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EMCAL : Online Software Status 1) General info/intro 2) DCS-related: detector configuration, Data Points 3) DAQ: Detector Algorithms 4) QA, AMORE 5) Offline-related:

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Presentation on theme: "EMCAL : Online Software Status 1) General info/intro 2) DCS-related: detector configuration, Data Points 3) DAQ: Detector Algorithms 4) QA, AMORE 5) Offline-related:"— Presentation transcript:

1 EMCAL : Online Software Status 1) General info/intro 2) DCS-related: detector configuration, Data Points 3) DAQ: Detector Algorithms 4) QA, AMORE 5) Offline-related: Calibrations

2 General ● Online Definition here: not attempting to cover regular DCS/Slow controls (Creighton), nor Trigger (several groups involved), nor HLT (LBL), nor Offline/reconstruction (many folks active). ● There are of course common points with all these areas though, so somewhat fluid boundaries. ● Many people currently working hard to make sure 2 more SMs get installed. I think everyone will be interested in making sure we get good data out afterwards also -- all contributions are welcome. All items mentioned here would benefit from having more than 1-2 persons looking at them, and being tested with the real data and detector at P2 (“more boots on the ground”).

3 OCDB Grid File Catalog DIM trigger ECS Run Logbook DAQ FXS DB FXS DCS arch. DB DCS FXS DB FXS HLT FXS DB FXS SHUTTLE TRDMPHSPD TPC EMC Scheme/Components : Shuttle -> OCDB No alternative system to extract data (especially online calibration results) between data-taking and first reconstruction pass!

4 DCS: Configuration related ● HV, LV, cooling, not mentioned here. BusyBox not yet tested. ● Data Points for sensor temperatures, and facility to export that info to offline exist. So far only tested with simulated values though! FEE Config for DCS needs work. For official DCS tools, Kithsiri/Jiri et al. (Creighton) follow PHOS (and in turn TPC). FEE allows for many parameters to be set. For upcoming SM tests in Grenoble: new boards and new RCU firmware and new FEC BC, vs earlier tests.. Firmware requires changes to setup and scripts: in progress. (DS, w. Grenoble team) Need tools to make/store new gain-equalized APD HV settings at P2 for use in DCS. (Who? Should interface with FEE Config./DB) For now, we still use local scripts/files on each DCS card..

5 Example from Testbeam analysis: LED vs. T Original LED amplitudes Corrected LED amplitudes Average temperature Temperature profile for individual sensors, averages and % variations for first PS data Analysis of LED amplitude-temperature correlation in all 64 towers (run 1010-1205) DCS DP: Temperatures DAQ DA: LED info Single run-numbers in ALICE can last for as long as a fill (probably not in first LHC run though)

6 DAQ Detector Algorithms : 1) LED amplitude vs Time (EMCALLEDDA, AliCaloCalibSignal) 2) DeadMaps + pedestal info [for ZS, online] (EMCALPEDDA, AliCaloCalibPedestal). Certified for P2 usage; and tested with small data sets. Should be vetted by running on larger data sets, preferably automatically at P2. Pedestal runs, LED runs, Cosmic runs with LEDs etc. Also need to really implement and check whole chain for how we assign and store pedestals for use in Zero Suppression, how these are set w. new firmware etc. – not yet done. Ideas for additional DA (Hisa Torii et al, PHOS), to collect signal summary data to help with pi0 calibrations. Maybe we copy this too..?

7 P2 Data - Pedestals Plot made by Francesco Blanco

8 P2 Data - LEDs Plot from Francesco Blanco LED design by Hans M., David K., David C., Alfonso TM., Terry A.,..

9 QA/AMORE Basic QA histograms for Raw data implemented recently. Sevil S. (LBL) is the QA contact. AMORE (online monitoring) setup for EMCAL recently started, using QA. The libEMCAL*so structure required changes to AMORE (Barth v.H., from RT2009). Tests with generic implementation will probably be completed in the next week or two. Caveat: this is only very basic histograms/profiles – compare with more user-friendly output from PHENIX (next).. Can perhaps also use nice online mon. tools developed in Grenoble? No storage of viewable info from outside P2??? (useful e.g. for on-call folks/experts) [Yves?]

10 PHOS QA in AMORE Click histograms to draw Select the divide of monitor Select the draw option

11 Plot – from QA & PHENIX

12 Calibrations / Intro : more later ● Goal: separate out “time-independent” (overall scale or absolute gain normalization for each tower) and “time-dependent” (e.g. temperature changes, drifting gains) calibrations. Main tools, for time-dependent part: LED pulsing, temperature sensors. ● “Time-dependent” changes are expected to have a time-scale of updates of approx. once an hour, while “time-independent” are expected to be updated a “few” times per year or LHC Run. ● If this separation can be done, one only needs to do the 'real' (  0, electron etc.) calibrations for some periods, and can then use the time-dependent (=simple) calibration based on LED (DAQ DA) and temperature sensor (DCS DP) data, to have good calibrations throughout an LHC run. ● Calibration team (Chiara, Cvetan) would like us to apply time- dependent corrections ~immediately (first reconstruction, in ESD). Concern if this is quite safe to do (Dmitri P./PHOS suggested keeping correction histogram or so instead, if I understood correctly)

13 Summary / Help?! Most things started on, but many loose ends and things left to do/check.. No single item is in principle too hard, but each take time, and the total adds up. A lot of the testing/development falls to the people at CERN (who also have to make the hardware operational). I expect the total number of EMCAL folks at CERN will increase (~impossible to decrease..), and hope that there will be interest in online activities. Please don’t hesitate to contact me, Terry or Francesco if you want to contribute – Thanks! P.S. Other general items not covered here, since they are more of documentation/database items than online: APD info into OCDB (calibration and location info), cosmics calibration results into OCDB etc. – classes in SMcalib area can be used as starters, but may need revisions.

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