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Analysis of Algorithm. Why Analysis? We need to know the “behavior” of algorithms – How much resource (time/space) does it use So that we know when to.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of Algorithm. Why Analysis? We need to know the “behavior” of algorithms – How much resource (time/space) does it use So that we know when to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of Algorithm

2 Why Analysis? We need to know the “behavior” of algorithms – How much resource (time/space) does it use So that we know when to use which algorithm – So that two algorithm can be compared whether which one is better, with respect to the situtation

3 Can we? Sure! If we have the algorithm – We can implement it – We can test it with input But… – Is that what we really want? – If you wish to know whether falling from floor 20 of Eng. 4 building would kill you Will you try?

4 Prediction We wish to know the “Behavior” of the algorithm – Without actually trying it Back to the suicidal example – Can you guess whether you survive jumping from 20 th floor of Eng. 4 building? – What about 15 th floor? – What about 10 th floor? – What about 5 th floor? – What about 2 nd floor? – Why?

5 Modeling If floor_number > 3 then – Die Else – Survive (maybe?) Describe behavior using some kind of model, rule, etc.

6 Generalization What about jumping from Central World’s 20 th floor? What about jumping from Empire State’s 20 th floor? What about jumping from Bai Yok’s 20 th floor? Can our knowledge (our analysis of the situation) be applicable on the above questions?

7 Generalization Knowledge from some particular instances might be applicable to another instance

8 Analysis We need something that can tell us the behavior of the algorithm that is… – Useful (give us knowledge without actually doing it) – Applicable (give us knowledge for similar kind of situation) GeneralizationModeling

9 Analysis (Measurement) What we really care? RESOURCE Time (CPU power) Space (amount of RAM)

10 Model Usage of Resource how well does an algo use resource?

11 Model Resource Function Time Function of algorithm A Time Function of algorithm A Space Function of algorithm A Space Function of algorithm A Input ? Time used Space used Size of input

12 Example Inserting a value into a sorted array Input: – a sorted array A[1..N] – A number X Output – A sorted array A[1..N+1] which includes X

13 Algorithm Element Insertion Assume that X = 20 – What if A = [1,2,3]? How much time? – What if A = [101,102,103]? idx = N; while (idx >= 1 && A[idx] > X) { A[idx + 1] = A[idx]; idx--; } A[idx] = X; Usually, resource varies according to size of input

14 Using the Model Time Size of Input best worst average

15 Resource Function Give us resource by “size of input” – Why? Easy to compute Applicable (usually give meaningful, fairly accurate result without much requirement)

16 Conclusion Measurement for algorithm – By modeling and generalization – For prediction of behavior Measurement is functions on the size of input – With some simplification – Best, avg, worst case


18 Comparing two algorithms We have established that a “resource function” is a good choice of measurement The next step, answering which function is “better”

19 What is “better” in our sense? Takes less resource Consider this which one is better? f(x) g(x)

20 Slice f(x) g(x)

21 What is “better” in our sense? which one is better? – Performance is now a function, not a single value – Which slice to use? Can we say “better” based on only one slice? Use the slice where it’s really matter – i.e., when N is large – What is large N? Infinity? – Implication?

22 Comparison by infinite N There is some problem – Usually, – The larger the problem, the more resource used

23 Separation between Abstraction and Implementation

24 Compare by RoG 0 : f(x) grows “slowzer” than g(x) ∞ : f(x) grows “faster” than g(x) else : f(x) grows “similar” to g(x)

25 Growth Rate Comparison 0.5 n 1 log n log 6 n n 0.5 n 3 2 n n! Sometime it is simple Some time it is not

26 l’Hôpital’s Rule Limit of ratio of two functions equal to limit of ratio of their derivative. – Under specific condition

27 l’Hôpital’s Rule If then

28 The problem of this approach What if f(x) cannot be differentiated? Too complex to find derivative

29 Compare by Classing Coarse grain comparison – Another simplification Work (mostly) well in practice Classing

30 Simplification by classification Grading Analogy ScoreGrade >= 80A 70 <= x < 80B 60 <= x < 70C 50 <= x < 60D < 50F

31 Compare by Classification algo

32 Compare by Classification algo Group A Group C Group B Group F Group D grouping

33 Compare by Classification algo Group A Group C Group B Group F Group D Describe “simplified” property >= 80 70 <= x < 80 60 <= x < 70 50 <= x < 60 x < 50

34 Compare by Classification Group by some similar property – Select a representative of the group – Use the representative for comparison If we have the comparison of the representative – The rest is to do the classification

35 Complexity Class

36 Asymptote Something that bounds curves Asymptote Curve

37 Asymptote Remember hyperbola?

38 O-notation O(g(n)) = { f(n) :  positive constants c and n 0, such that  n  n 0, we have 0  f(n)  cg(n) } O(g(n)) = { f(n) :  positive constants c and n 0, such that  n  n 0, we have 0  f(n)  cg(n) } For function g(n), we define O(g(n)), big-O of n, as the set: n0n0 cg(x) f(x) f(x)  O(g(x))

39  -notation  (g(n)) = { f(n) :  positive constants c and n 0, such that  n  n 0, we have 0  cg(n)  f(n) }  (g(n)) = { f(n) :  positive constants c and n 0, such that  n  n 0, we have 0  cg(n)  f(n) } For function g(n), we define  (g(n)), big-Omega of n, as the set: n0n0 cg(x) f(x) f(x)   (g(x))

40  -notation  (g(n)) = { f(n) :  positive constants c 1, c 2, and n 0, such that  n  n 0, we have 0  c 1 g(n)  f(n)  c 2 g(n) }  (g(n)) = { f(n) :  positive constants c 1, c 2, and n 0, such that  n  n 0, we have 0  c 1 g(n)  f(n)  c 2 g(n) } For function g(n), we define  (g(n)), big-Theta of n, as the set: n0n0 c 1 g(x) f(x) c 2 g(x) f(x)   (g(x))

41 Example F(n) = 300n + 10 – is a member of  (30n) – why? let c 1 = 9 let c 2 = 11 let n = 1

42 Another Example F(n) = 300n 2 + 10n – is a member of  (10n 2 ) – why? let c 1 = 29 let c 2 = 31 let n = 11

43 How to Compute? Remove any constant – F(n) = n 3 +2n 2 + 4n + 10 is a member of  (n 3 +n 2 + n) Remove any lower degrees – F(n) = n 3 +2n 2 + 4n + 10 is a member of  (n 3 )

44 Relations Between , , O I.e.,  (g(n)) = O(g(n))   (g(n)) In practice, asymptotically tight bounds are obtained from asymptotic upper and lower bounds. For any two functions g(n) and f(n), f(n) =  (g(n)) if and only if f(n) = O(g(n)) and f(n) =  (g(n)). For any two functions g(n) and f(n), f(n) =  (g(n)) if and only if f(n) = O(g(n)) and f(n) =  (g(n)).

45 Practical Usage We say that the program has a worst case running time of O(g(n)) We say that the program has a best case running time of  (g(n)) We say that the program has a tight-bound running time of  (g(n))

46 Example Insertion sort takes  (n 2 ) in the worst case – Meaning: at worst, insertion sort, takes time that grows not more than quadratic of the size of the input Insertion sort takes  (n) in the best case – Meaning: at best, insertion sort, takes time that grows not less than linear to the size of the input

47 o-notation o(g(n)) = {f(n):  c > 0,  n 0 > 0 such that  n  n 0, we have 0  f(n) < cg(n)}. For a given function g(n), the set little-oh:

48 ω (g(n)) = {f(n):  c > 0,  n 0 > 0 such that  n  n 0, we have 0  cg(n) < f(n)}.  -notation For a given function g(n), the set little-omega:

49 Remark on Notation An asymptotic group is a set – Hence f(n) is a member of an asymptotic group – E.g., f(n)  O( n ) Strictly speaking, f(n) = O( n ) is syntactically wrong But we will see this a lot It’s traditions

50 Comparison of Functions f (n)  O(g(n))  f (n)  g(n) f (n)   (g(n))  f (n)  g(n) f (n)   (g(n))  f (n) = g(n) f (n)  o(g(n))  f (n) < g(n) f (n)   (g(n))  f (n) > g(n) Where, = means grows slower, faster, equally

51 Lost of Trichotomy Trichotomy – given two numbers a,b – Only one of the following must be true a b, a=b For our asymptotic notation – given f(n) and g(n) – it is possible that f(n) != O(g(n)) and f(n) !=  (g(n)) e.g., n, n 1+sin n

52 Properties Transitivity f(n) =  (g(n)) & g(n) =  (h(n))  f(n) =  (h(n)) f(n) = O(g(n)) & g(n) = O(h(n))  f(n) = O(h(n)) f(n) =  (g(n)) & g(n) =  (h(n))  f(n) =  (h(n)) f(n) = o (g(n)) & g(n) = o (h(n))  f(n) = o (h(n)) f(n) = ω(g(n)) & g(n) = ω (h(n))  f(n) = ω (h(n)) Reflexivity f(n) =  (f(n)) f(n) = O(f(n)) f(n) =  (f(n))

53 Properties Symmetry f(n) =  (g(n))  g(n) =  (f(n)) Complementarity f(n) = O(g(n))  g(n) =  (f(n)) f(n) = o(g(n))  g(n) = ω((f(n))

54 Complexity Graphs log(n)

55 Complexity Graphs log(n) n n log(n)

56 Complexity Graphs n 10 n log(n) n3n3 n2n2

57 Complexity Graphs (log scale) n 10 n 20 n 1.1 n 2n2n 3n3n Eventually, 1.1 n will overcome n 10

58 Common Class of Growth Rate constant : Θ( 1 ) logarithmic : Θ( log n ) polylogarithmic : Θ( log c n ), c ≥ 1 sublinear : Θ( n a ), 0 < a < 1 linear : Θ( n ) quadratic : Θ( n 2 ) polynomial : Θ( n c ), c ≥ 1 exponential : Θ( c n ), c > 1

59 Logarithm Base of log is irrelevant – log b n = ( log c n ) / ( log c b ) – log 10 n = ( log 2 n ) / ( log 2 10 ) = Θ( log n ) any polynomial function of n does not matter – log n 30 = 30 log n = Θ( log n )

60 Conclusion Compare which one is better – By comparing their ratio when n approaches infinity – By comparing their asymptotic notation of the resource function Asymptotic notation – What is – Property

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