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The World of Sociology Objective-Reference Handout Bring Textbook Everyday.

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Presentation on theme: "The World of Sociology Objective-Reference Handout Bring Textbook Everyday."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World of Sociology Objective-Reference Handout Bring Textbook Everyday

2 Jigsaw Groups 1 & 5=The Sociological Approach pgs 2-4 Groups 2 & 6=What Sociologists Do pgs 4- 9 Groups 3 & 7=The Development of Sociology pgs 9-15 Groups 4 & 8=Sociology Today pgs 15-21

3 Cornell Notes-12 Minutes Each Group will take Cornell Notes. Create An Essential Question for Your Section (Chapter-What is sociology?) Questions Left Hand Side-Test/Quiz or Questions You Might Have for the Teacher Notes Right Hand Side-Headers, Bullet Points, Spaces Read then work together to create notes. Mods 7-8 Put Desks Back in Rows

4 Cornell Notes-5 Minutes Please move the seats into groups [mods 5/6] and sit with your group. You have 5 minutes to review/complete the cornell notes for your section.

5 Jigsaw-20 Minutes Each member of the group must choose a letter A B C D for Groups 1-4 and E F G H for Groups 5-8 Then each group member will share their notes with the new group. [Teaching] Mods 7/8 please move the desks back into rows.

6 Stations-Section 1 (The Sociological Approach) & 2 (What Sociologists Do) There are 8 stations for each section. Rotations Go Clockwise (To the Right) Complete the questions correctly as you go station to station. Go at your own pace! Half the class will be inside the room and half will be outside the room. Finish the section first then switch.

7 Exit Question What field of study or career would you choose if you decided to become a professional sociologists? Why?

8 The Sociological Approach Sociology-the study of society Study Human Group Behavior and Look for Patterns Very Broad

9 The Sociological Approach People see events personally but many people have similar experiences Sociologists study such events and look for things outside the individuals that influence their behavior

10 The Sociological Approach Social Facts-any social activity or situation that can be observed and measured Used to explain patterns

11 The Sociological Approach Sociological Imagination-way of looking at the world that sees the connections among the seemingly private concerns of individuals and important social issues

12 The Sociological Approach Sociological Imagination-3 Questions 1.Society-What is the particular structure of this society as a whole? What are its essential components, and how are they related to one another?

13 The Sociological Approach Sociological Imagination-3 Questions 2. History-Where does this society stand in human history? What came before, and how is the society changing? How is it different from societies of the past?

14 The Sociological Approach Sociological Imagination-3 Questions 3. People-What kinds of men and women exist in this society today, and how are they changing? In what ways does the society influence them? How are they free, and how are they repressed?

15 The Sociological Approach Social Sciences-are a group of related disciplines that study various aspects of society and human relationships. Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology [Reference Chart Pg. 5]

16 What Sociologists Do Professional Sociologists Teach=High School, College, Universities Advice=Work for business, nonprofit, & government worlds as directors of research, policy analysts, consultants, human resource managers, and program managers Research=With advanced degrees are involved in research analysis, survey research, urban planning, community development, and criminology Counsel=Some have specialized training as counselors, therapists, or program directors in social service agencies

17 Conduct Research Rely on Systematic, Thorough Research Various Techniques-Experiments, observations, & surveys

18 Conduct Research Reliable research must meet two types of standards: 1. It must reflect the scientific method. 2. It must be ethical.

19 The Scientific Method Create a Diagram with your partner.

20 Ethical Concerns Ethics-researchers must consider the principles of conduct concerning what is good or moral or right

21 Ethical Concerns ASA Code of Ethics Professional Competence Integrity Professional and Scientific Responsibility Respect for People’s Rights, Dignity, and Diversity Social Responsibility

22 Apply Sociology 3 main ways in which sociological research and everyday reality intersect

23 Apply Sociology 1.Understanding Issues-can help us better understand today’s issues 2.Overcoming Traditional Barriers-research is objective, sociology can speak to all people, not just to dominant members of a society or group 3.Coming Up with Solutions-if we better understand today’s problems, we have the tools to help solve them.

24 The Development of Sociology Enlightenment-an era in which scientific knowledge was applied to human society Industrial Revolution-First in England, new machines and factory organizations transformed the lives of ordinary people Both the Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution impacted the development of Sociology

25 The Development of Sociology 1.Auguste Comte a.Influenced by French Revolution and Napoleon b.Hoped to understand what was going on c.How can France ever regain stability? & What patterns exist between order and chaos?

26 The Development of Sociology 1.Auguste Comte a.What forces bring order to a society b.What forces bring change? i.Believed social world could be studied with the same scientific accuracy as the natural world

27 The Development of Sociology 2. Herbert Spencer a.Wrote in response to conditions caused by the Industrial Revolution b.How can sociologists explain explain who will become rich and powerful in this new age and who will be left behind?

28 The Development of Sociology 2. Herbert Spencer a.Found answers from Darwin’s work- theory of natural selection b.Believed idea of survival of the fittest could explain social change as well

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