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1 2007 GENDER & WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT UNIT UPDATE REPORT PRESENTED BY Ms. Mmabatho Matiwane HEAD: Gender and Women’s Empowerment Unit Enterprise and Industry.

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1 1 2007 GENDER & WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT UNIT UPDATE REPORT PRESENTED BY Ms. Mmabatho Matiwane HEAD: Gender and Women’s Empowerment Unit Enterprise and Industry Development Division

2 2 Table of contents  Strategic Framework on Gender and Women’s Economic Empowerment  Women Entrepreneurs’ Fund  South African Women Entrepreneurs’ Network (SAWEN)  Technology for Women in Business  National Directory  National Committee of Businesswomen Organizations (NCBWO)  Conferences, Workshops and Seminars  Lobby and Advocacy and Access to Finance Initiatives

3 3 Strategic Framework Strategic Framework on Gender and Women’s Economic Empowerment.  All the provinces and four municipalities around Gauteng Province were extensively consulted as part of developing the Strategic Framework on Gender and Women’s Economic Empowerment.  More than 7000 women and relevant stakeholders participated in the consultation process.  The Framework was also presented to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry and has been finalised and approved by the dti Executive Board.

4 4 Women Entrepreneurs’ Fund Women’s Entrepreneurs Fund  Critical intervention of the Strategic Framework to be housed at the IDC. (also an Investor).  International consultation on lack of women’s access to finance.  Fund model designed and approved by EXBO.  Baseline created and Funds allocated by NT and SWEEEP.  50 Million pledged by the Department. Same amount to be matched by the IDC.  Business plan developed and due to be handed to the IDC for implementation.  MOA due to be signed between the dti and IDC.  Additional funds to be sourced from private investors.

5 5 SAWEN South African Women Entrepreneurs’ Network (SAWEN)  Hosted its first National conference and Annual General Meeting on the 13 Of April 2005 with a record of 1500 delegates attending.  Established the National Committee of Businesswomen Organizations (NCBWO) which consists of Businesswomen Organizations Chairpersons and CEOs.  Appointment of Board of Directors  Recruited six contractual staff members for administrative and coordinating purposes.  Established three provincial offices in Gauteng, Western Cape and KZN respectively (Head office within the dti).  Recruited 1200 fully paid members countrywide

6 6 SAWEN Cont…  More than 700 members participated in capacity building (business related training and skill development).  Mentoring and Coaching programmes conducted with strategic partner, Cosmopolitan Magazine, for Emerging Women Entrepreneurs.  MTN website development training workshops in all the Provinces  Conducted first and second phases research studies titled “South African Women Entrepreneurs” A burgeoning force in our economy (which informed the development of the Strategic Framework).  Currently conducting internal audit and Performance Review (Project Charters already completed).  To be listed as one of the dti’s implementing agencies (COTII) after the above auditing and review has been completed.  Generally, approximately 1200 women participated in SAWEN programmes.

7 7 Technology for Women in Business (TWIB)  Hosted its 10th annual conference and award ceremony last year.  Initiated the following programmes since its inception:  Techno girls: encourages and motivating girl children to choose science and technology studies. Cell C Take a Girl Child to work  Exposed award winners to international markets relevant to their sector of operation as part of the prize  Transfer of TWIB from the CSIR to the dti  Refocused its areas into two areas:  Technology Transfer through SEDA technology Programme (stp)  Entrepreneurial development and support through SAWEN for information and training on ICT & IC skill and business solutions

8 8 Publications National Women’s Directory  One of the proposed interventions in the Strategic Framework and also one of resolutions of the 12 January 2006 “Engendering ASGI-SA workshop.  First edition produced and circulated to all spheres government, Private sector and SOEs.  Say When newsletter published quarterly.  SAWEN magazine published annually

9 9 Conferences, Workshops and Seminars Workshops and Seminars 1. Product Development Workshops 2. Business Grooming Workshops 3. Youth Month Seminars 4. Women’s Month Awareness Campaign 5.16 Days of Activism on Violence Against Woman and Children

10 10 Lobby and Advocacy and Access to markets Initiatives Countries VisitedNo. of Delegation 1. Netherlands19 2. Ireland5 3. UgandaPreparatory visit 4. Ghana15 5. USAUN Session 6. SwedenMinisterial 7. Germany5 8. IndiaState Visit 9. VietnamState Visit 10. DRCWomen’s Day Seminar Outgoing Missions and Visits

11 11 Lobby and Advocacy and Access to markets Initiatives Hosted Missions Countries HostedNo. of delegates 1. Swedish50 2. Netherlands60 3. India100 4. Italy50 Leading Women Entrepreneurs of the World 100

12 12 Conclusion “If the playing field is level and all the rules are clearly defined, we will all excel“. Reverend Jessie Jackson

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