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CHAPTER 15 REVIEW MRS.LAUB. 1. a.) What is the elemental makeup of the atmosphere? b.) What else does the atmosphere contain besides elements?

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 15 REVIEW MRS.LAUB. 1. a.) What is the elemental makeup of the atmosphere? b.) What else does the atmosphere contain besides elements?"— Presentation transcript:


2 1. a.) What is the elemental makeup of the atmosphere? b.) What else does the atmosphere contain besides elements?

3 1.a.) N, O2, CO2, Argon, Neon, Helium, Methane, Krypto, Xenon, H2, b.) Ozone, Solids, and Liquids

4 2. What are the 5 major layers of the atmosphere?

5 2. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere

6 3. What does the temperature and pressure do as you rise in elevation in the troposphere?

7 3. Decrease

8 4. What are and where are the ozone layer and the ionosphere?

9 4. Ozone layer is in the Stratosphere and the ionosphere is in the Thermosphere. Ionosphere layer of electrically charged particals and the ozone layer is made up of three oxygen atoms bonded together

10 5. Where does the majority of the Earth’s heat come from?

11 5. Sun

12 6. Describe the three methods in which heat is transferred in the Earth’s atmosphere.

13 6. Radiation, Conduction, and Convection

14 7. What is the Coriolis Effect?

15 7. Rotation of the Earth causes moving air and water to appear to the right of the North of the equator and to the left South of the equator.

16 8. What is the difference between a sea breeze and a land breeze?

17 8. A sea breeze is created during the day because solar radiation warms the land more than the water. Movement of air toward the water from the land is called a land breeze.


19 10. Describe the atmosphere of Mars and Venus.

20 10. Mars is a cold, lifeless world because its atmosphere is too thin to support life or to hold much of the sun’s heat. Venus’s atmosphere traps heat coming from the sun.

21 11. Where is Antarctica? How much sunlight does it receive?

22 11. South pole and receives several months of daylight and several months of darkness

23 12. What are the doldrums?

24 12. Doldrums are a state of inactivity, Stagnation, or slump, air in the doldrums seems motionless

25 13. What are trade winds?

26 13. Blow to the west as the cooled air flows back to the equator between 0 degrees and 30 degrees North and South latitude

27 14. What is the difference between prevailing westerlies and polar easterlies?

28 14. Westerlies is near 30 degrees North and South latitude, earth’s rotation deflects air from west to east as air moves toward the polar regions. Easterlies earth’s rotation deflects this wind from East to West.

29 15. How was the atmosphere created?

30 15. Erupted volcanoes, cynobacteria, ozone, and plants

31 16. What are CFC’s?

32 16. Chlorofluorocarbons- Pollutants from air conditioners, aerosol cans, and foam packaging

33 17. How do CFC’s affect the ozone layer?

34 17. CFC’s cause the depletion of the ozone molecules leaving holes in the ozone layer

35 18. The ozone layer has a hole above what area?

36 18. Antarctica

37 19. Describe the ozone layer and its role in the atmosphere

38 19. Blocks UVC

39 20. Describe the three types of heat transfer

40 20. Rad.- transfer in rays. Conduct.- molecules bump into one another. Convect.- transfer of heat by flow of material

41 21. What layer of the atmosphere is the jet stream located?

42 21. Troposphere

43 22. What layer of the atmosphere experiences the most atmospheric pressure?

44 22. Troposphere

45 23. What layer of the atmosphere can the northern lights be found?

46 23. Thermosphere

47 24. How does wind move?

48 24. Convection currents, Coriolis effect

49 25. What is global warming?

50 25. Gradual warming of the earth

51 26. What is a barometer?

52 26. Measures air pressure

53 27. What is an anemometer?

54 27. Wind Speed

55 28. What happens to the temperature as you travel higher in the troposphere?

56 28. Decrease

57 29. List the steps of the scientific method in order

58 29. Question, Research, Hypothesis, Experimentation, Analyze Data, and Conclusion

59 30. What are the units for measuring Mass, Volume, and length?

60 30. G, mL, and cm

61 31. What layer of the atmosphere is the most difficult to measure size?

62 31. Thermosphere is the thickest layer

63 32. What is the difference between independent (manipulated) and dependent (responding) variable?

64 32. I can change it and Depends on independent variable

65 33. What cause s convection currents in the atmosphere?

66 33. Hot air rising and cold air sinking

67 34. If you wanted to measure the density of an object, what equipment would you use?

68 34. Balance and graduated cylinder

69 35. What is the only substance that exists as a solid, liquid,and gas in the earth's atmosphere?

70 35. water

71 36. What is a variable?

72 36. A Factor that you change in an experiment

73 37. Almost all of the clouds are in which layer of the atmosphere?

74 37. Troposphere

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