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Unified information system of statistical data collection, processing, storage and dissemination (Rosstat UIS ) Overview FEDERAL STATE STATISTICS SERVICE.

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Presentation on theme: "Unified information system of statistical data collection, processing, storage and dissemination (Rosstat UIS ) Overview FEDERAL STATE STATISTICS SERVICE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unified information system of statistical data collection, processing, storage and dissemination (Rosstat UIS ) Overview FEDERAL STATE STATISTICS SERVICE (ROSSTAT) Elena Priakhina, Director of the Scientific - Research and Project Institute of Rosstat, Moscow


3 FEDERAL STATE STATISTICS SERVICE STRUCTURE Rosstat has the distributed hierarchical structure and includes: At the Federal level:  Rosstat Central Office responsible for methodology and for the presentation of official statistical information to the government, to ministries and agencies and other users  Main computing center responsible for data collection from regional level, data processing and presentation to Rosstat Central Office  Scientific - Research and Project Institute engaged in the development of application software for all stages of technological process At regional level:  Territorial statistical offices (TSO) allocated in regions of the Russian Federation have to ensure statistical data collection, processing, storage and dissemination at the regional level At district level:  District (town) statistical Divisions of TSO are engaged mainly in statistical data collection from enterprises and organizations and presentation to regional level

4 Regional level – 83 Territorial statistical offices (TSO) District level – > 2000 District (town) statistical Divisions of TSO DSD

5 Official Federal Plan of Statistical Works contains more than 400 statistical works More than 20 000 statistical indicators Rosstat generates 60% of total volume of statistical information in Russia 250 statistical forms (questionnaires) including : some 120 – annual, 60 – quarterly, 60 – monthly Number of units under statistical observation comprise more than 3 million Russian Statistics today

6 Unified information system of statistical data collection, processing, storage and dissemination (Rosstat UIS) Main goals Decrease of data collection and processing periodDecrease of data collection and processing period Decrease of labor costDecrease of labor cost Implementation of modern information technologyImplementation of modern information technology Basic principles UnificationUnification AdaptabilityAdaptability

7 Problems and Solutions ProblemsSolutions Various applications for 400 statistical works Single unified software for all statistical works Lack of metadata for system to be adjusted to changes in questionnaires Common Metadata Concept and Rules for Metadata description for collecting, processing and dissemination Different version of classifications…Unified system of classifications Different technologies and user interfaces for statistical works Unified technology and user interface for all works

8 Main information flows of the system of statistical data collection, processing, storage and dissemination Enterprises and organisations District levelRegional levelFederal level WEB Electronic questionnaires Paper questionnaires USERS CSIGUCSIGU Warehouse SDCP of district level SDCP of district level SDCP of regional level SDCP of regional level SDCP of federal level SDCP of federal level

9 Architecture of the system of statistical data collection, processing, storage and dissemination (Rosstat UIS)

10 Subsystem of classifications Data base of classificationsData base of classifications Data base of enterprises and organizationsData base of enterprises and organizations Data base of statistical indicatorsData base of statistical indicators

11 The subsystem of data collection and processing Unified software application for all statistical works - Unified System «STATEC»Unified software application for all statistical works - Unified System «STATEC» Component for electronic data collection from Component for electronic data collection from enterprises enterprises Component for reception (input), verification, processing and table generation Component for reception (input), verification, processing and table generation Metadata baseMetadata base Operating data bases for statistical works ____________________________________Operating data bases for statistical works ____________________________________ DBMS MS SQL ServerDBMS MS SQL Server Client-Server application is based on PowerBuilderClient-Server application is based on PowerBuilder Web-application is based on ASP.NETWeb-application is based on ASP.NET

12 The subsystem of statistical information storage, presentation and dissemination Data Warehouse (DWH) of statistical data have the same structure at federal and regional levels DWH structure is based on Catalog of statistical indicators (CSI) Data marts are generated from DWH for different aims (data dissemination, analysis of selected branches and sectors of the economy) Data dissemination is carried out via web-interface with Central statistical data base (CSDB) on web-site of Rosstat Unified system for internal user access to DWH of statistical data is being developed now _________________________________ DBMS MS SQL Server Applications are based on PowerBuilder, ASP.NET

13 Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) SCREENSHOTS OF SUBSYSTEM

14 Statistical reports collection in electronic mode Respondent logs in to the system selects a statistical form verifies a report saves and sends a report exports a report to MS Word or Adobe PDF fills a form (makes a report) signs a report by digital signature before sending gets the stamp of sending

15 Work 3 Work 2 Work 1 Statistical data processing Basic stages  Data input  Data control  Data processing (aggregation)  Printing output tables Work place for data entry Work place for verification Work place for tables generation

16 Storage and presentation of statistical data Printing from browser MS Excel XML (SDMX) There is ability to find value on name or code Select: Macro or micro data. Catalogue of indicators corresponds to CSI. There is ability to find indicator on name or code. Set of dimensions depends on selected indicators. Values of dimensions has linear or hierarchical structure. There is ability to find а value of dimension on name or code from dictionary. Data arrangement in the output table depends on arrangement of dimensions and measure in the model.

17 Results Unified system of data collection and processing on basis of “STATEC” is used for 400 Statistical works Collection of statistical reports in electronic mode has been implemented for 20% of reporting units Statistical data Warehouse is being loaded with respective data

18 Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat ) THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION !

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