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Company Confidential 1 1 A Course on COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS Prepared for: *Stars* New Horizons Certified Professional Course.

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Presentation on theme: "Company Confidential 1 1 A Course on COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS Prepared for: *Stars* New Horizons Certified Professional Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company Confidential 1 1 A Course on COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS Prepared for: *Stars* New Horizons Certified Professional Course

2 2 Overview Introduction to Computers Characteristics of Computers History/Evolution Generation Of Computers CONTENTS

3 3 UNIT-1 Introduction to Computers Classification of computers Applications of Computers Number Systems, Number Conversions, Logic Gates Overview

4 4 Unit II Computer Organization Memory Units Input Devices Output Devices Overview Cont.

5 5 UNIT-III Introduction To Computer Software Operating system Problem solving Techniques Translators Computer Programming languages Computer Threats Overview Cont.

6 6 UNIT-IV Office automation Tools MS Word Excel MS PowerPoint MS Access Overview Cont.

7 7 UNIT-V Network Fundamentals Internet Net Surfing/Net Browsing Overview Cont.

8 8 Overview Introduction to Computers Characteristics of Computers History/Evolution Generation Of Computers Contents

9 9 Definition: Its an electronic Device that is used for information Processing. Computer.. Latin word.. compute Calculation Machine A computer system includes a computer, peripheral devices, and software Introduction to Computers

10 10 Accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output Input refers to whatever is sent to a Computer system Data refers to the symbols that represent facts, objects, and ideas Processing is the way that a computer manipulates data A computer processes data in a device called the central processing unit (CPU) Introduction to Computers

11 11 Memory is an area of a computer that holds data that is waiting to be processed, stored, or output Storage is the area where data can be left on a permanent basis Computer output is the result produced by the computer An output device displays, prints or transmits the results of processing Introduction to Computers

12 12 Computer Performs computations and makes logical decisions Millions / billions times faster than human beings Computer programs Sets of instructions for which computer processes data Hardware Physical devices of computer system Software Programs that run on computers Introduction to Computers

13 13 Capabilities of Computers Huge Data Storage Input and Output Processing Introduction to Computers

14 14 Characteristics of Computers High Processing Speed Accuracy Reliability Versatility Diligence Introduction to Computers

15 15 Introduction to Computers

16 16 Before the 1500s, in Europe, calculations were made with an abacus Invented around 500BC, available in many cultures (China, Mesopotamia, Japan, Greece, Rome, etc.) In 1642, Blaise Pascal (French mathematician, physicist, philosopher) invented a mechanical calculator called the Pascaline In 1671, Gottfried von Leibniz (German mathematician, philosopher) extended the Pascaline to do multiplications, divisions, square roots: the Stepped Reckoner None of these machines had memory, and they required human intervention at each step History Of Computers

17 17 In 1822 Charles Babbage (English mathematician, philosopher), sometimes called the “father of computing” built the Difference Engine Machine designed to automate the computation (tabulation) of polynomial functions (which are known to be good approximations of many useful functions) Based on the “method of finite difference” Implements some storage In 1833 Babbage designed the Analytical Engine, but he died before he could build it It was built after his death, powered by steam History Of Computers

18 18 Generations of Computers Back to Index Introduction To Computers

19 19 Generation of Computers First Generation (1946-59) Second Generation(1957-64) Third Generation(1965-70) Fourth Generation(1970-90) Fifth Generation(1990 till date ) Introduction To Computers

20 20 Generation 0: Mechanical Calculators Generation 1: Vacuum Tube Computers Generation 2: Transistor Computers Generation 3: Integrated Circuits Generation 4: Microprocessors Introduction To Computers

21 21 Introduction To Computers

22 22 Introduction To Computers Some Pictures…..

23 23 The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was unveiled in 1946: the first all-electronic, general-purpose digital computer Generation 1 : ENIAC

24 24 The use of binary In the 30s Claude Shannon (the father of “information theory”) had proposed that the use of binary arithmetic and boolean logic should be used with electronic circuits The Von-Neumann architecture CPUMemory I/O System

25 25 Generation 2: IBM7094

26 26 Seymour Cray created the Cray Research Corporation Cray-1: $8.8 million, 160 million instructions per seconds and 8 Mbytes of memory Generation 3: Integrated Circuits

27 27 Improvements to IC technology made it possible to integrate more and more transistors in a single chip SSI (Small Scale Integration): 10-100 MSI (Medium Scale Integration): 100- 1,000 LSI (Large Scale Integration): 1,000- 10,000 VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration): >10,000 Microprocessors Generation 4: VLSI

28 28 The term “Generation 5” is used sometimes to refer to all more or less “sci fi” future developments Voice recognition Artificial intelligence Quantum computing Bio computing Nano technology Learning Natural languages Generation 5?

29 29

30 30 Computer fundamentals Data Representation in Computers

31 31 Objectives Introduction (Bit, Byte, KB, MB, GB) The Decimal Number System The Binary Number System Number Conversion between Number Systems Data Storage Binary Arithmetic Unit of Information

32 32 Data Representation Data is stored in a computer in binary format as a series of 1s and 0s. Computers use standardized coding systems (such as ASCII) to determine what character or number is represented by what series of binary digits. Data is stored in a series of 8-bit combinations called a byte. Every letter, number, punctuation mark, or symbol has its own unique combination of ones and zeros.

33 33 Data Representation On Off A bit or binary digit has one of two values, zero or one A byte is the smallest addressable unit of memory (8 bits) ASCII provides for 256 (or 2 8 ) characters –01000001 – A –01000010 – B –etc.

34 34 Memory Bits and Bytes 8 Bits = 1 Byte

35 35 Memory Bits and Bytes Bits are switches turned ‘on’ or ‘off’ ON bits are said to be in a 1 state OFF bits are said to be in a 0 state

36 36 Memory Bits and Bytes ON bits are said to be in a 1 state OFF bits are said to be in a 0 state 0 0011100 Combination of 1’s and 0’s represent the letters, numbers, and special characters. Allows for 256 combinations.

37 37 Bits and Bytes 8 bits = 1 Byte (1 keyboard character) 1,024 bytes = 1 Kilobyte (1KB) 1,024 K = 1 Megabyte (MB) 1,024 MB = 1 Gigabyte (GB)

38 38 Memory Transient (erased when power turned off) –Consider a UPS (uninterrupted power supply) Measured in bytes –1 Kilobyte = 2 10 characters (~1,000 bytes) –1 Megabyte = 2 20 characters (~1,000,000 bytes) –1 Gigabyte = 2 30 characters (~1,000,000,000 bytes) Need 256Mb or 512Mb of RAM –Keep multiple programs & data files in memory –Graphic-intensive programs demand a lot of memory The Original PC had 16Kb of memory

39 39 The Decimal Number System In the decimal system use from 0 to 9 We consider the number: 365 (3x100) + (6x10) + (5x1) = 365 (3x10 2 ) + (6x10 1 ) + (5x10 0 ) = 365 Thus as we move one position to the left, the value of the digit increases by ten times The value of each digit in the number system is determined by: -The digit itself -The position of the digit in the number itself -The base/radix of the system

40 40 The Binary Number System The binary number system has a base of two, and symbols used are 0 and 1. Example: 1010 (1x8) + (0x4) + (1x2) + (0x1) = 1010 (1x2 3 ) + (0x2 2 ) + (1x2 1 ) + (0x2 0 ) = 1010 Thus as we move to the left the value of the digit will be two times greater than its predeccessor. The value of the places are:   64  32  16  8  4  2  1

41 41 Converting Binary to Decimal The decimal equivalent of 110100 is (1x32) + (1x16) + (0x8) + (1x4) + (0x2) + (0x1) = 32 + 16 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 0 = 52

42 42 Converting Decimal To Binary In conversion from decimal to any other number system, the steps to be followed are: -Divide the decimal number by the base of the requred number system -Note the remainder in one column and divide the qoutient again with the base. Keep repeating this process until the quotient is reduced to a zero -Reading off the remainder in the reverse order of them being written down will give us the required number.

43 43 Example: Convert the decimal number 52 to its binary equivalent 252 226 213 206 203 201 200 0 0 1 0 1 1 Thus the binary equivalent of the decimal number 52 is 110100 Converting Decimal To Binary

44 44 Hardware and Software Chapter 2 Back to Index

45 45 Learning Objectives –Identify and discuss the role of the essential hardware components of a computer system. –List and describe popular classes of computer systems and discuss the role of each. –Outline the role of the operating system and discuss how operating systems have evolved over time. –Identify and briefly describe the functions of the two basic kinds of software.

46 46 Computer System Components Math calculations Access, decode, coordinate instructions Hold program instructions and data

47 47 Hardware Components in Action Instruction phase –Step 1: Fetch instruction –Step 2: Decode instruction Execution phase –Step 3: Execute the instruction –Step 4: Store the results

48 48 Execution of an Instruction

49 49 Processing and Memory Devices

50 50 Processing Characteristics and Functions Machine cycle time: Time to execute the instruction phase Clock speed: –Rate at which electronic pulses are produces. –Measured in MHz Wordlength –Bit (Binary digiT): 0 or 1 –Unit for moving data –Wordlength: The number of bits a CPU can process in a unit time –32-64 bit processors

51 51 Number of Bytes

52 52 Types of Memory (1) Random access memory (RAM) –Volatile –Extended Data Out (EDO) RAM –Dynamic Ram (DRAM) –Synchronous DRAM: Faster transfer speed between memory and processor

53 53 Types of Memory (2) Read-only memory (ROM) –Non-volatile –Permanent data and instructions from manufacturer –Types PROM: Programmable EPROM: Erasable programmable

54 54 Basic Types of Memory Chips

55 55 Secondary Storage and Output Devices

56 56 Cost Comparisons for Various Forms of Data Storage

57 57 Secondary Storage Access Methods Sequential access –Access in the same order it was written –Ex: Need to access memory location 5. Then, you need to go through 1, 2, 3, and 4 first. Direct access –Directly access the location –Faster than sequential access Sequential access storage devices (SASD) Direct access storage devices (DASD)

58 58 Secondary Storage Devices (1) Magnetic tapes: Similar to audio tapes, SASD Magnetic discs: Hard disk, DASD RAID: Redundant array of independent inexpensive disks –Data stored more than once in one of the disks –Even if one disk fails, data can still be retrieved SAN: Storage area network –Consist of many storage devices Optical discs, DASD –CD-ROM

59 59 Secondary Storage Devices (2) Magneto-optical discs Digital versatile discs (DVD): Up to 17 GB storage Memory cards –Installed in a slot –Portable Expandable storage: Removable disk cartridges –Portable –Zip drives

60 60 Types of Secondary Storage

61 61 Hard Disc

62 62 Storage Area Network

63 63 Digital Versatile Disc Player

64 64 Expandable Storage

65 65 Comparison of Secondary Storage Devices

66 66 Input Devices Personal computer input devices –Keyboard –Mouse Voice-recognition devices –Microphone –Software to convert voice into bits Digital computer cameras –Record images and video Terminals –Connects to a powerful server for computations Scanning devices –Page –Handheld Touch-sensitive Screens

67 67 A PC Equipped with a Computer Camera

68 68 Output Devices Display Monitors –Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) –Wide –Lights up pixels Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) –Flat panel Printers and Plotters –Speed measured in pages (page printed per minute) Music Devices –MP3 Players

69 69 Laser Printer

70 70 Types of Computer Systems

71 71 Overview of Software

72 72 Overview of Software Computer programs: Sequences of instructions Documentation: Describe program functions Systems software: Coordinate the activities of the hardware Computer system platform: –Hardware configuration + systems software Application software: Programs that help users with certain tasks

73 73 Classifying Software by Type and Sphere of Influence

74 74 Systems Software

75 75 Operating Systems Perform common computer hardware functions –Ex: Get input from keyboard Provide a user interface –Command-based user interface (ms-dos) –Graphical-user interface (windows) Provide a degree of hardware independence –Application program interface Manage system memory –Convert logical view to physical view

76 76 Operating Systems Manage processing tasks –Allocate computer resources –Multitasking (run more than once application at a time) –Time-sharing (allow multiple access to a system) Provide networking capability –Enable connection to the Internet Control access to system resources –Authentication Manage files –Access to files

77 77 Role of the Operating System

78 78 Application Program Interface

79 79 Workgroup Operating Systems Windows 2000 Server Unix Netware Red Hat Linux Mac OS X Server

80 80 Application Software

81 81 Sources of Software

82 82 Proprietary and Off-the-Shelf Software

83 83 Examples of Personal Productivity Software

84 84 Word Processing Program

85 85 Spreadsheet Program

86 86 Database Program

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