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International Telecommunication Union Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service.What is it? How do we get it? Geneva, 1-3 October 2003 IPPM REPORTING MIB.

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Presentation on theme: "International Telecommunication Union Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service.What is it? How do we get it? Geneva, 1-3 October 2003 IPPM REPORTING MIB."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Telecommunication Union Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service.What is it? How do we get it? Geneva, 1-3 October 2003 IPPM REPORTING MIB & ISP measurement infrastructure Emile STEPHAN- Jessie JEWITT France Telecom R&D

2 ITU-T 2 1-3 October 2003 Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service. What is it? How do we get it? o Result aggregation o SLA monitoring Summary o Standardization status o Data model & Architecture of the MIB o Namespace & IPPM Metrics Registry o Measures sharing and control o Intra/inter domain correlation issues o Conclusion o Interdomain with IPPM MIB/ITU O.Iptest

3 ITU-T 3 1-3 October 2003 Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service. What is it? How do we get it? Abbreviation & Acronyms o Acronyms: VACM: V iew A ccess-based C ontrol M odel MP: measurement point or probe WG: working group. Foo, Bar: names of management applications o Abbreviations: E2e: End to end; QoS: Quality of Service rootX: Domain X network measures manager Net: ippmNetMeasureTable Aggr: ippmAggrMeasureTable Rpt: ippmReportSetupTable IE: information element

4 ITU-T 4 1-3 October 2003 Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service. What is it? How do we get it? Standardization status o IETF IPPM Reporting MIB Presented during 51 st IETF WG Item after 53 rd IETF Current version 04 IPPM metrics Registry Requested by RMON WG WG last call done o ITU O.Iptest SG4 draft of IP test packet

5 ITU-T 5 1-3 October 2003 Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service. What is it? How do we get it? Data model History Owners B C A PointOfMeasure NetMeasure ReportSetup MetricTable Report Notification Synchronisation Mgmt Usage Network o PointOfMeasureTable o NetMeasureTable o SynchronizationTable o HistoryTable o MetricTable o AggrMeasureTable o ReportSetupTable o OwnersTable AggrMeasure o ReportTable o Notifications IPPM REPORTING MIB Test Packet Setup Report Measure results A-C: probes ;

6 ITU-T 6 1-3 October 2003 Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service. What is it? How do we get it? Architecture of an IPPM Proxy Measurement system IPPM Reporting MIB proxy Managing Heterogeneity probe History Table ; Results NetworkMeasureTable Notifications AggrMeasureSetupTable ReportSetupTable VACMVACM READ/ CREATE READ/ ONLY Reportable CONTROLLERCONTROLLER SNMPSNMP Control SynchronisationTable pointOfMeasureTable

7 ITU-T 7 1-3 October 2003 Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service. What is it? How do we get it? Owner namespace o Owner assigned indexes: Owner Name + Owner instance Index o Distributed naming: Same identifier for a measure on IPPM proxies For aggregated measure and setup Interdomain unambiguous naming IPPM MIB Aggr.Foo.6.9 Mgmt ReportSetup.Foo.5(…) Usage Setup Report item ID owner ID item Rpt.Foo.5 Owner namespace AggrSetup.Foo.6.9(…) Domain XDomain Y

8 ITU-T 8 1-3 October 2003 Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service. What is it? How do we get it? IPPM Metrics Registry o IPPM Metrics Registry IPPM metrics RFC2678-2681 RFC3148, RFC3357 RFC3393 & RFC3432 Template for future IPPM metrics Distributed metric measure index ippmMetricsRegistry rfc otherBodies ndx Name 1 instantUnidirectionConnectivity … … 6 oneWayDelay 9 oneWayDelayMedian … … ippmMetricsTable Owner namespace AggrMeasure.Foo.17.9(…) Usage Measure IDOwner IDMetric ID … … IPPM MIB NetMeasure.Bar.5.6 Mgmt AggrMeasure.Foo.17.9(Bar.5.6)

9 ITU-T 9 1-3 October 2003 Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service. What is it? How do we get it? Measures sharing & control: VACM o VACM: Access list Who, from, session,action, object, instance o Which sub tree an user can access ? o Usage Aggregation Reporting Sharing results Measurement peering Allow Foo Create AggrMeasure.Foo.* Allow Foo Read NetMeasure.Bar.5.* Allow Foo Read History.Bar.5.* IPPM MIB NetMeasure.Bar.5.6 Mgmt AggrMeasure.Foo.17.9(Bar.5.6) Usage AggrMeasure.Foo.17.9(Bar.5.6) VACM Access list

10 ITU-T 10 1-3 October 2003 Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service. What is it? How do we get it? Aggregation: IppmAggrTable o Aggregation of Network measures Aggregated measures o Sharing measures Name spaces o Fast reporting Maintenance Troubleshooting Owner namespace B C A IPPM MIB Net.rootX.5.6(AC) Mgmt Aggr.Foo.17.9(1,10, FastReport,Net.rootX.5.6) Network Usage test packet Setup Report Internal control A-C: probes ; Aggr.Foo.17.9(Net.Bar.5.6) one-Way delay from A to C Domain X

11 ITU-T 11 1-3 October 2003 Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service. What is it? How do we get it? SLA monitoring: ippmReportTable o Backgroup monitoring Metrics thresholds UpAndDown in out Exceeded Duration Errored periods o Report Locally or remotely On event On Measure cycles Usage Rpt.Foo.19 History.Foo.17.9: 10H20mn10s: 140ms 10H20mn20s: 110ms 10H20mn30s: 95ms SetupReport 10H20mn40s: 140ms 10H20mn50s: 110ms 10H21mn00s: 130ms 10H21mn10s: 108ms IPPM MIB Net.rootX.5.6(AC) Mgmt Aggr.Foo.17.9(Net.rootX.5.6) Rpt.Foo.19(Aggr.Foo.17.9) ReportSetup.Foo.19: if History.Foo.17.9 > 100ms during 30 second Notify in ippmEventsDurationExceededReport Notify Rpt.Foo.19 10H20mn40s

12 ITU-T 12 1-3 October 2003 Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service. What is it? How do we get it? Interdomain measure: ITU O.iptest o Packet Signature Any Type-P: IP, IPv6 Sqce #, Timestamp… 3 optional IE CRC32, timestamp bar, Interdomain Interdomain IE o IPPM Reporting MIB o OwnerID & MeasureID o Carrier class results B C A F G E IPPM MIB Net.Bar.5.6 Mgmt Network O.iptest packet Setup Report Domain XDomain Y Internal control A-G: probes ; Net.Bar.5.6 Bar.5 IP Test Packet: Type-P + data + O.Iptest Signature Example: Type-P source A: (ip.udp, 10000) Type-P Destination G: (ip.udp, 100) Owner: Bar ; Owner Measure ID: 5 Test Packet

13 ITU-T 13 1-3 October 2003 Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service. What is it? How do we get it? Interdomain: Net.Bar.5.6(AG) Intradomain: Net.rootX.9.6(AB) Net.rootZ.7.6(HJ) Net.rootY.5.6(FG) Concatenation: AG=AB + HJ +FG Spatial.Foo.18. ? (AG) =rootX.9 +rootY.5 +rootZ.13 Decomposition: AJ = AG - FG Spatial.Foo.19. ? (AJ) =Net.Bar.5.6 - Net.rootY.5.6 Intra/inter domain correlation issues o Need: Correlate intra and interdomain results; Report; o One solution: Concatenation of intra domain measure Decomposition of e2e inter domain measure o Missing Standard spatial metrics B C A F G E Network ; O.iptest packet Domain X Domain Y Test packets A-G: probes ; I J H Domain Z Management

14 ITU-T 14 1-3 October 2003 Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service. What is it? How do we get it? Conclusion o Measure sharing & security with SNMPv3/VACM o Measurement peering with IPPM Proxies o Statistical e2e interdomain QoS monitoring o True e2e interdomain QoS monitoring with O.iptest o Standardization of spatial metrics is required Concatenation of e2e intra domain measures Correlation of intra and interdomain e2e measures

15 ITU-T 15 1-3 October 2003 Workshop on End-to-End Quality of Service. What is it? How do we get it? References IPPM Reporting MIB & IPPM metrics Registry Spatial metric draft metrics-01.txt metrics-01.txt O.iptest IPPM proxy Implementation & demo Implemented by FT R&D 6QM IST project at IPv6 Global submit 2003 Industrialized in QosMetrix measurement system

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