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1.  Overview of Aggregate Community  Community Health  Detailing  Promotion, Fitness Reports and Selection Boards  Retirement  High interest items.

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Presentation on theme: "1.  Overview of Aggregate Community  Community Health  Detailing  Promotion, Fitness Reports and Selection Boards  Retirement  High interest items."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2  Overview of Aggregate Community  Community Health  Detailing  Promotion, Fitness Reports and Selection Boards  Retirement  High interest items  Closing  Nuclear LDO Community 2 LDO/CWO Community Agenda

3  56, 182 active duty officers in the Navy 9% are LDO/CWO (6,148) in 25 LDO and 25 CWO designators 20% of Submarine Force Officers are LDOs (17%) and CWOs (3%) 3 LDO/CWO Community Overview

4 Submarine LDO Manning 4

5 5

6  The Detailer represents You  The Placement Officer represents the Commands  ORDERS  Orders are not simply cut by the detailer o Placement officers and gaining Commands get a cut o Some organizations such as NR, SSP, and Special Projects get a cut o I-STOPs and Training may be required o Record flags such as EFM, PFA, discipline, medical may impact timing  OCONUS/CONUS move o Orders will be written about 6 months prior to transfer LDO/CWO Community Detailing vs. Placement 4 Continuing Resolution = FY14 PCS funds are tightly controlled

7 LDO/CWO Community Detailing Triad 5 Personal desires of the individual Career/Professional needs of the individual Needs of the Navy All three legs of the triad are discussed to produce orders. Balance is always the goal. Needs of the Navy will prevail.

8  We support the Undersea Warfare Enterprise (USE) They outline the jobs that require our unique talents  We fill the tough assignments!  Aircraft Carriers, Submarines, Submarine Tenders, Special Projects and numerous diverse shore tours  We are World Wide Assignable!  Limited job availability in many locations  Our billets must be filled with the right designator and the right pay grade! LDO/CWO Community Needs of the Navy 6

9  The Detailer is your career planner  Our number one goal is to get you promoted  You will be offered diverse billets to keep you competitive. This typically means taking orders at several different duty stations in varying geographic locations. To be competitive, take the hard jobs and perform! There is No substitute for Sea Duty.  Senior leadership is consulted from the appropriate designator and board results are tracked  We utilize a ‘complete’ detailing picture Follow the outlined career progression plan to remain competitive for promotions. For all but NUCs: NPC/OFFICER/COMMUNITYMANAGERS/LDO_CWO/Pages/GUIDEBOOK.aspx For NUCs, your career progression plan is found in this brief. 9 LDO/CWO Community Career/Professional Needs

10  Special family circumstances (EFM, etc) Update EFM member status every 3 years - PERS-451X will not release orders if not completed  Priorities: Career more important? Location or Family decision? Extensions required for high school kids? Do you own a house? Upside down on mortgage? Have a plan if you own a home when you transfer  Be honest  Be careful what you ask for. There could be risk associated with the choice you make and we will discuss that when you call. LDO/CWO Community Individual Desires 10 Communicate with your detailer – decisions made on case basis

11  Flow Point: Average years of service when an officer is promoted (paid) to the next grade  Selection Rate: Percentage of all officers selected for promotion Denominator is the # selected divided into the # in-zone Includes officers selected from above, in, and below the zone Max below zone - 10% (legal limit) (very unlikely for LDOs) No above zone limits (by law or policy)  As long as you’re on the Active Duty List you will be considered LDO/CWO Community Promotion Fundamentals 11

12  Promotion Opportunity is a function of strength, by grade, based on: Requirements  Defined by Officer Programmed Authorizations (OPA) Vacancies  Promotions, Retirements, Resignations, Lateral Transfers Legal Limit  Title 10 USC - Limits number of CAPTs, CDRs, and LCDRs  Best and Fully Qualified Standard  “Up or Out” Principle LDO/CWO Community Promotion Fundamentals 12

13 Promotions to LTJG and LT = All Fully Qualified LDO Community Promotion Opportunity 13

14 CWO Community Promotion Opportunity 14

15  Determining Promotion Zones Zone message released in December each year  Senior and junior in-zone indicated by name/lineal number  If your lineal # falls within, you are In Zone  Find your lineal #:  Junior Eligible indicated by name/lineal number  If your lineal # falls within, you are Below Zone  Selections message released  April for O6, May for O5, July for O4, Aug for CWO3/4/5  Promotion Phasing Plan – usually updated several months after release of the selection MSG. This projects when you may be paid for the newly selected rank LDO/CWO Community Promotion Process 15 Ensure your record (Photo, OSR, PSR, OMPF) is up-to-date

16  Break out at your command – EP!  What does the CO say about you? “The best STRAT WEPS I have observed in 21 years!”  Leadership Potential – “A future CVN CHENG”  Go to sea and if you can’t - go overseas!  Embrace opportunity when available even when it is not convenient (Hot fills)  Qualify (SS, SWO, OOD, IDWO, Drydock, EOOW)  Keep your record up to date (Photo, AQD’s, Awards, Degree, etc.)  Show “Increasing levels of responsibility”  Execute the Career Path for your Desig LDO/CWO Community Keys to Promotion 16

17  Fitness Reports Soft break outs  EP 1 of 1 - “1 of 10 regardless of designator”  Explain EP performance as an MP if newly reported, behind a senior, forced distribution #’s.  EP Performer; equal to my #1 and #2 Department Heads Air Gaps - 1 of 1 MP and you are the only one being evaluated Know your reporting senior’s average write the FITREP above his avg. and make him downgrade if performance is poor and explained Stress your future potential “a sure selection for SSBN WEPs” “future Dry Dock XO, CVN PA or CHENG” “has the leadership to succeed as an XO ashore or afloat” LDO O1E and O2E are expected to receive MP and EP marks Ensure you are “recommended for promotion to xxxx” on EVERY FITREP LDO/CWO Community Keys to Promotion 17

18 LDO/CWO Community Keys to Promotion 18  Fitness Reports  Block 40: Command Recommendation (this block matters)  XO/CO Drydock  Next At Sea Career milestone  Top 3 lines and the bottom 2 lines (give the briefer of your record easy nuggets to extract and speak too)  Hard Breakouts/ Move to the Right (P then MP then EP)  Tell the board what’s going on if P or MP  Are you an EP performer? If so write it in the FITREP, even if P or MP due to forced distribution!  BLUF: Explaining changes or marks even when obvious means that the Board is not guessing at what really happened! If it’s too late, write a letter to the Board or submit a BCNR if you have time! All letters must be read to the Board!

19 LDO/CWO Community Keys to Promotion 19  Fitness Reports  What constitutes Declining Performance?  Same Reporting Senior with lowering trait average (when not a Promotion FITREP)  Weaker or Fewer Block 40 Recommendations  Movement from EP to MP to P from same Reporting Senior with no explanation: DOA in the tank  Decline in soft breakout with no explanation  No EP transfer FITREP when 1 of 1  Stress LEADERSHIP in your performance/achievements!  How did your LEADERSHIP help the command accomplish its mission? Give your boss a final product !! Review FITREP Training link on the Mustang Corral!

20  Best officer of any stripe with whom I have ever served  Hand picked to be a field rep from over XX possible candidates  #1 of XX LT/LCDR on my staff regardless of designator  Performing at the EP level--MP solely due to administrative constraints  My number one officer out of XX officers  Should be the first officer selected by the FYXX LCDR/CDR board  Command ready, future CDR/CAPT--promote without hesitation  A LCDR/CDR now so make it official by promoting him  A true 5.0 performer, this is not a kiss  1 of 27 in his LDO Year Group – Screened First Look for Dry-Dock Command! LDO/CWO Community Fitness Report Bullets 20

21  EP performer destined to by my number one officer  ***EP Performer/Ranked MP due to forced distribution – Promote this Top-Notch Star Immediately***  ***Ranked #4 OF 12 outstanding LCDR’S onboard***  LCDR XXX epitomizes EXCELLENCE and has my strongest recommendation for promotion to 0-5!  He has the skills and leadership traits to succeed as a CVN CHENG or Sub Tender XO  #1 of 9 Outstanding Division Officers in my Wardroom!  UNSURPASSED LEADER – BEST of the BEST  _____ is the Total Package! Completely Impressive. Mission and Action Orientated!  Eye Watering Performance! Performing beyond expectations! Promote now to _____! LDO/CWO Community Fitness Report Bullets 21

22  IMMEDIATE IMPACT! Accomplished more in his first four months than most officers do in an entire year. #1 Selection for Promotion….  LCDR XXX has my strongest recommendation for selection as a Submarine Tender XO or CVN Chief Engineer and promotion to Commander. SELECT NOW!  Singularly outstanding Ordnance Officer! Established himself as a deck-plate leader after arriving only days prior to our maiden deployment!...  LCDR XXX contributions to readiness cannot be overstated. A true expert, he is rapidly establishing himself as a command leader and is ready for 0-5! PROMOTE NOW!  Ranks 1 of 5 LCDRs. The Nuclear Officer I’ve ever had the privilege to serve with.  SELECT NOW FOR 0-5!  Hand Selected to serve as ________ from a field of top performers!  Or 1 of ___ to serve as SWO Senior Watch Officer, _________! LDO/CWO Community Fitness Report Bullets 22

23  A top performer in a group of highly competitive hand-picked Engineering LDOs. He is already ranked 2 of 7 LDO Lieutenant Commanders and 2 of 9 regardless of designator…  XXX is an outstanding Naval Officer with all the tools to be a top-notch CVN CHENG today. He is performing at the 05 level. PROMOTE TO CDR NOW!  Ranks #10 of 37 Lieutenants of all Designators!...  Impressive breadth- he has stepped in for the Executive Officer many times…with superb results! Already performing at the CDR level- he just needs the insignia. Promote now!  Standout by a Wide Margin in an Office of Handpicked Superstars  A clear EP performer. Ranked P due to forced distribution and officer seniority within my command! LDO/CWO Community Fitness Report Bullets 23

24 Keys to Promotion 24  AQD’s – Extremely important to board members SV2 (Gold Dolphins) appear on OSR as LDO/CWO SUB W LC1 (EOOW Steam), LB1 (OOD Indep), SP2 (SSBN AWEPs), GC0 (IDWO), LA9 (SWO), CD4 (OIC LCDR)  When you achieve one, scan and email me your certificate! New SSP AQD Codes – link on Mustang Corral Webpage

25 LDO/CWO Community Keys to Promotion 25 Letters to the Board College – Institution sends off xscript to: or Navy Personnel Command, ATTN: PERS45E 5720 Integrity Drive, Millington TN 38055-0000 URLs respect education Associate degree is better than no degree “I’m too busy” is no longer valid Online degrees – convenient, accessible, and relatively easy Warfare Qualifications - URL board members respect qualifications

26 LDO Accession Point 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 15-17 YCS CDR Promotion Window TYOS YCS O-4 30 TYOS Stat Retirement O-5 Promotion Window  LDOs commissioned within 13-15 YOS generally reach Commander promotion board  Those commissioned past 15 YOS generally will not reach Commander promotion board before facing statutory retirement 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 LDO Community Commander Promotion 26

27  Will not start until FY 2018 or even later  Best and Most Fully qualified  SELECT to our NEEDS and VACANCIES  OCM is currently building our enterprises  Some are pretty obvious; Aviation, Surface and Subsurface  But where do we put the Nukes, Admin, Info Systems, Bandmaster, Info Warfare, Intelligence, Meteorology, Photo, EOD, Security, Supply, CEC and Law folks?  Then Officer Competitive Categories (FITREPS) must change  LDOs and CWOs will only compete within their Enterprise on FITREPS  ULTIMATELY the only way to promote to vacancies is to select only those that the NAVY NEEDS, and to Promote by Designator  Next stop is valid Enterprises to promote to LDO/CWO Community Promote by Enterprise/Designator 27

28 28 LDO/CWO Community NPC Website

29 29 LDO/CWO Community Record Management

30 LDO/CWO Applicant Brief Records Management 30 BOL Email Address 1.Navy 2.Personal

31 LDO/CWO Community Record Management 31

32 Officer Summary Record Example of how the Board will mark your record 32

33 Performance Summary Report Example of how the Board will mark your record 33

34  NPC Board Space or “Tank” 34 LDO/CWO Community Promotion Boards

35 Example record brief in the tank The following is an example of what takes place in the tank and just how quickly things occur there! 35

36 LDO/CWO Community Officer Summary Record 36

37 LDO/CWO Community Performance Summary Report 37

38 To select 10 LDO/CWO Community Scattergram 38 Crunch 6 to select 3 Select 90 and above Remove From Further Consideration 45 and below

39 39 LDO/CWO Community Board Information NOV 13 LDO ADMIN BOARD results released Upcoming LDO ADMIN BOARD in NOV 14  YG 02 – CO Drydock (3 alt)  YG 06 – XO Drydock (1 pri, 2 alt)  Strategic Weapons Officer – SP2, 6260 or 6262, LT, not selected for LCDR (1 pri, 3 alt)

40  MILPERSMAN 1810-020  Retirement is your last set of orders, and must be negotiated in advance In most cases, a relief will be required You cannot execute a set of orders and then immediately put in for retirement. Must complete a Prescribed Tour Length (PTL) MPM 1301-110  Submit your request one year in advance  If facing a promotion board, submit a letter to the board to remove your name from promotion consideration Only the member can have their name removed from consideration--- If this action is not taken, a (vacant) promotion selection may occur LDO/CWO Community Retirement 40 Submit your request one year in advance

41  FY07 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Lifted 75% retirement pay cap at 30 YOS  Eligible to receive 100 percent base pay at retirement  2.5% increase per year for each year of service past 30 YOS  LDOs can reach 95% base pay with 38 YOS (statutory limit) LDO/CWO Community Retirement Benefits 41 LDO service compensation greater than enlisted

42  Spot Promotions (SECNAVINST 1421.3K) Spot Promote eligible billets are listed on the NPC website Must have 2 yrs TIG before the quarterly board meets (Para 6.b) You retain the spot promote status if transferred and  Selected for permanent LCDR or  Assigned to another eligible spot promote billet  Frocking MILPERSMAN 1420-020 Normally only for XO and OIC positions  Nuclear AIB (OPNAVINST 7220.11C) IAW para 8.f.2, letters are required by 15 July for the inclusive year  If changing commands during the year ensure inclusive dates are covered on both NOIP letters LDO/CWO Community Items of Interest 42

43  Submarine Pay (OPNAVINST 7220.15) Member has personal responsibility to track of TOSS Send updated TOSS sheets when changes occur  Include validated page 4/5s  Include Encl 12 worksheet and (encl 9 and 10) of unit underway time if ride time associated Monitor TOSS status at 12 yr gate (72 months) and 18 year gate (96 months) from SSED  CONSUBPAY can be lost at 12 yr gate, but regained at 18 yr gate if member accumulates 96 months of TOSS  Members can NOT accumulate TOSS past 18 year mark  Members can lose sub pay by declining assignments  Awaiting Your Commissioning Date? - Sign your Oath, go to PSD – Your pay must be shifted from Enlisted to Officer! LDO/CWO Community Items of Interest 43

44  Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA)  Meeting the standard?  Officer Development Course (ODC) Changes LDO/CWO only class IAW OPNAVINST 1420.1B, ODC is mandatory for all except NR selected NUC LDOs 10% of Officer Development Course (ODC) new accessions arrive out of PFA standards On average, 20% of students fail the swim test  2 nd Class swim test, tread water 5 min  Command Quals are coming  CO of the Dry Dock and those screening for Command and Major Command  INST will say: before 9 YCS. Still required if already over 9 YCS. ODC: Arrive within PFA standards, pass second class swim test LDO/CWO Community Items of Interest 44

45  Navy is eliminating CWO designators  NUC (740X) –Eliminated  Submarine Eng & Repair (723X) - Eliminated  Submarine Electronics (728X) – Eliminated  Statutory Retirement for CWO5s out to 33 YOS  Approved by FY13 NDAA  Permanent Appointments for LDOs  February 13 - all LDOs promoted to Lieutenant are now permanent appointments  FY14 – all new LDOs who commission are permanent  Submarine Comms (6290) potential IDC off-ramp  Unplanned losses (DUI, Poor performance, adultery, larceny, etc) – “Don’t be that guy” LDO/CWO Community Items of Interest 45

46  Lead by example Your leadership example is the one you demonstrate today---not from past performance Remember that you are always watched by juniors, seniors, and peers from all communities so be the one they want to emulate  Accept and embrace the tough assignments Maintain world wide assignable status Enterprises need the services of LDOs and CWOs  Mentoring - Recruit your relief; at least 1 per year  Seek out sailors that show potential. Don’t wait to be asked – seek them out LDO/CWO Community Final Thoughts 46

47  Check out our website Go to the BUPERS Home Page and click on  Officer  Officer Detailing  PERS-42  Mustang Corral  Submarine Nuclear LDO/CWO Facebook page LDO/CWO Community Mustang Corral 47

48 Questions? Nuclear Community Brief to follow… 48

49 Nuclear LDO/CWO Community Brief PERS 422 PERS 422A N-133E

50 Nuclear LDO/CWO Community Community Management Topics  Nuclear LDO Community Billet Base restructuring Reviewing sea-shore flow balance Developing career path to correct viability issues Promote-by-Enterprise analysis LCDR Continuation Major Command screening Exploring incentive changes/restructuring 50

51 Nuclear LDO/CWO Community Community Management Roles OCM (N133E Washington, DC) Policy Development Selection & Promotion Boards Approves Waivers Develops Incentive Policies Approves Billet Change Requests Manages Spot Promote Billets Detailer (PERS-422 Millington, TN) Personnel Distribution Policy Execution Collection point for personnel waivers AIB Distribution Retirements Spot Promotion Fills N133/PERS-42 NUCLEAR PROPULSION PROGRAM MANAGER Policy Distribution 51

52 Nuclear LDO/CWO Program Inventory/Accessions History 10 years of ‘stable’ accessions are mitigating inventory excess 52

53 Nuclear LDO/CWO Program LDO/CWO Billet Structure History 53  LDO/CWO billet structure changed over the last 25 years 9 CGNs / 10 Tenders / 5 Floating Dry Docks decommissioned 5 new construction CVNs Extensive consolidation and civilianization of IMAs/shipyards Fewer maintenance billets, more CVN billets today

54 Nuclear LDO Community Current Inventory Distribution Carefully managing inventory gaps in LCDR to CDR grades in order to fill critical requirements Lack of CDR inventory puts CVN CHENG and senior NR Field Office manning at risk in the near term LT inventory excess will alleviate shortfalls at LCDR/CDR in time 54

55 Nuclear LDO/CWO Community Billet Distribution Billets directly support both Submarine and Surface Force 55

56 Billet Distribution Fleet LDO Billet Summary 56 Billet data as of Jan 2012 OPA data as of Oct 2011 99 – CVN 68 Class billets CHENG (6) PA (39) TA (48) CVN TYCOM STAFF (6) 137 – Repair billets Deputy SY CMDR (1) Repair Facility XO (5) PMA/Repair Officer (8) Repair PA (27) Staff/TYCOM (23) Repair Div Off (56) SSN NEWCON/Avail Coordinator (17) 15 – Misc billets 14 – NSRO billets 265 – Total billets Every Fleet LDO billet has a validated need

57 Billet Distribution NR LDO Billet Summary 57 Billet data as of JAN 2012 OPA data as of Oct 2011 14 – Senior Leadership billets CAPT (2) CDR (12) 25 – Project Management billets LCDR (25) 110 – Project Management billets LT (53) LTJG (36) ENS (21) 149 – Total billets ** Note: “NRRO OPA” matched to funded billet requirements---there is no separate/distinct “NRRO OPA” Every NR billet has a validated need

58 Nuclear LDO Community Existing Billet Structure Billet restructuring in progress to correct imbalances. Sea-Shore Flow (SSF) Imbalance Career Path Billets Imbalanced Job Category Imbalance Causes SSF Imbalance Imbalances 58

59 Nuclear CWO Community Existing Billet Structure No defined career progression Most CWO billets are CVN TA Sea-Shore flow imbalanced Job Category Imbalance Billet Grade Imbalance Sea-shore flow Imbalance 59

60 Nuclear LDO Community Existing NR Billet Structure NRRO Career Path Billets Imbalanced ENS ≠ LTJG billets LT ≠ 3 x ENS billets 60 Billet revision in progress to improve career progression.

61 Assignments Maintenance Facility Command DEPUTY SY CMDR CVN CHENG MAJOR PMA, SUB REPAIR OFFICER, OCM, IMA XO, NSRO DEP DIRECTOR PMA, TYCOM STAFF, NSRO, IMA PA, MISC REPAIR, NFAS DIRECTOR, FORCE RADCON ASST CVN PRINCIPAL ASST IMA DIVO, CVN ELECTRO/CRA, TYCOM, NSRO, SY PROJ SUPT, SSN/NEWCON AVAIL COORD AS/IMA DIVO, NPTU MAINT, PMT CVN TA Nuclear LDO Community Fleet LDO Career Path of the Future 0 YCS 3 YCS 6 YCS 9 YCS 12 YCS 15 YCS 18 YCS 21 YCS ENS LT LTJG LCDR CDR CAPT 1st Tour for all LDOs: CVN TA 2nd Tour for all LDOs: Repair/Maint 4th Tour for most LDOs: CVN PA Senior LCDRs/junior CDRs have opportunity for PMA or equivalent maintenance leadership positions Milestone Position: CVN CHENG 3rd Tour for all LDOs: Elective Tour Major Command 36 Month Tour Lengths 23 YCS Maintenance Leadership 61

62 Assignments Senior Leadership (Upper Half) Deputy NRR Overall Projects Lead Senior Leadership (Lower half) CVN Overhaul Lead Reactor Servicing Lead CVN Projects Lead Submarine Projects Lead ANNR Kings Bay/San Diego Lead Position Radcon Lead JTG/Testing Lead JRG/Refueling Lead QA Lead Large Project Lead (ERO, EOH, RCOH, PIA, DPIA, etc) Small Project Lead (SRA, CMA ) Qualification Tour Nuclear LDO Community NR Career Path of the Future 0 YCS 2 YCS 4 YCS 10 YCS 15 YCS 21 YCS ENS LT LTJG LCDR CDR CAPT 1st Assignment: Qualification Tour, followed by Small Project Lead 2nd Assignment: Large Project Lead 4th Assignment: Senior Leadership Positions (Lower Half) Senior LCDRs/junior CDRs have opportunity for leadership positions as ANRR Milestone Position: ANRR 3rd Assignment: Lead Positions Senior Leadership Positions (Upper half) 60 Month Tour Lengths (Nominally) 62

63 Nuclear LDO Community Control Grade Promotion History Nuclear LDOs continue to be very competitive for promotion 63

64 Nuclear LDO Community Control Grade Promotion Comparisons YCS LCDR CDR CAPT 22.1 YCS 10.3 YCS 15.4 YCS 6400-Specific Historical Flow Points (over 5 years) 23171819202122131415161211109 22.3 YCS 10.4 YCS 15.5 YCS Nuclear LDO Control Grade Flow Points historically better than aggregate LDO Community 64

65 Nuclear LDO Program Selection Opportunity by Community 65 LDO opportunity competitive with PO1 advancement opportunity

66 Nuclear LDO Program Selection Opportunity by Community 66 LDO opportunity competitive with CPO advancement opportunity

67 Nuclear LDO Program Selection Opportunity by Community 67 LDO opportunities better than SCPO advancement opportunity

68 Nuclear LDO Community Accession Trends Working to improve Nuclear Enlisted interest in the community WE NEED YOUR HELP Healthier Eligible Population Still need more applicants SRB ESRP AVG 6-YR ESRP Contract Value = $89,611 AVG Contract Annual Payment = $14,935 68

69 Working to improve applicant split by community Nuclear LDO Selectees Sourcing by Population 69

70 Nuclear LDO/CWO Program Historical Applicants 70

71 Nuclear LDO/CWO Program Historical Selectees 71

72 Nuclear LDO Applicant Brief Nuclear LDO vs. Enlisted Compensation 72 LDO career compensation greater than senior enlisted

73 Nuclear LDO/CWO Community Typical Selectee Profile  LDO (6400) 1.8 Sea Tours 100% EWS/PPWS Qualifications 100% LPO/LCPO Experience 10% with Repair Experience Age: 32.1 Years of Active Service: 12.9 73

74 74 Nuclear LDO/CWO Program Senior Enlisted Impacts (FY08 to FY12) ~1 LDO Selectee from every 4 th Sub crew ~1 LDO Selected from each CVN Nuclear LDO Program has minimal impact to CPO Production

75 Nuclear LDO/CWO Community Initiatives  Policy Changes  SUBFOR is routing the new Submarine LDO Command Qualification instruction. Will be required to be completed if desire to be selected for CO Drydock  Initiatives  Billet restructuring in progress  Updating AIB  Promote-by-Enterprise  Changes in FITREP competitive categories 75

76 Nuclear LDO/CWO Community Direction of the Community Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NNPP) has absolute dependence on LDOs/CWOs NNPP relies on service in key assignments Improving community health by correcting long standing billet structural issues This will prepare us for Promote-by-Enterprise/Designator as well as make the designator more robust. 76

77  Lead by example Your leadership example is the one you demonstrate today---not from past performance Remember that you are always watched by juniors, seniors, and peers from all communities so be the one they want to emulate  Accept and embrace the tough assignments Maintain world wide assignable status Enterprises need the services of LDOs and CWOs  Mentoring - Recruit your relief; at least 1 per year  Seek out sailors that show potential. Don’t wait to be asked – seek them out LDO/CWO Community Final Thoughts 77

78 Nuclear LDO/CWO Community Contacts Nuclear LDO/CWO OCM: N133E 703-604-5489 PERS 422 Submarine / Nuclear LDO Assignments: PERS422APERS422 901-874-3945 901-874-3935 78

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