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FREE ICE CREAM Tuesday May 13 (4-8pm). Nervous System Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "FREE ICE CREAM Tuesday May 13 (4-8pm). Nervous System Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 FREE ICE CREAM Tuesday May 13 (4-8pm)

2 Nervous System Unit

3 Alzheimer’s Disease Memory loss Confusion Problems speaking, understanding Time/place? Misplacing things Mood swings Personality change (suspiciousness) Lack of interest

4 Alzheimer’s Disease What do you notice about the different brain scans?

5 CT/MRI scan machine

6 Unit Goals 1.Structures and functions of nervous system 1.Neurons: Role of neurons in transmitting electrochemical impulses 1.Three types of neurons a) Sensory neurons b) Interneurons c) Motor neurons

7 1. Structures and Functions Structures: brain spinal cord peripheral nerves neurons Functions: Body’s response to internal/external stimuli Control body functions Communication

8 1. Fun brain facts! 2% of body’s weight Uses 20% of body’s blood supply Dieting can cause brain to eat itself!

9 1. Fun spinal cord facts! 8 cervical nerves 12 thoracic nerves 5 lumbar nerves

10 1. Fun facts about nerves! Sciatic nerve = longest and widest nerve in your body! Runs down lower back and down the entire leg.

11 1. Fun fact! Human sciatic nerve –4 feet Giraffe sciatic nerve –8.5 to 10 feet

12 2. What is a neuron? Neuron = Nerve cell Carry messages Electrical Chemical Called impulses Three types Sensory Interneuron Motor

13 It’s almost Friday!

14 Review! Neuron Anatomy Cell body Nucleus Dendrites Axon Myelin sheath Nodes Axon terminals

15 Impulse carried from neuron to neuron!

16 Fun fact! Neurons in the brain look strikingly similar to images of the universe!

17 Divisions of Nervous System Central Nervous System brain spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System Sensory neurons Motor neurons

18 2. Neurons- Electrochemical Impulses Impulse = Two signals 1)Electrical signal 1)Chemical signal

19 3. Three types of neurons SENSORY INTERNEURON MOTOR

20 3. Three types of neurons Sensory neurons: carry information… From sensory organs (eye, ears, skin) From sensory receptors (temperature, pressure, pain) To brain or spinal cord

21 3. Three types of neurons Interneurons: connect neurons Found in… Brain Spinal cord

22 3. Three types of neurons Motor neurons Carries information… From: brain spinal cord To: Muscles (hand, leg) Glands (sweat, oil)

23 Video- “Brain Power: From Neurons to Networks” Essential question: How are our neuron networks like the internet?


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