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What is FP FP are the relations a country has/maintains with other nations and the stance it portrays in committee. This includes diplomatic relations,

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2 What is FP FP are the relations a country has/maintains with other nations and the stance it portrays in committee. This includes diplomatic relations, shared history, current trade, style of government and military background. Can be standardized into 3 types of relations: 1. Friendly (eg. China – Pakistan) 1. Friendly (eg. China – Pakistan) 2. Hostile ( eg. India – Pakistan) 2. Hostile ( eg. India – Pakistan) 3. Middle ground/ No diplomacy (eg. Cuba – Pakistan) 3. Middle ground/ No diplomacy (eg. Cuba – Pakistan)

3 Importance of FP Must adhere to for award! (20% marking criteria) Gives an insight into country relations and diplomacy Shows viewpoints and stances of various countries Is truly a ‘modeling’ of UN Gives guidelines on how to proceed with committee and what stance, positions to opt for.

4 Research for FP General Knowledge Quick Google search on ‘foreign relations of country’ Links like, CIA world fact book, national sites. Wikipedia not legit and constantly tampered Previous history of nations, other organizations members, military strategies, diplomacy maintained or not, current relations Create a list of types of FP and countries. Creating a mental scenario

5 How to use FP FP shows in everything. Stance, Debate, Sponsorships, Lobbying, EVERYTHING Must develop a sense of your general FP and act accordingly Put yourself in shoes of real delegate Tips & Trix! - ALWAYS adhere to foreign policy in crisis - It is ok to deviate from standard but till extent - It is ok to deviate from standard but till extent - Never change policy dramatically, instantly - Never change policy dramatically, instantly - Never be the aggressor. MUNS are all about peace - Never be the aggressor. MUNS are all about peace

6 Best of luck! - Aneet Singh

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