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Concepts and Perspectives

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Presentation on theme: "Concepts and Perspectives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Concepts and Perspectives
Chapter 1 Concepts and Perspectives

2 Employment Relations Relationship between managers & employees
among people at workplace exists in all organisations (unionised or un-unionised)

3 Industrial Relations More legalistic Subset of employment relations
Involves management and unions

4 Dunlop’s Model Workers & union Management & representatives
Government & agencies Relationship linked by: - ideology - common - objectives

5 Tripartism in Singapore Characteristics
Strong communication network Dominance of government Strong union movement Symbiotic: government & union Non-adversarial problem-solving

6 Developing Good ER Several phases
Antagonistic: rejection & blockage Adversarial: confront & compete Mutually tolerant: passive, reactive Cooperative: acceptance & teamwork Creative: proactive, innovative

7 Maintain Good ER Structure
Law and procedures Role of government, union and management Shared values

8 Singapore’s National Shared Values
Nation before community, society above self Family as the basic unit of society Community support and respect for individual Consensus not conflict Racial and religious harmony

9 Good ER: Overcoming obstacles
Management commitment Attitude of managers Importance of supervisor Union leader Workers’ attitude

10 Fostering Good ER Labour management committee QC circles
Shop-floor discussion Newsletter Grievance handling Suggestion scheme Recreation committee Safety committee Productivity sharing

11 Example: Tripartism Affected many companies
2003 SARS outbreak Affected many companies Tripartite Guidelines: affected employees given special leave during house quarantine

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