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吳佳虹 元智大學國際企業學群 A better way to conceive creativity.

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Presentation on theme: "吳佳虹 元智大學國際企業學群 A better way to conceive creativity."— Presentation transcript:

1 吳佳虹 元智大學國際企業學群 A better way to conceive creativity

2 原曲 : 野玫瑰 by 舒伯特 作為電影主題 曲夠創意嗎 ? 2008 年上映

3 Copy Transform Combine Original source: Embracing the remix, Kirby Ferguson @ TED dqUuvLk4&list=PL2RIaiiAc0X_xSs6N6uQxGw0gsaZ9TVZt&index=12

4 New enterprises are created through recombination of existing resource New innovations are created through recombination of existing things ~Schumpeter, 1934


6  Recognize an element can be allied into different setting for different purpose (IDEO)  Searching scope  Networking  Conscious vs. unconscious

7 S.H.E - Remember 波斯市場




11 User Customer Audience Problem Function

12 Dance for Cokes Machine

13 Element : 3D Image Sensor A single color camera for image recognition, and two monochrome cameras placed a few inches apart to determine where you are in a three-dimensional space

14 HP Envy 17 Leap Motion SE Ultrabook

15 User Customer Audience Problem Function 類比 Analogy


17 Key elements are ???

18 TitleAir dateViews PSY official MV 2012/07/151,812,728,919 學尬乾那塞 2012/08/273,610,941 The Oregon Duck 2012/08/306,723,383 Cornell University: Flash Mob 2012/09/142,300,079 Obama Style 2012/09/219,164,595 Obama Gangnam Style 2012/09/2715,510,785 Ohio University Marching 110 2012/09/275,463,533 Oregon Marching Band 2012/09/246,056,141 GANGNAM STYLE ( 강남스타일 ) ft. TRANSFORMERS 2012/10/198,846,902 NASA Johnson Style 2012/12/1576,330

19 1. Original music, copy action in different setting 2. Original music, copy action with special characters 3. Original music, similar action, new lyric 4. New way to perform music

20 What makes you think this parody is the most creative one? How these elements be transformed?


22  Interaction among transformed elements and other elements  Other elements need some adjustment to coordinate with the transformed elements

23 vs.

24 BBC CBS 稱謂 SherlockHolmes 國籍英國人 職業 Consulting detective 時代 21 世紀 興趣小提琴 連續謀殺案 小提琴 連續謀殺案 空間倫敦紐約 公寓地址 221B Baker Street Brown Stone / Father’ property 合作單位 Scotland Yard ( 倫敦警察廳 ) Lastrade NYPD Captain Gregson 交通方式計程車地鐵 金主擔任內閣高級官員的哥哥超有錢從不出面的父親 上癮症戒菸,尼古丁貼片 戒毒, 24h 戒毒看護 死對頭 MoriartyMoriarty = Irene Adler

25 BBC CBS 稱謂 John WatsonJoan Watson 身分阿富汗退役軍醫手術失誤離職之外科醫生 性別男性女性 關係室友戒毒看護 案件記錄方式 Blog 高階諮商師

26 Creativity & innovation emerges when individuals/firms make incremental adjustments to improve existing ideas, discover new applications of existing ideas, or invent new combinations of existing ideas.

27 Something new Something old Something borrowed Something blue

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