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Resident As Teacher: An Interactive Workshop Mike Epter, DO Elise Lovell, MD Todd Guth, MD Terez Malka, MD Chadd Kraus, DO.

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Presentation on theme: "Resident As Teacher: An Interactive Workshop Mike Epter, DO Elise Lovell, MD Todd Guth, MD Terez Malka, MD Chadd Kraus, DO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resident As Teacher: An Interactive Workshop Mike Epter, DO Elise Lovell, MD Todd Guth, MD Terez Malka, MD Chadd Kraus, DO

2 Objectives Discuss benefits of the resident-as-teacher role Practice 2 learner-centered techniques for clinical teaching Review tips for effectively managing different learners Identify pearls and pitfalls of bedside teaching

3 “Ideal” Clinical Teacher Stimulating Encouraging Competent Communicates Well-read Morrison EH, Hitchcock MA, Harthill M, et al. The On-line Clinical Teaching Perception Inventory: A “Snapshot” of Medical Teachers. Fam Med 2005;37(1):48-53.

4 Characteristics Farthest from Ideal... Correcting Directive Conventional Cautious Controlling

5 Importance of RAT Training More than 1/3 of medical student clinical learning from residents 1 Teaching leads to better knowledge acquisition than self- study or lectures 2 RAT training increases resident confidence, teaching ability, and student evaluations 3 1.Bing-You RG, Sproul MS. Medical students’ perceptions of themselves and residents as teachers. Med Teach. 1999;14:133-138. 2.Weiss V, Needlman R. To teach is to learn twice: Resident teachers learn more. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1998;152:190-92. 3.Post RE, Quattlebaum G, Benich JJ. Residents-as-Teachers Curricula: A Critical Review. Acad Med. 2009; 84:374–380.

6 Clinical Teaching Techniques Microskills/One Minute Preceptor: 1.Get a Commitment 2.Probe for Supporting Evidence 3.Teach a General Principle 4.Reinforce What Was Done Well 5.Correct Mistakes 6.Identify Next Learning Steps Adapated from: Neher JO, Gordon KC, Meyer B, et al. A Five-Step “Microskills” Model of Clinical Teaching. J Am Board Fam Pract 1992;5:419-24.

7 Clinical Teaching Techniques SNAPPS 1.Summarize the case 2.Narrow the differential 3.Analyze the differential 4.Probe the preceptor 5.Plan management 6.Select an issue for self directed learning Wolpaw TM, Wolpaw DR, Papp KK. SNAPPS: a learner-centered model for outpatient education. Acad Med 2003;78(9):893-898

8 Small Group Breakouts

9 Learner Style Assessment

10 Debrief and Questions

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