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Cold atoms Lecture 3. 18 th October, 2006. Non-interacting bosons in a trap.

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Presentation on theme: "Cold atoms Lecture 3. 18 th October, 2006. Non-interacting bosons in a trap."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold atoms Lecture 3. 18 th October, 2006

2 Non-interacting bosons in a trap

3 3 Useful digression: energy units

4 4 Trap potential Typical profile coordinate/ microns  ? evaporation cooling This is just one direction Presently, the traps are mostly 3D The trap is clearly from the real world, the atomic cloud is visible almost by a naked eye

5 5 Trap potential Parabolic approximation in general, an anisotropic harmonic oscillator usually with axial symmetry 1D 2D 3D

6 6 Ground state orbital and the trap potential level number 200 nK 400 nK characteristic energy characteristic length

7 7 Ground state orbital and the trap potential level number 200 nK 400 nK characteristic energy characteristic length

8 8 Ground state orbital and the trap potential level number 200 nK 400 nK characteristic energy characteristic length

9 9 Filling the trap with particles: IDOS, DOS 1D 2D "thermodynamic limit" only approximate … finite systems better for small meaning wide trap potentials For the finite trap, unlike in the extended gas, is not divided by volume !!

10 10 Filling the trap with particles 3D Estimate for the transition temperature particle number comparable with the number of states in the thermal shell For 10 6 particles, characteristic energy

11 11 Filling the trap with particles 3D Estimate for the transition temperature particle number comparable with the number of states in the thermal shell For 10 6 particles, characteristic energy

12 12 The general expressions are the same like for the homogeneous gas. Working with discrete levels, we have and this can be used for numerics without exceptions. In the approximate thermodynamic limit, the old equation holds, only the volume V does not enter as a factor: In 3D, Exact expressions for critical temperature etc.

13 13 How good is the thermodynamic limit 1D illustration (almost doable) ?

14 14 How good is the thermodynamic limit 1D illustration ?

15 15 How good is the thermodynamic limit 1D illustration ? red bars … the sum first term continuous BE step function, whose integral equals the rest of the sum

16 16 How good is the thermodynamic limit 1D illustration ? red bars … the sum first term continuous BE step function, whose integral equals the rest of the sum

17 17 How sharp is the transition These are experimental data fitted by the formula The rounding is apparent, but not really an essential feature

18 18 Seeing the condensate – reminescence of L2 Without field-theoretical means, the coherence of the condensate may be studied using the one-particle density matrix. Definition of OPDM for non-interacting particles: Take an additive observable, like local density, or current density. Its average value for the whole assembly of atoms in a given equilibrium state:

19 19 OPDM in the Trap Use the eigenstates of the 3D oscillator Use the BE occupation numbers Single out the ground state zero point oscillations absorbed in the chemical potential

20 20 OPDM in the Trap Use the eigenstates of the 3D oscillator Use the BE occupation numbers Single out the ground state zero point oscillations absorbed in the chemical potential Coherent component, be it condensate or not. At, it contains ALL atoms in the cloud Incoherent thermal component, coexisting with the condensate. At, it freezes out and contains NO atoms

21 21 OPDM in the Trap, Particle Density in Space The spatial distribution of atoms in the trap is inhomogeneous. Proceed by definition: as we would write down naively at once Split into the two parts, the coherent and the incoherent phase

22 22 OPDM in the Trap, Particle Density in Space Split into the two parts, the coherent and the incoherent phase

23 23 OPDM in the Trap, Particle Density in Space Split into the two parts, the coherent and the incoherent phase The characteristic lengths directly observable

24 24 Particle Density in Space: Boltzmann Limit We approximate the thermal distribution by its classical limit. Boltzmann distribution in an external field:

25 25 Particle Density in Space: Boltzmann Limit We approximate the thermal distribution by its classical limit. Boltzmann distribution in an external field: For comparison:

26 26 Particle Density in Space: Boltzmann Limit We approximate the thermal distribution by its classical limit. Boltzmann distribution in an external field: Two directly observable characteristic lengths For comparison:

27 27 Particle Density in Space: Boltzmann Limit We approximate the thermal distribution by its classical limit. Boltzmann distribution in an external field: Two directly observable characteristic lengths For comparison: anisotropy given by analogous definitions of the two lengths for each direction

28 28 Real space Image of an Atomic Cloud

29 29 Real space Image of an Atomic Cloud

30 30 Real space Image of an Atomic Cloud

31 31 Real space Image of an Atomic Cloud the cloud is macroscopic basically, we see the thermal distribution a cigar shape: prolate rotational ellipsoid diffuse contours: Maxwell – Boltzmann distribution in a parabolic potential

32 32 Particle Velocity (Momentum) Distribution The procedure is similar, do it quickly:

33 33 Thermal Particle Velocity (Momentum) Distribution Again, we approximate the thermal distribution by its classical limit. Boltzmann distribution in an external field: Two directly observable characteristic lengths Remarkable: Thermal and condensate lengths in the same ratio for positions and momenta

34 34 BEC observed by TOF in the velocity distribution Qualitative features:  all Gaussians  wide vz.narrow  isotropic vs. anisotropic

35 The end

36 36

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