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Leveraging Internal and External Networks for Successful Programming Manorama M. Khare, PhD March 4, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Leveraging Internal and External Networks for Successful Programming Manorama M. Khare, PhD March 4, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leveraging Internal and External Networks for Successful Programming Manorama M. Khare, PhD March 4, 2013

2 Women in Science and Engineering System Transformation (WISEST) at the University of Illinois at Chicago 2

3 Outline 1.WISEST Goal and Strategies 2.Sturm’s Framework 3.Application of Framework to WISEST 4.Institutional Policies

4 Goal of WISEST To increase the number, participation, and leadership status of minority and majority women in academic science and engineering through institutional transformation. 4

5 The WISEST Strategies Strategy 1: Warm the climate and decrease isolation of women STEM faculty. Strategy 2: Pilot initiatives to attract and recruit minority women faculty. Strategy 3: Transform STEM departments to foster diversity and women’s leadership. Strategy 4: Promote STEM women’s scholarship and teaching. Strategy 5: Improve the ability to track & report the gender equity in STEM. 5

6 Sturm’s Framework Organizational catalysts Institutional Intermediaries Institutional Citizenship M. Tam, M.M. Khare, J. Wichelecki (2012). Affecting Work-Life Friendly Policies and Programs for Institutional Transformation: Applying Sturm’s Architecture of Inclusion Framework to WISEST. 2012 WEPAN National Conference Proceedings. Sturm, S. (2006). The architecture of inclusion: advancing workplace equity in higher education. Harvard Journal of Law and Gender, 29, 248-298. 6

7 7 WISEST Executive Committee Provost, WISEST PI, Co-PIs, Director, Lead Facilitator, CRWG Director, Deans of LAS & COE STEM Department Heads WISEST Faculty Facilitators STEM Women Faculty Other STEM Faculty National Science Foundation UIC CWRG Housed WISEST grant Institutional Intermediaries Organizational Catalysts Institutional Citizenship

8 Life-Friendly Policies Revision of Tenure Hold Policy (August 16, 2008) to include automatic hold for a new child Modified Service Duty (January 1, 2009): one- semester modification of teaching duties for new child Partner Accommodation Policy 8

9 ADVANCE Implementation Mentors (AIM) Network 9

10 History Initiated: ADVANCE PI meeting (Nov. 2010) Target Audience: ADVANCE Program Coordinators/Directors (i.e., IT, PAID, Catalyst) Goal: To optimize efficiency and effectiveness of national ADVANCE efforts by establishing a Community of Practice which would provide ADVANCE Program Coordinators/Directors with: on-demand support intra-and-inter cohort mentoring efficient information dissemination best/promising practices identification 10

11 Objectives Establish a listserv (Dec. 2010) Establish a monthly meeting (Jan. 2011) 2 nd Tuesday of the month (8:30 PST) (509) 335-4700 (2466# or AIMM#) Establish a means for storing and sharing documents (Jan. 2011) WEPAN Knowledge Center: AIM Network Interest Group 11

12 AIM Network Membership 12 Membership has continued to grow over the last 3 years…

13 AIM Network Members 13 AIM Network Members at the 2011 NSF Joint Annual Meeting.

14 AIM Network Products Monthly Topical Meetings Revised Work-Life Policy Benchmark Document Mentoring Practices Survey Underrepresented Minority STEM Women Program Survey Supplemental Grant: Women of Color Allies and Partners Project Webinar (Nov. 1 st, 2012) Op Ed Project Training (Post ADVANCE Workshop, March 6 th, 2013) AIM Network Website and Allies & Partners Project Toolkit (to come) AIM Network Community of Practice PAID Proposal 14

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