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Roaring Twenties By: Jacina Steele. Popular Music  Jazz on radio & phonographs  Musicals  Lights on Broadway: –No-no Nanette –Show Boat –Rosalie –Runnin’

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1 Roaring Twenties By: Jacina Steele

2 Popular Music  Jazz on radio & phonographs  Musicals  Lights on Broadway: –No-no Nanette –Show Boat –Rosalie –Runnin’ Wild

3 Movies  The Jazz Singer  Broadway Melody

4 Singers  Sophie Tucker  Fanny Brice  Helen Morgan  *Paul Whiteman “King of Jazz” #1 Hit.

5  18 th Amendment went into effect ; selling possession, consumption of alcoholic beverages  End of World War I  U.S political focused on social and cultural issues1913-1921-Woodrow Wilson  1921-1923-Warren G Harding  1929-1933- Herbert Hoover  Overseas: There was war & Resolutions  Home: Strikes, growing fear of radicals & terrostist

6 Speeches  1920 > Crystal Eastman “Now We Can Begin”  1921/1922> Margaret Higgins Sanger “The Morality of Birth Control”  1924> Clarence Seward “Mercy for Leopold and Loed”  1925>Margaret Higgins Sanger “The Children Era”

7 Women  August 23 > Tennessee Legislator The Federal Suffrage Amendment –Women fight over their rights *Freedom is a large word in the 1920’s  Feminist are socialist, many were communist  Women weren't treated right  Wanted Freedom Wanted to be independent just like the men

8 Businesses  Large New Profit ; Factories and Wages Rises  Henry Ford – discount grocery store  Incomes Increased  The Number of Millionaires grew upon tax reports, 21 Individuals with income over 1 Million Dollars in 1921, 75 in 1924 207 in 1926 15000 in 1927

9 Scientist  Diabetes: Frederick Grant Banting ( 1891-1941) and Charles Herbert Best ( 1899-1978) >Insulin: which regulates blood sugar levels, ricks of Coma and Death  Albert Einstein(1879-1955): won Nobel Prize in Physics (1921), Soon published “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” -Migrated to the U.S in 1933, Taught at Princeton University -Vitamin E was discovered : Dr. Herbert McLean Evans In antioxidants, foods

10 Facts  Tutankhamens Bomb: Nov 4,1922  Baby Austin (1922-1941)  British Broadcasting Company (1922)  Innovation of Immunization (1923)  Beginning of Frozen Food (1925)  Television (1926)  Penicillin Discovered (1928)

11 Books  The Diary of a Young Girl by : Anne Frank  The Screwtape Letters by : C.S. Lewis  Ulysses by : James Joyce  The Age of Innocence by : Edith Wharton  The Mysterious Affair At Styles ( Hercules Poriot #1 ) by : Agatha Christie  The Side of Paradise by : F. Scott Fitzgerald

12 Historical Events  American Art Deco – Exhibiitions, furniture, silver, ceramics, textiles. Architecture, jewerly, painting and Black and White illustrations  Art Movemenets  1925 Year in Review – Texas net Museum of Art

13  106,521,537 people in the United States  2,132,000 unemployed, unemployed 5.2%  Life epectancy : Male 53.6, Female : 54.6  Average annual earnings $1236  Teachers salary $970  Gangland crimes murder, swindles and racketeering  Took 13 days to reach California from New York

14 Then (1920’s)Now (2013) Gas Prices$0.13$3.66 Bread$0.12$1.88 Milk$0.33$2.79 Eggs$0.47$1.54 Movie Tickets$0.25$7.00 Music$1.00-1.50$30.00 High School Requirements

15  Only 17 guns fro 1920 to 1929 in the Military Factory






21  ml ml  ne1920.html ne1920.html

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