reitz Lake TMDL

2 Goal Setting for Reitz Lake Reasonable Expectations 1 Phase II Adaptive Management MPCA Water Quality Standards 40 µg/L Natural Background (Pre-settlement) 26 µg/L Current Conditions 102 µg/L Shallow Lakes = Clear, macrophyte dominated Deep Lakes = Clear, algae dominated; macrophytes in small littoral areas 1 Based on BMPs and current conditions (internal load; macrophytes) 1988 Conditions Nondegradation 109 µg/L CONCENTRATION and/or LOAD 65 µg/L ?

3 Goal Setting for Reitz Lake Reasonable Expectations 1 Phase II Adaptive Management MPCA Water Quality Standards 60 µg/L Natural Background (Pre-settlement) 47 µg/L Current Conditions 102 µg/L Shallow Lakes = Clear, macrophyte dominated Deep Lakes = Clear, algae dominated; macrophytes in small littoral areas 1 Based on BMPs and current conditions (internal load; macrophytes) 1988 Conditions Nondegradation 109 µg/L CONCENTRATION and/or LOAD 90 µg/L ?

4 Past Data

5 Year Total Phosphorus Concentration (  g/L) Chlorophyll-a Concentration (  g/L) Secchi disk transparency (meters) Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L) 1985114NA0.92.1 1991104NA1.12.2 1993152NA1.12.2 199943201.21.7 200054351.11.7 200173360.71.8 2002107401.42.1 2003109652.22 2004904712.1

6 Area’s of Concern 4 Internal Loading –Carp –Curly Leaf Pondweed 4 External Loading –Run 0ff –Failing ISTS’s

7 Internal Loading Sources 4 Problem –Carp –Curley Leaf Pondweed –Shallow “bay” Sediments 4 Possible Solution –Removal Program –Harvesting / Herbicides –Minimize bottom disturbing activity (no wake, dedicated channels, etc.)

8 Fishery Information

9 Curley Leaf Example

10 External Loading Sources 4 Problem –Run off Rural Residential –ISTS 4 Possible Solution –BMP’s (buffer strips, rock inlets, control structures, etc.) –Lake Buffers, Lakescaping –Upgrade failing systems (loan program) and maintaining current systems.

11 Prioritizing the Culprits: 4 Highest Impacts –Agricultural run off (external) –Internal loading caused by Curley Leaf pondweed and Carp. –ISTS’s 4 Lower Impacts –Wetlands, Developed Area’s, Forest, Atmosphere

12 Next Steps 4 Complete TMDL –PCA Process 4 Acceptance by EPA 4 Seek Funding

13 Possible Funding Sources 4 Grants/Loans from MPCA (EPA) 4 County Watershed Dollars 4 Landowners 4 Others?

14 CONCLUSIONS 4 Internal loading is an important source to Reitz Lake and must be part of any management or implementation plan. 4 Carp and curly leaf pondweed likely play a large role in internal recycling of nutrients. Carp do not reproduce naturally in Reitz Lake due to egg predation by the large panfish population and likely migrate in during high water. 4 The TMDL requires an overall load reduction of approximately 65 to 68% to meet the current State Water Quality Standard. 4 The likely external or watershed sources are agricultural runoff and septic systems.

15 Questions?


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