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Published byMildred Gardner Modified over 9 years ago
Ch. 14: Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods based on Stephen Marsland, Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective. CRC 2009.; C, Andrieu, N, de Freitas, A, Doucet, M, I. Jordan. An Introduction to MCMC for Machine Learning. Machine Learning, Vol. 50, No. 1. pp. 5-43, 2003, and Wikipedia Longin Jan Latecki Temple University
Random Numbers Pseudo-random numbers from uniform distribution: x n+1 = (ax n + c) mod m, a, c, m are parameters, e.g., m=2 32, a=1,664,525, and c=1,013,904,223
Monte Carlo Method While convalescing from an illness in 1946, Stanislaw Ulam was playing solitaire. It, then, occurred to him to try to compute the chances that a particular solitaire laid out with 52 cards would come out successfully (Eckhard, 1987). After attempting exhaustive combinatorial calculations, he decided to go for the more practical approach of laying out several solitaires at random and then observing and counting the number of successful plays. This idea of selecting a statistical sample to approximate a hard combinatorial problem by a much simpler problem is at the heart of modern Monte Carlo simulation. Stanislaw Ulam soon realized that computers could be used in this fashion to answer questions of neutron diffusion and mathematical physics. From An Introduction to MCMC for Machine Learning by: C, Andrieu, N, de Freitas, A, Doucet, M, I. Jordan Machine Learning, Vol. 50, No. 1. pp. 5-43, 2003.
Random Samples and Statistical Models Random Sample: A random sample is a collection of random variables X 1, X 2,…, X N, that that have the same probability distribution and are mutually independent – If F is a distribution function of each random variable X i in a random sample, we speak of a random sample from F. Similarly we speak of a random sample from a density f, e.g., a random sample from an N(µ, σ 2 ) distribution, etc.
Statistical Model for repeated measurements A dataset consisting of values x (1), x (2),…, x (N) of repeated measurements of the same quantity is modeled as the realization of a random sample X 1, X 2,…, X N. The model may include a partial specification of the probability distribution of each X i.
Distribution features and sample statistics Empirical Distribution Function Law of Large Numbers – lim N->∞ P(|F N (a) – F(a)| > ε) = 0 This implies that for most realizations – F N (a) ≈ F(a)
The histogram i.e., the height of histogram on (x-h, x+h] ≈ f(x) We recall that the probability density function (pdf) f of a random variable X is a derivative of the cumulative distribution function (cdf) F(t)=Pr(X<t): In particular, we have
Monte Carlo Principle 1 The idea of Monte Carlo simulation is to draw an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) set of samples {x (1), x (2),…, x (N) } from a target density p(x) defined on a high-dimensional space X. These N samples can be used to approximate the target density with the following empirical point-mass function The convergence is almost sure (a.s.) and denotes the delta-Dirac mass located at x (i). Think about p N (x) as a histogram or kernel density estimate.
Monte Carlo = Sample based pdf approximation Regions of high density have many samples and high weights of samples. Discrete approximation of a continuous pdf:
Samples for a Gaussian Matlab demo
Samples for exponential pdf Matlab demo
Delta-Dirac mass As a probability measure, the delta measure is characterized by its cumulative distribution function, which is the Heaviside function (or unit step function) Plot of H 0 (z) and plot of H c (0) and 00 11
Delta-Dirac function The Dirac delta function as the limit (in the sense of distributions) of the sequence of Gaussians
Kernel Density Estimate Given is set of iid samples {x (1), x (2),…, x (N) } from a density p(x) The convergence is almost sure.
Monte Carlo Principle 2 We can approximate the integrals, e.g., expectations (or very large sums) E( f ) with tractable sums E N ( f ): The convergence is almost sure (a.s.) The N samples can also be used to obtain a maximum of the objective function p(x)
Theorem 1 Let x (i) be iid samples from p(x), then Proof. By the strong law of large numbers, we have We observe that µ is the mean or expected value of function f(x) with respect to the probability density function, while µ N is the mean of f values at the N sample points. This proves the theorem.
Example It is possible to express all probabilities, integrals, and summations as expectations as we illustrate now. Consider a problem (which is completely deterministic) of integrating a function f(x) from a to b (as in high-school calculus). This can be expressed as an expectation with respect to a uniformly distributed, continuous random variable U(a,b) between a and b. U has density function p U (x) = 1/(b - a), so if we rewrite the integral we get Let x (i) be iid samples from U, then
Theorem 2 Let x (i) be iid samples from p(x), then Proof. By Theorem 1, we have We set X=R and f(x)=H x (t) for some t, and obtain the cdf of p(x): Consequently, and
Importance Sampling Sometimes it is hard or impossible to draw samples from p(x). We have a proposal distribution q(x) such that its support includes the support of p(x), i.e., p(x) > 0 ⇒ q(x) > 0 and it is easy to draw samples form q(x). We draw an iid set of samples {x (1), x (2),…, x (N) } from q(x) and define importance weights as Then samples {(x (1), w(x (1) )), {(x (2), w(x (2) )),…, {(x (N), w(x (N) )), } are weighted samples from p(x).
Theorem 3: Importance Sampling We have a proposal distribution q(x) such that its support includes the support of p(x), i.e., p(x) > 0 ⇒ q(x) > 0. We draw an iid set of samples {x (1), x (2),…, x (N) } from q(x) and define importance weights as Then Proof: By Theorem 1 applied to q(x) and f(x)=h(x)w(x): We set X=R and and h(x)=H x (t) and obtain the cdf of p(x): Finally, we have
Importance Sampling 2 When the normalizing constant of p(x) is unknown, it is still possible to apply the importance sampling method: We draw an iid set of samples {x (1), x (2),…, x (N) } from q(x) and define importance weights as Then samples are weighted samples from p(x). Before now
Sampling Importance Resampling (SIR) We draw an iid set of samples {x (1), x (2),…, x (N) } from q(x) and compute the importance weights as Normalize the weights as Resample from the distribution with probabilities given by the weights and again normalize the weights. We obtain weighted samples from p(x):
Sample based pdf representation Regions of high density have many samples and high weights of samples. Discrete approximation of a continuous pdf:
Rejection Sampling 1 Sometimes it is hard or impossible to draw samples from p(x). We can sample from a distribution p(x), which is known up to a proportionality constant, by sampling from another easy-to-sample proposal distribution q(x) that satisfies p(x) ≤ Mq(x), M < ∞, using the accept/reject procedure. The accepted x (i ) can be shown to be sampled with probability p(x).
Rejection Sampling 2 Rejection sampling suffers from severe limitations. It is not always possible to bound p(x)/q(x) with a reasonable constant M over the whole space X. If M is too large, the acceptance probability will be too small. This makes the method impractical in high-dimensional scenarios.
Theorem 4: Rejection Sampling (taken from pdf)pdf
Demo Assignment Suppose that we only have uniform generators at hand and we need samples drawn from a Gaussian distribution, i.e., p(x) = G(0, 1). Use the uniform distribution q(x) = U(-5, 5), to draw samples form G(0, 1). 1.Use rejection sampling to get samples from p(x). 2.Use importance sampling to get samples from p(x). In both cases plot the histogram of samples overlaid on the plot of the original Gaussian. What is the percentage of samples you had to reject with the rejection sampler?
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) MCMC is a strategy for generating samples x(i ) while exploring the state space X using a Markov chain mechanism. This mechanism is constructed so that the chain spends more time in the most important regions. In particular, it is constructed so that the samples x (i ) mimic samples drawn from the target distribution p(x). We recall that we use MCMC when we cannot draw samples from p(x) directly, but can evaluate p(x) up to a normalizing constant. It is intuitive to introduce Markov chains on finite state spaces, where x (i ) can only take s discrete values x (i ) ∈ X = {x 1, x 2,..., x s }. The stochastic process x (i ) is called a Markov chain if
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm We obtain a set of samples {x (1), x (2),…, x (N) } from p(x), as we show on the next set of slides.
Metropolis-Hastings Example. Bimodal target distribution p(x) ∝ 0.3 exp(−0.2x 2 ) + 0.7 exp(−0.2(x − 10) 2 ) Proposal q(x | x(i )) = G(x (i ), 100)
Simulated annealing for global optimization This technique involves simulating a non-homogeneous Markov chain whose invariant distribution at iteration i is no longer equal to p(x), but to Our goal is to find a global maximum
Simulated annealing Example. Bimodal target distribution p(x) ∝ 0.3 exp(−0.2x 2 ) + 0.7 exp(−0.2(x − 10) 2 ) Proposal q(x | x(i )) = G(x (i ), 100)
Gibbs Sampler Gibbs sampler can be viewed as a special case of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. Suppose we have an n-dimensional vector x=(x 1,..., x j,..., x n ). and the expressions for the full conditionals p(x j | x −j ) = p(x j | x 1,..., x j−1, x j+1,..., x n ). In this case, it is often advantageous to use the proposal distribution q defined for j = 1,..., n as The corresponding acceptance probability is: Thus we always accept the new sample.
Gibbs Sampler
Gibbs Sampling x1x1 x2x2 Slide by Ce Liu
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