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Order ( 순서 ) - Introduction - Description of Seoul frog - Current Status - Help 1 2 – 1 – Team8.

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Presentation on theme: "Order ( 순서 ) - Introduction - Description of Seoul frog - Current Status - Help 1 2 – 1 – Team8."— Presentation transcript:


2 Order ( 순서 ) - Introduction - Description of Seoul frog - Current Status - Help 1 2 – 1 – Team8

3 Introduction 2 2-1-Team8

4 See the Video 3 2-1-Team8 (EBS) We don’t have much time. So we’ll see this video very quickly.

5 Description 1 Where does it live? It lives on the west coast of the low-lying farm l and and rice paddy( 논 ). 4 2-1-Team8 What does it eat? It usually eat duckweed( 개구리밥 ) or loach( 미꾸라지 ).

6 Description 2 Anything else? Its Body length is about 6cm. It can’t jumping far. 5 2-1-Team8 What does it look like? It has two gold lines on his light green back.

7 Current Status 6 2-1-Team8 Is it endangered? No, it isn’t but it’s becoming endangered. How many are there? We don’t know. We can’t found this data. Why is the animal endangered? Because They’re lost their habitat( 서식지 ) by people.

8 How to Help them? 7 2-1-Team8 Why should we care? If It become extinct, our children can’t see this animal and ecosystems are distroyed( 생태계파괴 ). How can we help this animal? We protect their habitat( 서식지 ) and we must not kill it carelessly. How can we help all animals? For the sake of all animals, We practice start small things. The most important thing is interest in endangered animals.

9 8 2-1-Team8 Good things happened to Seoul frog~!

10 9 2-1-Team8

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