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Overview of Estonian Development Co-operation 16/07/2003 Eero Saue Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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1 Overview of Estonian Development Co-operation 16/07/2003 Eero Saue Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2 Estonian Development Co-operation in a nutshell Planned activities started in 1997 Budget allocations since 1998 Spending 0,03% of GDP in 2002 Policy Paper: Decision of the Parliament on Principles of Estonian Development Co- operation, January 2003

3 Recent Developments Staff increase to 4 people in the DevCo division of the MFA The formulation of Estonian Development Cooperation Roundtable (NGDO umbrella) The renewal of policy document in January 2003: Principles of Estonian Development Co-operation

4 Recent Developments (cont.) Amendments to the Government of the Republic Act and Foreign Relations Act and Creation of DevCo Committee (project selection and evaluation) Porject form and reporting form established

5 Constraints and Challenges Marginal ODA budget Low level of awareness of development issues in all sectors of society

6 Policy Focus indirect attack on poverty; value-added approach: contribute in sharing experience in transition process Territorial focus on CIS and South-Eastern Europe Thematic focus on TRTA, ICT, other fields of expertise Multilateral over 2/3, expected to increase

7 Partnerships Nationally NGOs are developing to be a considerable partner Participation in EU policy a priority; increases workload, gives access to information UN and other multilaterals considered important, mostly adressed through EU Cooperation with other bilateral donors for building capacity and creating added value

8 Thank you!

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