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Is there a Correlation between Physical Fitness and CTP4 grades ? Daniel F. Cabrera.

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Presentation on theme: "Is there a Correlation between Physical Fitness and CTP4 grades ? Daniel F. Cabrera."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is there a Correlation between Physical Fitness and CTP4 grades ? Daniel F. Cabrera

2 CTP4 This test is administered to 6 th graders It is made up of two main sections Math and English. The English can be broken down into verbal, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. The Math section can be broken down into quantative ability and mathematics

3 Fitness test This test is a test of physical fitness and is administered to every grade up to high school. The test consist of running a mile, 40 meter dash, sit and reach, sit ups and pull ups.

4 Fitness test There are three different awards given Health, National, and Presidential Fitness Awards. Each level has specific requirements that become harder going from Health to Presidential. Recently the rules have changed and every student now receives the Health Fitness Award.

5 Objective The objective of this study was to examine student achievement in fitness tests and correlate the individual student with the 6 th grade standard test, the CTP4.

6 Methods I divided the study into groups of male and female. Correlations where made on the five sections of the CTP4. Students were not identified by name to protect confidentiality.

7 Procedure 1. I e-mailed SOMS staff to get permission for this study. 2. With this permission I spoke to the gym teachers and accumulated the data for their 7 th grade classes, with a sample size n=104 students.

8 3. I recorded how many kids in those classes achieved the 3 different awards. 4. I obtained the CTP4 National Norm Group percentile for each kid. Procedure

9 5. After the data was obtained, I graphed the data into many different types of plots to demonstrate every difference in the data and to prove every correlation.

10 Female Results






16 Male Results






22 Overall Results

23 Overall results

24 Conclusion There is a correlation between Fitness test and CTP4 test. The Male and Female correlation were opposite from each other. The boys who preformed better on the fitness test did better on the CTP4 The girls who preformed better on the fitness test did worse on the CTP4

25 Special Thanks Mrs. McGrogan Mrs. Rinchera Mrs. Benecke Mr. Francesco Mr. Raffrety Dr. Cabrera

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