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Module 15 Evolutionary Psychology UNIT 3 BIOLOGY.

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1 Module 15 Evolutionary Psychology UNIT 3 BIOLOGY

2  Relying on the concept of natural selection to study evolving behaviors and the mind  Darwin’s natural selection: how traits that allow for our survival will be passed along  A species has variations  Those variations sometimes help it to live and/or reproduce  If it lives/reproduces, its genes get passed on to next generation EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY

3  Natural Selection and Adaptation  Breeding animals…fox example  Evolution theory believes that mutations (random chance changes) sometimes help a species to survive and/or reproduce  Not as strong with humans due to capacity to learn and adapt CONT.

4  Regardless of face, humans are genetically at least 95% similar  Pregnant women example, craving fatty foods EVOLUTIONARY SUCCESS HELPS EXPLAIN SIMILARITIES

5  Second “evolution” of Darwin  Babies fearing strangers  Fathers less likely to kill own children EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY TODAY

6  NEWS FLASH….. MEN AND WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT!!!!  Please remember: This is a discussion of gender as a species not individuals! EVOLUTIONARY EXPLANATION OF SEXUALITY

7  Genes and experiences both form us  Traits that come from genes can be “amplified” by environment  Gender differences are exaggerated by culture REFLECTIONS ON NATURE V. NURTURE

8  Everything psychological is simultaneously biological FINAL THOUGHT…

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