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Who Wants to be a Literacy Crusader? CLC Professional Development Sept 27-28.

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2 Who Wants to be a Literacy Crusader? CLC Professional Development Sept 27-28

3 What is content literacy? The listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking skills and strategies required to learn in each of the academic disciplines It’s NOT JUST READING!!!

4 What is CLC?  School literacy initiative to improve literacy for all students in all content areas  Literacy is NOT just for English class.  Adds more strategies to your teacher tool box  Not all CER’s fit every area – choose the best CER for a particular topic at a particular time

5 What is a CER?  CER – Content Enhancement Routine  Routine that organizes content material that is co-constructed using student language

6 Content Enhancement Routines Planning and Organizing Course Organizer Unit Organizer Lesson Organizer Teaching Concepts Concept Mastery Routine Concept Anchoring Routine Concept Comparison Routine Exploring Text, Topics, and Details Framing Routine Survey Routine Clarifying Routine Order Routine Increasing Performance Quality Assignment Routine Question Exploration Routine Recall Enhancement Routine

7 Content Enhancement Routines Planning and Organizing Course Organizer Unit Organizer Lesson Organizer Teaching Concepts Concept Mastery Routine Concept Anchoring Routine Concept Comparison Routine Exploring Text, Topics, and Details Framing Routine LINCing Routine Survey Routine Clarifying Routine Order Routine Increasing Performance Quality Assignment Routine Question Exploration Routine Recall Enhancement Routine

8 Where are we?  Objectives and Outcomes Junior/Senior/Other Electives introduction to CLC and begin utilizing strategiesintroduction to CLC and begin utilizing strategies FREAK OUT!FREAK OUT! Freshmen/Sophomore Academies working towards full implementationworking towards full implementation Wet feet vs. high diveWet feet vs. high dive

9 Poster Activity  What do you need to get set?  What do you need to get ready?  What do you need to go?  What do you need to win? SAME process is used with ALL CER’s

10  Process of condensing the definition to its essential parts…  focuses students’ attention on what is important  causes elaboration via summarizing strategies  Creating LINCing stories & pictures…  More focus on meaning of term  More elaboration  Strong background knowledge connections  Taps into visual & auditory modes of learning

11 LINCS Step 1: List the parts Step 2: Identify a Reminding Word Step 3: Note a LINCing Story Step 4: Create a LINCing Picture Step 5: Self-test

12 LINCS is a strategy for using key-word mnemonics Mnemonics

13 List the parts LINCS List the term (make sure it’s spelled correctly) List essential parts of definition (make sure it’s in “kid” language) compromise agreement, but each give up something

14 Common word whose meaning is familiar to students Sounds like the new term in some way List the parts Identify a “reminding word” LINCS compromise promise agreement, but each give up something

15 Short, simple story that includes the reminding word Helps you remember the new term’s definition List the parts Identify a “reminding word” Note a LINC ing Story LINCS compromise promise agreement, but each give up something To reach an agreement, both promised to give up something

16 List the parts Identify a “reminding word” Note a LINC ing Story Construct a LINC ing Picture LINCS Includes something related to Reminding word Helps you remember the new term’s definition compromise promise agreement, but each give up something To reach an agreement, both promised to give up something

17 List the parts Identify a “reminding word” Note a LINC ing Story Construct a LINC ing Picture LINCS Self-test compromise promise agreement, but each give up something To reach an agreement, both promised to give up something

18  common word with a familiar meaning paralegal parachute Most kids will know what a parachute is, thus it has a familiar meaning a legal assistant with limited training

19  sounds like the new term in some way The Reminding Word can sound like the BEGINNING of the new term spectator speculator

20 The Reminding Word can sound like the MIDDLE of the new term  sounds like the new term in some way constituents stitch Reminding Word sounds like MIDDLE of new term

21  sounds like the new term in some way The Reminding Word can sound like the END of the new term graph demograph

22  sounds like the new term in some way The Reminding Word can sound like NEARLY THE WHOLE new term appropriate appropriated

23  common word with a familiar meaning paralegal paramecium a legal assistant with limited training Some kids may have heard the term, but few will have any idea what it means POOR REMINDING WORD!

24 Bad Reminding words Original Orange Academics Destiny

25 Lincing Example Defray To supply the money for; to pay Pay I had to pay for my family’s vacation this year

26 Example by Mrs. Schell Analyze to examine something in great detail in order to understand it better ANUS The dog sniffed my neighbors anus in great detail to see if he was a friend or foe.

27 Modeling an Example

28 Group Work  In your group, create a LINCS table for the phobia word distributed to your group  Copy on to overhead strip  Share out when instructed to do so Bring 5 CRITICAL content words with you for tomorrow

29 Who Wants to be a Literacy Crusader?

30 Day 2

31 1.Review LINCS 2.Meet as a content area 3.Using 5 critical content words, create a LINCS table 4.Share out 5.Fidelity checklist 6.CUE, DO, REVIEW modeling 7.Review checklist 8.Implementation Objectives/Expectations

32 The LINCS Routine Teaching Device TheLINCS Linking Steps TheCue-Do-ReviewSequence Components of The LINCS Routine

33 Cue: (ready to learn) Name to routine Explain how it will help students learn Specify what part students’ need to do to participate in the routine Do: (present the routine) The Linking steps: ANCHOR Review: (check for understanding) Ask questions related to the content: New Concept Ask questions related to the content: connecting the New Concept to the Known Concept and the shared characteristics Ask questions about the process

34 You have done the “Cue” part (name the routine; benefits to the students; expectations of students) You have done the “DO” part (go through the steps: LINCS) Now it is time to Review. Review the process using the acronym/steps LINCS Review the content for understanding How does the LINCing Routine help you? What are the advantages of constructing a LINCS Table?

35 Fidelity Checklist Reflection

36 Implementation  Set personal goals  Time line  Reflection on learning  Label on your agenda where we used CUE, DO, REVIEW

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