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Medical Library Association 2008 Chicago, IL Maria Elizabeth Collins National Library of Medicine, NIH/HHS DOCLINE Update.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Library Association 2008 Chicago, IL Maria Elizabeth Collins National Library of Medicine, NIH/HHS DOCLINE Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Library Association 2008 Chicago, IL Maria Elizabeth Collins National Library of Medicine, NIH/HHS DOCLINE Update

2 Agenda DOCLINE today Recent enhancements Changes currently in progress Upcoming development plans Emergency Access Initiative

3 DOCLINE Today 3,145 libraries participating Over 1.51 million serial holdings records  1.28 million print  195,000+ e-journals (12.86%) 2.1 million ILL Requests in FY07 Fill Rate is 92.5% Average number of routes is 1.20

4 Numbers …

5 ILL Requests

6 Network Delivery Methods 40 Day Snapshots

7 Network Delivery Methods 40 Day Snapshots

8 DOCLINE Routing 85% of requests completed on first route 97% of requests completed on second route Only 3% of requests require more than 2 routes Average number of routes = 1.20

9 A Day in the Life … 7,903 requests were completed on 5/13/2008 26% were completed in less than 3 hours 39% were completed in less than 6 hours 74% were completed in less than 24 hours 88% were completed in less than 48 hours Average time to fill a normal request = 1.0 days Average time to fill a rush request = 0.33 days Average time to fill an urgent request = 0.17 days

10 Recent Enhancements

11 DOCLINE 3.2 (August 2007) Technical release Security upgrades PubMed technical changes SSL for DOCLINE 

12 DOCLINE 3.3 (Feb 2008) Optional email notification when a request routes to your library  Separate Yes/No settings for Normal, Rush, Urgent  Specify email address Serial Holdings Reports Submission & Viewing Out of Office request Borrow / Manual  Alert users to other request options

13 Plans for the future

14 DOCLINE 4.0 Requests & Serial Holdings Redesign  Improve workflow  Ease of use  Add enhancements Design phase  We want to hear from our users

15 We’re Thinking About … E-journals  Embargos  Licensing restrictions  Diverging content  Epub ahead of print Interoperability with 3 rd party systems

16 Talk With DOCLINE Team NLM Booth  Sunday, 2pm - 4pm  Monday, 10am - 12pm  Monday, 2pm – 4pm DOCLINE Team Members at MLA  Deena Acton  Maria Collins  Karen Kraly  Barbara Nicholson

17 Emergency Access Initiative

18 Emergency Access Initiative (EAI) Collaborative partnership being discussed between NLM, NN/LM and participating publishers to provide free access to full-text articles from 300+ biomedical serial titles and select reference books to healthcare professionals and libraries affected by disasters in the United States

19 EAI Background Idea evolved after Katrina in regular meetings between NLM and small group of publishers Desire to provide access to literature in times of disaster

20 Pilot Test Proof of concept of EAI project Determine technical requirements  Proxy server host  Publishers Identify design elements of site Test usability of site Determine publicity needs

21 Pilot Test Participants National Library of Medicine American Academy of Pediatrics  Pediatrics Elsevier  American Journal of Surgery University of Chicago Press  Clinical Infectious Diseases

22 Visit us at the NLM Booth Thank You

23 Questions & Answers

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