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The Medieval Period.

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1 The Medieval Period

2 Social Structure King and Queen Nobles Knights and Vassals Commoners
Ruled over all of the land except for the Church Nobles Paid taxes to kings for favors and positions at court Position of power over local villages Knights and Vassals Served nobles (militarily or otherwise) in exchange for land Commoners Known as peasants or serfs, did not own land, worked on the Knights and Nobles land

3 Decentralized, local government
KING LORDS (VASSALS TO KING) KNIGHTS (VASSALS TO LORDS) Fief and Peasants Military Aid Food Protection Shelter Food Protection Shelter PEASANTS (SERFS) Pay Rent Farm the Land Homage Military Service Loyalty FEUDALISM: POLITICAL SYSTEM Decentralized, local government Dependent upon the relationship between members of the nobility Lord and his vassals administered justice and were the highest authority in their land MANORIALISM: ECONOMIC SYSTEM Agriculture the basis for wealth Lands divided up into self-sufficient manors Peasants (serfs) worked the land and paid rent In exchange for protection Barter the usual form of exchange

4 Role of Women Unmarried women had some rights:
Enter the convent instead of marry Own property Own small business Women in higher classes had some political power Married women gave over all their rights to their husband when they were married All women worked in some capacity to contribute to society on the whole, jobs depended on social rank (run the home, give birth to sons, manual labor, etc) Violence against women was common Women were naturally sinful according to the Bible (story of Adam and Eve)

5 Feudalism The manor was the lord’s estate.
The manor system was an economic arrangement between a lord and his serfs. The lord would provide serfs with housing, strips of farmland, and protection from bandits. In return, the serfs tended the lord’s lands, cared for his animals, and performed other tasks to maintain the estate. The manor was largely a self-sufficient community.


7 The Church The Catholic Church was the only church in Europe during the Middle Ages, and it had its own laws and large income. Church leaders such as bishops and archbishops sat on the king's council and played leading roles in government. Bishops, who were often wealthy and came from noble families, ruled over groups of parishes called dioceses. The Parish Priest tended to the sick and indigent and taught Latin and the Bible to the youth of the village

8 Characteristics of Medieval Literature
Romance Tells of exploits of knights Often a supernatural element involved Christian message concern with salvation and the world to come only interest in spiritual change Heroism Beowulf Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Literature as moral lesson loyalty to king chivalry

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