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Science in the Croatian Media: Blanka Jergović WCSJ, Helsinki, 24-28 June.

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Presentation on theme: "Science in the Croatian Media: Blanka Jergović WCSJ, Helsinki, 24-28 June."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science in the Croatian Media: Blanka Jergović WCSJ, Helsinki, 24-28 June

2 The "socialism darkness" and the bright future? Comparison between 1990 and 2013 Present situation (preliminary results of the analysis of the media coverage of science between 2009 and 2012)


4 Economy, ideology... OwnershipIdeology 1990State ownership, private ownership from 1987 «Social responsibility» reporting about efforts and successes in «building the socialism»; in the Yugoslavian type of the socialism science and technology were an «organic part» of the socialist view of the world; educational, informative role PresentBig corporations: WAZ, EPH (60% of the media market), Styria, private owners Profit; sensationalism, trivialization

5 «Independent newspapers thrived on the affairs, simply because nobody wrote about them. They thrived on the hidden political information, on the glamour of Croatia’s capitalism, on the social activities of our tycoons... and so on. That for what they (the audiences, B.J.) waited a week, we’ll now try to give them in larger doses on a daily basis» (T. Wruss, the Editor-in-Chief of The Morning Paper in Globus of 31 March 1998)

6 «12 million DEM had been invested in the Morning Paper, 200 people were employed: it is a project that must make money» «...We gathered people from all over the place and it was necessary to coordinate them, convince them that they would be writing in the ‘same language’. It was a huge professional task. This was a big professional pressure» (Globus of 31 March 1998)

7 Frequency of articles about science 2009201020112012 The average number of articles pro day: all newspapers 6,625,786,588,6 The average number of articles pro day and pro newspaper 1,321,161,321,72

8 Where is it published? (N=994)

9 Types of news report

10 Distribution in the newspaper

11 Prominence of science stories

12 2012 – the change of the style? More short news, rarely about the science made in Croatia or by our scientists They rarely mention any source, and when they quote they mention no names (mainly it is about «American researchers») There is more articles about social sciences and humanities The art of writing and the pleasure of reading which was important during socialism have disappeared, and there is very little in-depth analysis or even less research- driven articles

13 Conclusion Substantial change within 4 analysed years: increase of quantity, decrease of quality Ethical issues: translation, copy-paste, repeating same articles in the same newspaper after several months Only 1 newspaper has a science correspondent, others have journalists occasionally covering science and other fields, or they have no one covering science

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