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Presentation on theme: "SUPPLIER SHOWCASE 2014: SUPPLYING INNOVATION SWAG AND GREEN EVENT COMPLIANCE."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE PROBLEM The 2014 Supplier Showcase was certified as a Gold-Level Green Event To raise awareness of Materials Management’s recycling practices and increase engagement in the event’s sustainability efforts Hand out sustainable swag

3 OBJECTIVES Identify goals of Materials Management and of the 2014 Supplier Showcase Research sustainable promotional items that meet the requirements on the Green Event Checklist Identify two different promotional items to be given away to promote engagement Create a logo for Materials Management to be printed on the promotional items.

4 STAKEHOLDERS Primary Stakeholder: Materials Management. promote their recycling policies, and handing out the swag items. increase in the amount of recycled goods coming into their department due to the publicity that this event will provide Primary Stakeholder: Vendors. Uphold the green event standards Attending the other booths, including the Materials Management booth Become more knowledgeable about the recycling program, and hopefully participate by recycling their own used goods. Primary Stakeholder: Faculty/Staff. Attend the event and learn more about the recycling programs Begin recycling items at the event and at their own departments.

5 STAKEHOLDERS CONT’D Secondary Stakeholder: Recycling Processing Companies Responsible for processing the recycling items from the green event See an increase in recycled items as time progresses due to the publicity that the green event will provide Secondary Stakeholders: Suppliers of Swag Items. Secondary Stakeholders Responsible for providing Materials Management with the pens and stickers that will be given out at the Green Event they have no knowledge of the actual event, but they just know that they are providing pens and stickers. This green event will bring them a small amount of business.

6 PROJECT SCOPE The green compliance strategies will be implemented so that the vendors aid in making this event a green event and minimize the ecological footprint. The scope of this project is limited to the 2014 Supplier Showcase on November 4-5th, in which two swag items will be handed out and materials that Materials Management already recycles will be collected at the booth.

7 PROJECT SCOPE The tasks listed in the Objective required the following work and resources: Online research for a half hour and meet with Betty Lombardo for an hour to discuss Green Event requirements. Two hours worth of online research to come to a final decision based on the needs of the Materials Management booth. We are limiting our choice of promotional items to materials handled by Materials Management, like pens and paper. We will suggest a logo for the Materials Management design team to create. Contact Materials Management and encourage them to explain to vendors their role in recycling at the event, and the preparations they need to have prior to the event.

8 ACCOMPLISHMENTS – SWAG ITEMS Materials Management will supply the attendees of the 2014 Supplier Showcase with pens and stickers made from recycled materials. Cardboard pens from Stickers made from 100% Recycled Fiber Content, 30% Post-Consumer Waste by Greenprinter ©

9 ACCOMPLISHMENTS – LOGO Simple logo with words and graphics that show the sustainability efforts and theme of the event. We suggest something similar to B2P that shows the process that made the swag items and then add the title and theme of this years event.

10 ACCOMPLISHMENTS – GREEN EVENT STANDARDS Materials Management booth will have a recycle bin for attendees to recycle paper, pens, plastics, and other materials that Materials Management recycles for ASU A separate, student-run booth to educate attendees on specialty items Each booth will be asked about take-back programs or packaging reduction programs. At the end of the event, Materials Management will send each vendor (via PDF) a fact sheet on how to have a sustainable vendor table, including using FSC paper, reducing swag items, and other tips.


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