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Presentation on theme: "THE OZONE LAYER HOLE."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is it? The atmosphere is a layer of gas involving the Earth. This layer protects life from the sun radiations. The ozone layer is an important part of the atmosphere. It is located between 20 and 30 kilometres above the Earth where there is the ozone gas that makes the ultraviolet rays bounce back to the space.

3 However, some gases created by human beings like chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) go to the top of the atmosphere and destroy the ozone layer. This is the reason why there is a big hole above the Antarctica. CFC

4 What does it happen? If there was a lot of ultraviolet radiation the skin diseases would rise, but the ozone layer only allows a reduced amount of radiations. Without the protection of the ozone, the sun could even produce skin cancer.

5 This not only affects the human beings but also the whole living beings of the planet. It could affect even the phytoplankton that is very sensitive to the ultraviolet rays which is in the base of the food chain. This could lead to the death of the sea.

6 What can we do? Stop CFC and halons
Luckily, we know which gases contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer. The most dangerous are the CFC that we find in the fridges, the sprays ..., the halons that we use in the fire extinguishers.

7 Do you know...?

8 To know more...

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