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Welcome to London Обобщающий урок по теме «Лондон»

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1 Welcome to London Обобщающий урок по теме «Лондон»

2 This is London

3 1. London is –the capital of Scotland –the capital of Great Britain –the capital of the USA 2. It is –100 years old –1000 years old –2000 years old 3. It stands –on the river Thames –in Hyde Park –on Trafalgar Square 4. The river Thames is –the longest river in England –the longest river in the world –not a long river 5. London has –three parts –2 parts –1 part 6. They are –the City, the Thames, the Tower –the City, the West End, the East End –the City, the Town, the Country 7. The most famous sight is –Red Square –Kirov Street –Nelson’s Column

4 This text is about London. London is the capital of the USA. It is one of the oldest and largest cities of the world. They say that London is one hundred years old. Now London is a big political, industrial and cultural centre. More than one million people live there. London is situated on the river Clyde. The river connects the capital with the sea. London is divided into two parts. They are the City, the West End, the East End. The West End is the richest part of the city with many beautiful shops, hotels, bars and restaurants. The East End is the place where the working people live. The City is the heart of business and commercial life. London is a very young city.

5 Now we are going to the Clock Tower. It has 4 faces and a very big bell. The bell weighs 13 ton. The Clock Tower is 318 feet high. The man who was in charge of building was Sir Benjamin Hall. He was very tall and his friends called him Big Ben, so they called the bell Big Ben too. Albert Hall is the biggest concert hall of London. It was opened in 1870. There are 7000 seats. There were Vagner’s orchestra concerts in the XIX century. Now you can see concerts of London symphony orchestra. There is a monu- ment to Prince Albert near the Albert Hall. Now we are at Buckingham Palace. It is the London home of the Queen. When you see a flag on the top the Queen is at home. It is a beautiful palace. There are 600 rooms. The Ceremony of the Changing the Guards at Buckingham Palace is taking place at 11.30 a.m.

6 Now we are at Buckingham Palace. It is the London home of the Queen. Tourists like to visit it. They enjoy a beautiful ceremony, which takes place at 11.30 daily. The Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace is a great tourist attraction. These Guards wear black caps and red uniform. You can see them in the Queen’s parades too. London is a rich city. There are many shops, cafes, bars in London. People do the shopping every day. They need many things, clothes, food, different things. There is a large shop in London where people can buy everything even dogs and yachts [jots]. There are 330 departments in the shop. When the Queen comes to the shop to do shopping it is closed for the people. The shop was opened in 1849. It was a small shop where 2 shop-assistants worked. Today 5000 people work there. “Harrods” is one of the biggest, richest, the most beautiful shops in the world. It is one of the best places of London. The palace is very rich and has many interesting things.400 people worked here. You can see 300 clocks in it. There is the Queen’s office, a post office, a cinema, a swimming pool there. It has a Portrait Gallery which is visited by the people very often. The Palace is surrounded by a wonderful garden. There is a small lake behind the palace. Pink flamingoes live there. 30000 people visit Buckingham Palace in summer.


8 What city is the capital of the UK? What places would you like to visit? What parks in London do you know? Where is the Speakers’ corner? Where can you see a lot of animals? What animals live in London Zoo? Englishmen like animals, don’t they? Why do people visit London? Where do Black ravens live? What legend about ravens do you know? Who helps English children? Does the Queen live in the Tower? Where does she live? There are many symbols of London. What symbols do you know? What is the largest shop in London?

9 Do you know London well? The Houses of Parliament London ZooMadame Tussaud’s Bloody TowerBritish Museum Mark:

10 True-False 1.You can meet great characters of history and art at Madame Tussauds’ museum. 2.The statue of the famous Peter Pan is in one of London’s parks. 3.There are few parks in London. 4.London is worth visiting 5.Liverpool is the capital of England. 6.The Speaker’s Corner is in Westminster Abbey. 7.London Zoo is in the Tower of London 8.London is a city of all seasons, a city of theatres, shopping, good food as well as being a city with ancient history. Choose 1.You can see the column with a statue of Nelson in a) Piccadilly Circus b) Hyde Park c) Trafalgar Square 2….is a very democratic park. a) Hyde Park b) Regent’s Park c) St. James’s Park 3.London Zoo is in… a) Regent’s Park b) St. James’s Park c) Hyde Park 4. They change the Guards every day at a)9.30 a.m. b)11.30 a.m. c)12 o’clock 5.Piccadilly Circus is the meeting point of a) 5 streets b) 7 streets c) 6 streets 6. Another famous sight outside the Tower of London is the a) pelicans b) ravens c) ducks 7. The London home of the Queen is a) Buckingham Palace b) Westminster Abbey c) Covent Garden

11 Trafalgar Square the center of the West End in memory of Nelson’s victory 1805 Nelson’s Column 51 meters,5 meters meetings, demonstrations the National Gallery

12 The Tower of London old,900 years old Kings lived there a palace, a prison, a zoo, a museum black ravens “as long as there are ravens Great Britain will exist”

13 Westminster Palace The Houses of Parliament The House of Lords The House of Commons The country’s leaders

14 Big Ben The clock tower 4 faces a big bell weighs 13 tons Sir Benjamin Hall

15 Buckingham Palace a flag on the top home of the Queen the ceremony of the Changing of the Guards

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