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Using InSite Studio for the Mississippi Virtual Community Colleges.

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Presentation on theme: "Using InSite Studio for the Mississippi Virtual Community Colleges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using InSite Studio for the Mississippi Virtual Community Colleges

2 InSite Studio …is “Instructional Computer-Aided Design” – –Design creation through simple Diagram interface

3 InSite Studio …is “Instructional Computer-Aided Design” –Design creation through simple Diagram interface Simple Outline interface plus

4 Design Objects in InSite Topic Page Assessment Rule

5 Adding to your InSite Design Use the Insert menu Use the right-click menu Use the toolbar

6 Bringing in Existing Content Choose to Insert either PowerPoint slides, Web pages on your computer, or Internet pages Drag and drop imported pages into your design!

7 Arranging Objects in your Design Drag and drop in Outline View Drag and drop in Diagram View Make placement- relative insertions

8 Creating Hierarchy in your Design Use topics to group other objects Use topics to organize instruction Creates “levels” in design

9 InSite Studio …adds “Adaptivity” to your modules –Describe course behaviors through use of Assessments

10 InSite Studio …adds “Adaptivity” to your modules –Describe course behaviors through use of Assessments Simple Sequencing with

11 Creating an Assessment From an Assessment object’s edit mode, choose “Add” to create questions Choose “Options” to set up quiz feedback

12 Importing an Assessment Choose Insert  “Assessments from a Blackboard Course Package”, and then drag and drop quizzes into your design!

13 Using Objectives Define your objectives in the Objective Manager Assign objectives to each question in your assessments

14 Adding Behaviors Define a sequencing rule in its edit mode Reference your objective scores in the sequence rules

15 Basic Sequencing Rules

16 Combining Rules

17 Example “Goto” for Remediation

18 Example of Pre-testing

19 Leveled Pre-testing

20 …has “No Hassle” delivery preparation –“Skinned” look and tools automatically created with visual Presentation Synthesis InSite Studio

21 …has “No Hassle” delivery preparation –“Skinned” look and tools automatically created with visual Presentation Synthesis Export Options and

22 InSite’s Learning Skins Select a learning skin for your module in the Skin Chooser

23 InSite’s Preview Mode Simply choose “Preview” Then “play” with your module!

24 InSite’s Export Options Compressed (zipped) folder –Self-contained web module –Can be imported as “Assignment” in Blackboard –Can be distributed on CD-ROM –Can be posted on a web server Multiple ADL SCORM formats

25 Design structure Develop objects Import objects Create assessments Add behaviors Preview & Test Export Overview of Using InSite Studio Think “high level” …InSite facilitates the instructional design process.

26 Overview of Using InSite Studio Think “high level” …InSite facilitates the instructional design process. Design structure Develop objects Import objects Create assessments Add behaviors Preview & Test Export

27 Overview of Using InSite Studio Think “high level” …InSite facilitates the instructional design process. Design structure Develop objects Import objects Create assessments Add behaviors Preview & Test Export

28 Overview of Using InSite Studio Think “high level” …InSite facilitates the instructional design process. Design structure Develop objects Import objects Create assessments Add behaviors Preview & Test Export

29 Overview of Using InSite Studio Think “high level” …InSite facilitates the instructional design process. Design structure Develop objects Import objects Create assessments Add behaviors Preview & Test Export

30 Overview of Using InSite Studio Think “high level” …InSite facilitates the instructional design process. Design structure Develop objects Import objects Create assessments Add behaviors Preview & Test Export

31 Overview of Using InSite Studio Think “high level” …InSite facilitates the instructional design process. Design structure Develop objects Import objects Create assessments Add behaviors Preview & Test Export

32 InSite Features Still to Come… In-line content creation Simulation/activity synthesis Design sharing More imports Enhanced assessments Enhanced InSite  LMS communications InSite Studio Beta (v0.7.3) now available

33 For More Information You may visit our web site at: Inquiries may be sent to Scott Calhoun: or 662-325-9397 or Debbie Brown: or 601-407-2732 or call the InSite support line at 662-325-5581

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