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Advanced Interpersonal Skills For Customer Service Queens University Library April 2006.

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2 Advanced Interpersonal Skills For Customer Service Queens University Library April 2006

3 What vs. How What – content, data/information, stuff on paper How – process, talking to each other, influence, action, dealing with difficult people, working together, etc. Effective Communication = Achieving goals/objectives

4 Emotions & Communication in Customer Service Context Understanding and being understood by others Managing our emotions/ reactions: o Start with yourself o What is my role? – What can I do? o My limitations – Do I have the whole picture? o Self Awareness – Coping, support, locus of control

5 What Makes Communication Effective? Objective based communication - What do you want? Managing perceptions - Perception is Fact Eliminating Ambiguity & Understanding

6 What Do You Want? Venting/reacting vs. What you want Not what you don’t want Justice/fairness vs. goal/objective Why ask why?

7 Managing Perceptions You are what others see Rather than debate it…address it! How? ….Ask!

8 Perception is Fact

9 Ambiguity & Effective Communication Often Respect Difficult Listen “Deal with” difficult person

10 Eliminating Ambiguity Throw it back to confirm Ask Don’t use “understand”

11 Common Barriers Blame, fault & personal responsibility Focussing on obstacle vs. objective The danger of self-fulfilling prophecies and assumptions Action vs. reaction & getting “hooked”

12 How Does This Affect You? Frustrations you have in communicating with others? When you are trying to get clarity on something? When you are giving direction/instruction? When you are explaining limitations? When you are trying to change “how” others talk to you? When “dealing with” difficult students/others?

13 Practical Ideas Managing perceptions and expectations – Know yourself - we all have learning to do – “I” vs. “You” – ownership – Talk about what you can do, not what you can’t do Focus on what you want – Ask self “What does success look like here?”

14 More Practical Ideas Accept personal responsibility – End blame and fault – Take initiative – Don’t try to change others - you can’t! Aim to “Manage” conflict – Winning or solving - make the choice – Focus on problem not person – Avoid defensiveness – Choose your battles

15 More Practical Ideas Up Front & Overt Communication No Mind Reading Stop “Fishing”! The Hard Stuff is The Most Useful

16 More Practical Ideas Use questions to listen, clarify and understand your own perspective and those of others – Everyone’s favorite topic – Create accountability – Unpack ambiguity - end misunderstanding

17 Some Final Thoughts Be The Change You Want To See In Others! If You Want Different Stuff, Ya Gotta Do Different Stuff!

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