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Contemporary approaches & questions to Psychology.

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1 Contemporary approaches & questions to Psychology

2 BIOLOGICAL Behaviors are a consequence of our genetics & physiology EVOLUTIONARY Behaviors developed because they instinctually helped our ancestors adapt & survive BEHAVIORAL Past associations & the environment are strongest influences on behavior PSYCHODYNAMIC Behavior is controlled by impulses below the surface of consciousness HUMANISTIC Behavior is connected to a person’s inner feelings & self-image COGNITIVE Behavior is a product of Internal thought processes (how we handle information) SOCIOCULTURAL Behavior is influenced by rules & expectations of specific social groups Psychology’s Approaches

3 Contemporary Approaches to Psychology Because no individual approach may explain human thought and behavior exclusively, psychologists often take a more integrated approach, known as the Biopsychosocial Approach.

4 Psychology’s Three Main Levels of Analysis

5 Differing complementary views, from biological to psychological to social-cultural used to analyze any given phenomenon.

6 Psychology’s Three Main Levels of Analysis Differing complementary views, from biological to psychological to social-cultural used to analyze any given phenomenon. Biopsychosocial approach-an integrated approach that incorporates biological, psychological, and social-cultural levels of analysis.

7 Psychology’s Three Main Levels of Analysis




11 Nature Vs. Nurture “Nature-Nurture” Issue: Debate of origin of personality traits “Nature” = Genes “Nurture” = Experiences

12 Nature Vs. Nurture Psychologists often debate the “Nature-Nurture” issue with these types of questions: How are we humans alike (because of our common biology and evolutionary history) and diverse (because of our differing environments)? Are gender differences biologically predisposed or socially constructed? Is children’s grammar mostly innate or formed by experience? How are differences in intelligence and personality influenced by heredity and environment? Are sexual behaviors more “pushed” by inner biology or “pulled” by external incentives? Should we treat psychological disorders – depression, for example – as disorders of the brain, disorders of thought, or both?

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