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Mombasa gate city master plan
Public and Stakeholder Consultation First Stakeholders’ Workshop at ROYAL COURT HOTEL 28th OCTOBER, 2015
WHY ARE WE HERE Objectives of this SHM To introduce the Master Plan Process, Schedule and Scope; To introduce the SEA Process Schedule and Scope; To gather / understand expectations of Stakeholders (SH); To clarify Lead Agencies to be involved; To ensure meaningful SH participation from early stage in the development of the Master Plan.
What is a master plan A master plan is a broad framework that guides urban development decisions in a city. It aims at achieving optimal spatial coordination of different human activities for the enhancement of the quality of life.
Objective of Mombasa Gate City MP
To provide spatial order of physical investments. To enhance quality of life for inhabitants. To guide investments by providing locational criteria
Study area County of Mombasa, one of 47 Counties in Kenya
Approximate Area=287km2; 222km2 land and about 65km2 water Consists of four geographical areas; Mombasa Island, Mainland South, Mainland North, and Mainland West
Working groups for preparation of mgc-mp
Social Economic Sector Land Use and Informal Settlements Urban Transport ( Road, Water, Air and Railway) Governance and Institutional Sector Tourism Development And Culture Sector Infrastructure (Water Supply, Storm Water, , Sewerage, Power, Solid waste, and Telecommunication) Environment and Social Consideration– The Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) will be undertaken under this sector area.
Expected Outputs Of the MP Process
Mombasa Gate City Master plan for the period An implementation and management program Flagship projects in selected priority areas Policies, regulations, standards and guidelines for county developments Technical transfer to the counterparts during the course of the project
methodology Meetings Workshops Media Website
The plan preparation process will be consultative to ensure that the participation of all stakeholders is addressed . It is a legal requirement to involve all people This will be through: Meetings Workshops Media Website Individual Visits/submissions
Progress So Far Signing of agreement between Government of Kenya, County Government of Mombasa and Government of Japan December 2014 Inception Report Completed in April 2015 Notice of Intention to Plan appeared on Daily Nation Newspaper May 21, 2015 edition, Pg 31 Formation of 7 Technical Working Groups in April ( various meetings already conducted), also JICA Lectures conducted on Fridays for technical transfer to counterpart staff and interested stakeholders, 18 lectures already conducted. Commencement of consultations (First Meeting October 2015, Second Meeting (Sub county based in February 2016), Third Meeting (Sub county based in September 2016), Various meeting for key groups February- September 2016, Validation Meeting in December 2016. Commencement of SEA Process in September 2015 Progress Report to be submitted in November 2015
Work Flow
Stakeholders expectations
Draft Vision ‘A Premier Gateway Port City That Upholds Diversity and Heritage”
Mombasa Gate City Master Plan Secretariat County Government of Mombasa
Box Mombasa or Website Phone Nos or Thank you.
Defn and Purpose of SEA What is SEA
SEA refers to analytical and participatory approaches that aim to integrate environmental and social consideration into policies, plans and programs (PPP) and evaluate their interlinkages with economic and social considerations.
Purpose of SEA Why SEA To ensure that project related environmental and social issues are identified and integrated into policy, planning and decision-making processes. To comply with legal requirements: The Legal Notice No 101 (Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit Regulations 2003), Section 42, states that: ‘’Lead agencies shall in consultation with NEMA subject all proposals for policy, plans and programmes to a ”Strategic Environmental Assessment…’’ NEMA recommended for SEA of Mombasa Gate City Master Plan because The Master Plan is a land use plan The Master Plan will lead to projects requiring Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) The Master Plan will require relatively high consumption of resources.
When is SEA Necessary? If the project is likely to result in significant environmental effects due to its magnitude, duration or spatial extent of effects; If the proposed policy, plan or programme is likely to be politically or publicly contentious; If the cumulative nature of the effects are likely to be significant; If there are likely to be trans-boundary effects (i.e. likely to affect other counties, regions and countries). If social and/or ecological systems in target area have low resilience and/or high vulnerability to disturbance or impact (e.g. poor communities, sensitive ecosystems); If the project is likely to have a negative impact on unique or highly valued natural or cultural elements or result in major changes in behaviours of resident communities.
How is SEA different from EIA?
SEA is undertaken for Plans, Policies and Programs whereas EIA is undertaken for specific projects; SEA incorporates a rigorous stakeholder engagement process with stakeholder and public consultation at every stage of the process; Under SEA it is mandatory to assess the long term effects of a plan as well as impacts beyond the geographical location of the plan
Objectives of SEA To provide an early opportunity to check whether or not a proposal complies with national and international environmental policy and legislative obligations To support sustainable development, based on ecological safety and environmental limitations; To preserve positive impacts of the proposed activity and prevent or mitigate the negative impacts and their consequences and ensure exclusion activities with irreversible negative impacts; To ensure assessment of possible risks for natural and anthropogenic disasters and emergencies; To provide opportunities for public notification and participation at an early stage in the planning process.
Methodology and Approach
Procedure would be in line with NEMA Guidelines for SEA and shall be as follows: A: Screening Prepare project brief and submit to NEMA – Already done NEMA to review project brief and confirm within 7 days whether or not SEA is required B: Scoping Scoping Study and Preparation of Scoping Report, including stakeholder input; Submission of Scoping Report to NEMA NEMA reviews scoping report and reverts with comments within 21 days C: SEA Study Conduct SEA and prepare Draft SEA Report ; Conduct Stakeholder meeting and collect SH concerns Revise Draft SEA report to include SH input; Submit Draft Final SEA Report to NEMA D: Stakeholder, Public and Expert Review of SEA report NEMA sends draft SEA report to stakeholders and gives 45 days for SH comments NEMA also publishes draft SEA report in Kenya Gazette and a reputable newspaper and gives the public 60 days to give comments NEMA calls Validation Meeting CGM to prepare Final Report(FR) incorporating the comments from Validation Workshop
The SEA Process Project Implementation
Submission of the SEA report to NEAM by the study team Project Implementation Evaluation by the TAC Stakeholder validation NEC validation NEMA validation and communicates to proponent No issue – SEA report to proceed to the next stage Issues have arisen and require the attention of the SEA study team
Scoping Outline objectives of PPP
Clarification of geographical boundaries of study area; Determination of significant issues to be studied such as physical, ecological, social, economic, institutional and political issues; Determination ofkey socioeconomic issues in survey area such as land use patterns and livelihood systems Identification of relevant stakeholders and agencies with the various decision-making mandates with regard to PPP; Assessment of project alternatives Confirmation of methods of data analysis , sources of relevant data and amount of information available; Development of ToR for detailed SEA study.
SEA Study Collection of Baseline Information –Socioeconomic, ecological, chemical, air quality and noise level; Analysis of policy, regulatory and institutional framework; Identification, prediction, and evaluation of potential impacts, Impact mitigation and benefits enhancement Detailed Stakeholder Engagement – consultation, information, and documentation of stakeholder concerns Assessment of PPP alternatives; Preparation of Draft Final SEA (DFR) report and submission to NEMA
Stakeholder Consultation
SEA is a SH driven process and SH consultation shall be conducted at every stage of the SEA process; Three (3) major SHM shall be conducted and a Validation Workshop – SHM 1 (During Scoping) SHM 2 (During detailed study) and SHM3 (to get SH input into DFR); SHM2 and SHM3 would be conducted at Subcounties to capture wider audience 6 No Public Consultation meetings would also be conducted for Key Stakeholder groups and special interest groups Civic Education To be conducted after SHM3 to create awareness among the general public Would be conducted continuously for 2 weeks MCG to arrange for location of display of education material
Completion of Scoping Report incorporating views gathered at SHM I
NEXT STEPS In sea Completion of Scoping Report incorporating views gathered at SHM I Submission of Scoping Report to NEMA by Nov 30, 2015 Commencement of Detailed Study upon approval of Scoping Report Stakeholders Meeting II end of February 2016
Mombasa Gate City Master Plan Secretariat County Government of Mombasa
Box Mombasa or Website Phone Nos or Thank you.
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