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EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Lessons Learned from the Little Way Learning Community: Teaching Vocation and Discernment Across the Curriculum Dr. Melanie-Préjean.

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Presentation on theme: "EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Lessons Learned from the Little Way Learning Community: Teaching Vocation and Discernment Across the Curriculum Dr. Melanie-Préjean."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Lessons Learned from the Little Way Learning Community: Teaching Vocation and Discernment Across the Curriculum Dr. Melanie-Préjean Sullivan Director of Campus Ministry

2 EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Background Theology of Discernment, 2008 (98 th percentile) Whispers, Nudges and a Couple of Kicks, 2009 CIC Network for Vocational Undergraduate Education conference, Indianapolis, 2013 Knights of the Round Table, 2013 Little Way Learning Community Grant, 2014-2016 Future Plans: YOU

3 EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Knights of the Round Table September 17, 2014 - Frazier Hall 4 pm

4 EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Ideas Imbedded within the Grant Explore the world. Start within. What DOES that mean? Avoid silo effect (BMS) spiritual/religious/ theological/not my field What is discernment? How do/can we practice, transmit, teach such skills within our respective disciplines?

5 EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Discernment Questions to Ponder The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet. ― Frederick Buechner, Wishful Thinking: A Theological ABCFrederick BuechnerWishful Thinking: A Theological ABC What do you LOVE to do? (self) At what are you very GOOD? (others) What does the world need?

6 EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Practical skills for classroom use Journal prompts Mindfulness; intentional silence Free writing, in-class assignments Interviews Research Spiritual Autobiography Theology Reflection…Ultimate Question, SO WHAT?

7 EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. SO WHAT ? For me to be a saint means to be myself. Therefore the problem of sanctity and salvation is in fact the problem of finding out who I am and of discovering my true self. ~Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation

8 EXPLORE THE WORLD. START WITHIN. Resources  Thomas Del Prete. Thomas Merton and the Education of the Whole Person.  Christine M. Bochen. Thomas Merton Essential Writings  James Martin, SJ. Becoming Who You Are  Peter Senge, et al. Presence. An exploration of profound change in people, organizations, and society.  Andrew Newberg et al. Why God won’t Go Away. Brain science and the biology of belief  Minna Proctor. Do You Hear What I Hear? An unreligious writer investigates religious calling.  Tim Clydesdale. The Purposeful Graduate. Why colleges must talk to students about vocation  Sharon Daloz Parks. Big Questions, Worthy Dreams  Wilkie and Noreen Cannon Au. The Discerning Heart. Exploring the Christian Path  Edward P. Hahnenberg. Awakening Vocation. A Theology of Christian Call.  Melanie-Prejean Sullivan. Whispers, Nudges, and a Couple of Kicks. A guide for those who teach and practice discernment

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