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The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) More details in the site: Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University)

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Presentation on theme: "The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) More details in the site: Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) More details in the site: Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece 1

2 The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a tool of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) for making studies and courses more transparent and thus helping to enhance the quality of higher education. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece2

3 ECTS is a learner-centred system for credit accumulation and transfer, based on the princi- ple of transparency of the learning, teaching and assessment processes. Its objective is to facilitate the planning, delive- ry and evaluation of study programmes and stu- dent mobility by recognising learning achieve- ments and qualifications and periods of learning. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece3

4 In 1999 the Bologna Declaration included ECTS among the main objectives to be achieved by countries participating in the Bologna Process. Through the reforms implemented in the course of the Process, ECTS has become a key tool of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece4

5 ECTS helps the design of educational programmes by higher education institutions (HEIs) or by other providers. The use of ECTS credits aids programme design by providing a tool which improves transparency and helps to engender a more flexible approach to curriculum design and development. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece5

6 ECTS for mobility and credit recognition supports the credit transfer and recognition in general, which takes place both in degree and credit mobility. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece6

7 ECTS plays serious role in facilitating LifeLong Learning, open learning opportunities and the recognition of prior learning and experience. ECTS contributes to quality enhancement in HEIs. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece7

8 Let’s study the ECTS more analytical. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece8

9 ECTS credits express the volume of learning based on the defined learning outcomes and their associated workload. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece9

10 60 ECTS credits are allocated to the learning outcomes and associated workload of a full- time academic year which normally comprises a number of educational components to which credits (on the basis of the learning outcomes and workload) are allocated. ECTS credits are generally expressed in whole numbers. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece10

11 ECTS Credits 25 to 30 hours of workload for one credit 25 to 30 hours of workload for one credit 60 ECTS credits for one academic year, 60 ECTS credits for one academic year, 1500-1800 hours workload per academic year 1500-1800 hours workload per academic year European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece11

12 Learning outcomes are statements of what the individual knows, understands and is able to do on completion of a learning process. The achievement of learning outcomes has to be assessed through procedures based on clear and transparent criteria. ….. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece12

13 ….. Learning outcomes are attributed to individual educational components and to programmes at a whole. They are also used in European and national qualifications frameworks to describe the level of the individual qualification. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece13

14 Workload is an estimation of the time the indi- vidual typically needs to complete all learning activities such as lectures, seminars, projects, practical work, work placements and individual study required to achieve the defined learning outcomes in formal learning environments. ….. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece14

15 Workload ….. The correspondence of the work-load of an academic year is often formalised by national legal provisions. Generally, workload ranges from 1,500 to 1,800 hours for an academic year, so, one credit corre- sponds to 25 to 30 hours of work. ….. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece15

16 Workload ….. It should be recognised that this represents the typical workload and that for individual students the actual time to achieve the specified learning outcomes will vary. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece16

17 Credit transfer is the key to successful study mobility. Institutions, Faculties, Departments and/or other educational units may make agreements (between sender and hosting) which shall guarantee the automatic recognition and transfer of credits. ….. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece17

18 Transfer of credits is the process of having credits awarded in a programme of an institution recognised in another formal context for the purpose of obtaining a qualification. Credits awarded to students in one programme may be transferred from an institution to be accumulated in another programme offered by the same or another institution. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece18

19 ECTS is adopted as the national credit system in most countries of the EHEA. In other regions of the world, it is increasingly used by institutions or interacts successfully with local credit systems based on comparable criteria, thus playing a role in the growing global dimension of education. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece19

20 ECTS increases the transparency and readability of the educational process and thus plays an ef- fective role in stimulating change and moderni- sation, because its implementation encourages the paradigm shift from a teacher-centred to a learner-centred approach, which is recognised as an underlying principle of the EHEA. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece20

21 ECTS facilitates mobility from institution to institution, from country to country, and between different educational sectors and contexts of learning (i.e. formal, non-formal, informal and work-based learning), through recognition and credit transfer. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece21

22 ECTS is designed not to replace the national systems, but to enhance the understanding of them in other countries. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece22

23 Are there problems with the ECTS impleme- ntation? Yes! There are. See some: Ηow to estimate how many hours of study equal to one credit? Ηow to estimate how many hours of study equal to one credit? How many hours a student can work a week? How many hours a student can work a week? How many weeks make an academic year? How many weeks make an academic year? Students attend courses that concern or those with the most credits? Students attend courses that concern or those with the most credits? European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece23

24 Are there problems with the ECTS impleme- ntation? Yes! There are. See some: Not mentioned, but it are important! Is correct the workload estimation for each subject? And whose estimates it? Is correct the workload estimation for each subject? And whose estimates it? Controversy between the academic staff on how much ECTS will have their lesson! Controversy between the academic staff on how much ECTS will have their lesson! European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece24

25 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Course credits are not defined by faculty contact hours, but are determined by the student's workload. Faculty are asked to 'cost out' the workload in a course, and then credits are assigned by a “way”. Course credits are not defined by faculty contact hours, but are determined by the student's workload. Faculty are asked to 'cost out' the workload in a course, and then credits are assigned by a “way”. Components of the workload include hours in class, time spent on learning activities, such as writing papers, doing lab work, and so on, and the preparation by the student for and time a student spends on assessments. Components of the workload include hours in class, time spent on learning activities, such as writing papers, doing lab work, and so on, and the preparation by the student for and time a student spends on assessments. Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece 25

26 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) There is no direct link between contact hours and credits. For example, a lecture hour may require three hours of independent study by the student, while a two-hour seminar might involve a full week of preparation. There is no direct link between contact hours and credits. For example, a lecture hour may require three hours of independent study by the student, while a two-hour seminar might involve a full week of preparation. A student-workload based system, like ECTS, therefore cannot be based on contact hours, even if a university uses the indication of the number of contact hours for other purposes, such as calculating staff time. A student-workload based system, like ECTS, therefore cannot be based on contact hours, even if a university uses the indication of the number of contact hours for other purposes, such as calculating staff time. Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece 26

27 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Makes study programmes more understandable and easier to compare, Makes study programmes more understandable and easier to compare, Resume The ECTS: Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece 27

28 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Makes study programmes more understandable and easier to compare, Makes study programmes more understandable and easier to compare, Enhances academic recognition, Enhances academic recognition, Resume The ECTS: Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece 28

29 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Makes study programmes more understandable and easier to compare, Makes study programmes more understandable and easier to compare, Enhances academic recognition, Enhances academic recognition, Facilitates students’ mobility, Facilitates students’ mobility, Resume The ECTS: Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece 29

30 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Makes study programmes more understandable and easier to compare Makes study programmes more understandable and easier to compare Enhances academic recognition Enhances academic recognition Facilitates students’ mobility Facilitates students’ mobility Encourages the diversity of academic curriculum & knowledge of other cultures. Encourages the diversity of academic curriculum & knowledge of other cultures.….. Resume The ECTS: Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece 30

31 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) ….. Makes European HE more attractive for students from other continents, Makes European HE more attractive for students from other continents, Resume The ECTS: Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece 31

32 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) ….. Makes European HE more attractive for students from other continents, Makes European HE more attractive for students from other continents, Plays an important role within the EHEA being promoted within the EU, Plays an important role within the EHEA being promoted within the EU, Resume The ECTS: Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece 32

33 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) ….. Makes European HE more attractive for students from other continents, Makes European HE more attractive for students from other continents, Plays an important role within the EHEA being promoted within the EU, Plays an important role within the EHEA being promoted within the EU, Access to high quality HE. Access to high quality HE. Resume The ECTS: Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece 33

34 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Legal Framework Legal Framework Allocation of Credits Allocation of Credits Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Information and Co-ordination Information and Co-ordination Requirements of ECTS Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece 34

35 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Steps of the Implementation Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece 35

36 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Steps of the Implementation Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece 36

37 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Steps of the Implementation Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece 37

38 Credits where credits are due – The ECTS! Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece 38

39 24 countries had already finished (49%) 14 countries were closed to the end (29%) 7 countries were in the middle of the necessary activities (14%) 3 countries were at the beginning of the imple- mentation (6) and, 1 country had not yet started (2%) European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Implementation Range on 2013-2014 Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece39

40 No data are available, but we estimate that more than 75% of the countries have fully implement the ECTS. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Implementation Range on 2015-2016 Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece40

41 It is a bumpy road, with many obstacles, but leads to well and useful clearings. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Implementation Range on 2015-2016 Dr Michalis Glampedakis Professor Technological Institution (University) of Athens Greece41

42 Thank you for your attention for any further information do not hesitate to contact me Dr Michalis Glampedakis, Professor, Athens TEI Bologna Expert Site: Email: 42

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