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Presentation on theme: "ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT DEM 329 MYRNA B. ABALOS Reporter."— Presentation transcript:



3  Direction setting  Competency and Capability building  Culture nurturance  Installing systems, processes and procedures  Achieving the VSOP fit  Morale setting  Provision of proper guidance Seven Pillars of Educ. Dev.

4 Organizational development begins with clarity of vision and well defined goals. Always, the leader must have purpose and direction to guide the shaping and transformation of the organization. The leader must have performance milestones That would measure how far down the road the organization has travelled. Direction Setting

5  The leader’s task is to ensure that the organization has the people with the right technical, managerial and moral capacity to reach those goals. If not, the leader must in stall a continuing capacity-building program that would not only reduce the competency gaps but would, in fact, enable the organization to exceed the performance targets. Competency and Capability Building

6 Culture defines the norms of behavior, values, Personal relationships, professional standards, customs and mores, rites and rituals that the People of an organization believe in and practice. Competency defines the softer dimensions of personal attitudes and human character. Culture Nurturance

7 Culture sets the tone and the “rules of engagement” by which people in the organization conduct themselves. The most competent group of individuals may totally underperform because of an oppressive or “damaged "culture while a less- than-competent team may push itself to the limits because of a highly supportive and empowering culture.

8 Systems are often contained in operating and Administrative Manuals. They are the rules and regulations which govern the actuations of people and the interactions between and among units of the organization Systems emanate from official policy statements as well as informal guidelines on how people should transact with one another. Installing Systems, Processes and Procedures

9 When management practitioners talk about “professionalizing the organization "they are usually referring to a code of behavior that is Standardized in a system, a process, a manual or a set of procedures

10 Organizational Development should work towards the attainment of the Vision-Strategy-Organization-People Fit. Essentially, the Vision, along the Mission, Objectives, Key Result Areas and Performance Indicators(VMOKraPI) constitute the heart and soul of ant Organizational Development. This includes the Strategies,Programs, Activities and Tasks(APAT). Achieving the VSOP Fit

11  All organizations must strive for a strong esprit de corps, which means that organizational morale should be maintained at a high level.  Every person in the organization must think and feel that he or she is part of a winning team that will brave all odds in order to succeed. Morale Raising

12 Organizations need mentors who have the capacity to bring out the best in their mentees as persons and not merely as employees. Mentors are “spirit guides” because the inspire mentees to aspire for their better selves and to go for their greatest goals. Organizations need coaches who will transform people into winning teams by combining the discipline of drills and the derring-do of dreams. Provision of Proper Guidance

13 Leaders and managers must provide guidance to their people as they pursue their career paths within the organization.


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