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School Choice Program Tewksbury Township School District 1.

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1 School Choice Program Tewksbury Township School District 1

2 What is School Choice The program is designed to increase educational opportunities for students and their families by providing students with the option of attending a public school outside their district of residence without cost to their parents. 2

3 Why School Choice? Provides additional educational options to parents. Provides for a greater amount of diversity in school populations. Counters declining enrollment trends. Provides additional revenue to receiving school districts. The potential expansion of specialized programs. 3

4 Choice School Feedback Feedback from Gateway Regional School District As a small district with less than 1,000 students, welcoming choice students has allowed the continuation of a wide range of academic courses and extracurricular activities. Choice funding has enabled Gateway to increase the integration of technology in classrooms and provide additional support services for students in need. The blending of varied education and cultural experiences from both choice and resident students has created a diverse environment for the entire Gateway community. Steven Hindman, Principal, Gateway Regional High School TTSD 4

5 Choice School Feedback Feedback from South Hunterdon Regional School District: We sought tuition students, knowing we had a lot to offer, but we think prospective parents found the dual requirements of paying tuition and transporting their children daunting. By moving aid to receiving districts and helping with transportation costs, School Choice removed two significant barriers for parents seeking alternatives for their kids. We were thrilled to finally open our nurturing educational haven to more of the state’s young people! And thanks to School Choice, all of our students are now members of a diverse learning community that that more closely approximates the global reality. Marie Collins, South Hunterdon Regional High School District Board Member TTSD 5

6 6

7 2013/142014/152015/16 K58 16058 2646058 3616460 4696164 5826961 682 69 79382 8849382 Totals653627592 Enrollment Projections 7

8 Three Year Plan: Number of Seats 8 Grade Level2013/142014/152015/16 K222 110 2111 3 1 4 5 55 6525 7255 8515

9 2013/142014/152015/16 K60 170 26571 3 7572 4798180 5878991 6878994 7959294 8899697 Totals703723729 Three Year Plan: Choice Enrollment 9

10 N0 Choice Vs. Choice 10


12 Three Year Plan: Class Sizes 12 Grade Level2013/142014/152015/16 K (3 Sec.) 20 1 (4 Sec.) 17.5 2 (3 Sec.) 21.7 (3 Sec.) 23.7 3 (4 Sec.) 17.8 (4 Sec.) 18.8 (4 Sec.) 18 4 (4 Sec.) 19.8 (4 Sec.) 20.3 (4 Sec.) 20 5 (5 Sec.) 17.4 (5 Sec.) 17.8 (5 Sec.) 18.2 6 (5 Sec.) 17.4 (5 Sec.) 17.8 (5 Sec.) 18.8 7 (5 Sec.) 19 (5 Sec.) 18.4 (5 Sec.) 18.8 8 (5 Sec.) 17.8 (5 Sec.) 19.2 (5 Sec.) 19.4

13 2013/142014/152015/16 K222 11012 211113 3101112 4102016 552030 65725 721012 85315 Totals5096137 Three Year Plan: Choice Students Per Grade Level 13

14 Percentage of Choice Students 14 7.1%

15 Three Year Plan: Potential Revenue 15 Funding calculated using the adequacy budget local levy per pupil amount divided by the resident enrollment.

16 Acceptance Process There must be existing space in the grade or program to be entered. Student must reside in the 20 mile radius. Review of educational records / IEPs. Review of disciplinary records. Determine the desire on the part of the student and the student’s parent(s)/ guardian(s) to attend. 16

17 Public Information Process Nov. 1, 2012 to Jan. 15, 2013 Develop application procedures and brochures Board approved policy and regs Choice web page and open house Jan. 15, 2013 to Jan. 31, 2013 Press release Application process begins February, 2013 Application process continues Parent tours of schools Web page updated with FAQs March to June, 2013 Final application processing June to August, 2013 New student orientation 17

18 Challenges 18 Some marketing costs. Time spent on the application process. Time spent on administering the student selection process. Time spent on advertising and orientation programs. Meeting the needs of an increasingly diverse school population. Transportation logistics.

19 Summary 19 Provides the Tewksbury SD with an option to the declining enrollment trend. Increases the diversity of the school population. Helps to promote Tewksbury as an exemplary school district. Provides for significant additional revenue.


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