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Doing Business with the Federal Government National Capital Region Small Business Utilization Office For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC –

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Presentation on theme: "Doing Business with the Federal Government National Capital Region Small Business Utilization Office For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Doing Business with the Federal Government National Capital Region Small Business Utilization Office For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC –

2 General Service Administration Mission For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC “The mission of GSA is to deliver the best value in real estate, acquisition, and technology services to government and the American people.”

3 General Service Administration Priorities For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC Delivering Better Value and Savings Serving our Partners Expanding Opportunities for Small Businesses Making a More Sustainable Government Leading with Innovation Building a Stronger GSA

4 Overview The federal government is the largest buyer of goods and services. In FY 2014 federal agencies awarded over $440 billion dollars in contracts General Services Administration awarded $3 billion dollars in FY 2015 (Preliminary) The agency is comprised of the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), the Public Buildings Service (PBS), Office of Governmentwide Policy, Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technology, Office of Small Business Utilization, 11 Regional Offices and Staff OfficesFederal Acquisition Service (FAS)Public Buildings Service (PBS), Office of Governmentwide PolicyOffice of Citizen Services and Innovative Technology Office of Small Business Utilization Source: For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC

5 Who is GSA? The Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) helps federal agency customers leverage the purchasing power of the federal government to achieve the best value possible in purchasing products, services, technology, motor vehicles, transportation, and travel The Public Buildings Service (PBS) manages the owned and leased federal real estate portfolio, providing superior workplaces for federal customer agencies at superior value to the American taxpayer The Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) helps federal agency customers leverage the purchasing power of the federal government to achieve the best value possible in purchasing products, services, technology, motor vehicles, transportation, and travel The Public Buildings Service (PBS) manages the owned and leased federal real estate portfolio, providing superior workplaces for federal customer agencies at superior value to the American taxpayer For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC

6 Federal Acquisition Services () Federal Acquisition Services ( FAS )  GSA is America's only source solely dedicated to procuring goods and services for government. at the best value possible. FAS offers a continuum of innovative solutions.  Products and Services  Technology  Motor Vehicle Management  Transportation  Travel  Procurement and Online Acquisition Tools

7 Public Buildings Service (PBS)  The landlord and real estate organization of the civilian Federal government  Leases space to Federal customer agencies;  Repairs, alters, and renovates existing buildings;  Designs courthouses, border stations, and – Federal office buildings  Responsible for buildings operations and maintenance

8 GSA Interact

9 What are you offering? What products or services do you want to offer? Is there a viable market for your offering? -How to determine if there is a federal market for your products or services? What makes your products or services unique- -Innovation -Price -Expertise -Solutions For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC

10 Who buys what we sell? To answer this question you must conduct market research. Consider the following resources to conduct market research Acquisition Central Federal Business Opportunities Federal Procurement Data System For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC

11 For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC

12 Market Research – Federal Contracts Award Data USASpending.govFederal Contracts Award Data

13 One simple search using NAICS code or keywords, Agency Utilize and your NAICS code to determine who buy your product or For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR OSBU Insert NAICS code or Keyword

14 Know your Customers What else may you need to know about an agency  Budget –  Strategic Plans – Agency Website  Executive Orders, pending Rules – Federal Register Executive OrdersFederal Register  Problems/needs – GAO ReportsGAO  Small Business Achievements – scorecards, Small Business scorecardsSmall Business Dashboard  Facilities- What type of security clearance is required? - For more information on security clearances or call the DOD Security Services Center at 1-888-282-7682 For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC

15 Contract Vehicles – Do you need one or more? To contract with federal agencies GSA Federal Supply Schedule –FAR 8.404 Long-term governmentwide contracts with commercial firms providing access to over 11 million commercial products and services. Participation – Minimum revenue of $25,000 – 2 years in business – Commercial Products and Services only – Contractors required to earn $25,000 after 24 month grace period to avoid removal from program For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC

16 Who uses GSA Schedules? Executive & Other Federal Agencies Mixed-Ownership Government Corporations (FDIC, Federal Home Loan Banks, American Red Cross, etc.) The District of Columbia Cost Reimbursable Government Contractors authorized in writing by a Federal agency (48 CFR 51.1) State and Local Government (includes Educational Institutions (Cooperative Purchasing) Domestic and Worldwide For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC

17 GSA Schedule – Small Business Set Asides Small Business Set-asides on GSA Schedule Task Orders and Delivery Orders and Blanket Purchase Agreements – FAR 8 *To learn more about your target agencies Small Business goals visit the agency’s Small Business Utilization webpage Changes for Small Business GSA Schedule Vendors

18 GSA Vendor - New Readiness Assessment Access the Vendor Support Center – Vendor Toolbox

19 Advantage Spend Analysis Program For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC If you have a GSA schedule contract – research the ASAP website for Sales trends by agency, BPA’s and other categoriesASAP Schedule Contractor login here to run a report

20 eBuy For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC

21 GSA Advantage For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC

22 Competition: All competition requirements have been met Expedited delivery and reduced lead time when purchasing agency deals directly with vendor Flexible Purchasing Options: BPA’s save time and money No order limitations: You can place an order for any dollar amount Schedules orders count toward small business goals Why Federal Agencies Prefer Schedules Contractors

23 Simplified access to thousands of ordering activities. Contract stability (5-year contract period and three 5-year options to renew). Online ordering through GSA Advantage website. Savings related to reduced lead time. Payment received quickly through credit card purchases Schedule Contractor Benefits:

24 Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative The primary goals of FSSI are: Establish mechanisms to increase total cost savings, value, and socioeconomic participation* Collaborate with industry to develop optimal solutions Share best practices Create a strategic sourcing community of practice For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC “Agencies should consider using acquisition vehicles developed by the OMB's Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative to acquire printing and copying devices and services”

25 Seeking Partnerships through GSA Vehicles Contractor Teaming Arrangements ( –GSA Schedule Vendors ONLY –Total Solution –Paid Separate –Team Plans Process Subcontracting ( –Any size prime –GSA Schedule Projects –Piece of the Pie Mentor Protégé (égé) –GSA Schedule Vendors –Prime Directed Projects –GSA Approved –Subcontracting Agreement 25

26 Vendor Checklist – Doing Business with …. Review & update your contractor registration on the System of Award Management website – Review Agencies website(s)– for example Refine your target market - be alert and flexible Review agencies Forecast of Contracting OpportunitiesForecast of Contracting Opportunities Update your capability statement with relevant past performance Prepare for meetings, vendor days, pre solicitation conferences or other marketing presentations Submit quality proposals For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR OSBU GOAL: Visibility, Familiarity, Integrity, Trust, Confidence

27 Utilize All Marketing Tools Attend Networking Events – (Industry Days, conferences, workshops) Attend outreach sessions designed just for small business – Come prepared to ask questions and get contact information For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC

28 Marketing to GSA The GSA is divided into 11 geographical regions across the United States, and a national program office. The map below is a geographical illustration of each For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC The GSA is divided into 11 geographical regions across the United States, and a national program office. The map below is a geographical illustration of each. Click on the map to reach the GSA Customer Service Directories for each region.

29 Small Business Website Access Training Opportunities Tools and Resources Help ( 29 Office of Small Business Utilization

30 GSA and Social Media (information and feedback changing small business procurements) GSA, Office of Small Business Utilization (Fan Page with lots of updates) Small Business Solutions Group (blogs, discussion boards, and more) 30

31 Summary Tips Review and Revise your marketing strategies conducting ongoing market research Be Persistent and be patient in your approach and follow through Build a relationship within your target markets – GSA, agencies social media sites-twitter, LinkedIn, othersGSA Present viable solutions to Agency needs For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC

32 Questions & Answers For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC

33 NCR Office of Small Business Utilization Judith Stackhouse - Jordan For Training purposes only - GSA - NCR SBUC

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