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Fossil fuel CO 2 and CH 4 emissions (mass, isotopic, spatial and temporal descriptions) Session organizers: Robert Andres, Marc Fischer, Kevin Gurney Brief.

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Presentation on theme: "Fossil fuel CO 2 and CH 4 emissions (mass, isotopic, spatial and temporal descriptions) Session organizers: Robert Andres, Marc Fischer, Kevin Gurney Brief."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fossil fuel CO 2 and CH 4 emissions (mass, isotopic, spatial and temporal descriptions) Session organizers: Robert Andres, Marc Fischer, Kevin Gurney Brief summary of the topic: Focus on development and testing of higher spatial and temporal resolution fossil fuel data products and better integration of planned and existing data products into other NACP activities. Relevance: To better integrate one of the better known fluxes in the NACP C cycle into the broader NACP efforts.

2 Products expected: 1. Identification of fossil fuel CO 2 and CH 4 emission inventory attributes needed for progress on NACP objectives, 2. Inventory of existing and planned fossil fuel inventory data products, 3. Recommended research to assess uncertainties in emission inventories, 4. Discussion on how to better integrate these products into other NACP activities, and 5. Discussion on strategy for intercomparison effort of existing and planned data products.

3 Agenda 1. Individual presentations requested by e-mail 2. Focused discussion of five expected products from last slide

4 1. Identification of fossil fuel CO 2 and CH 4 emission inventory attributes needed for progress on NACP objectives Desired attributes: emissions by sector by time segment (temporal scale undefined) by location (spatial scale undefined) measured variables: mass C total 14 C 13 C

5 2. Inventory of existing and planned fossil fuel inventory data products Recognition that there are two main CO 2 products now available: CDIAC and VULCAN products Call for a comparison paper listing strengths and weaknesses of each product recommendations for types of studies for which each product is best suited

6 3. Recommended research to assess uncertainties in emission inventories Not much directed discussion on this point, but comparison with atmospheric measurements, especially utilizing 14 C, suggested May want to use different comparison species/correlations whether in an urban or rural grid cell

7 4. Discussion on how to better integrate these products into other NACP activities Not much directed discussion on this point, but upcoming DOE/EIA and EPA meetings mentioned Closer involvement of inventory compilers and model users

8 5. Discussion on strategy for intercomparison effort of existing and planned data products Comparison of CDIAC, VULCAN, and atmospheric sample records mass time trends in data

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