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Mrs. Schindler A - F Mrs. McLaughlin G-Q Mrs. Comer Counseling Coordinator R - Z Mrs. Halterman Secretary.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Schindler A - F Mrs. McLaughlin G-Q Mrs. Comer Counseling Coordinator R - Z Mrs. Halterman Secretary."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mrs. Schindler A - F Mrs. McLaughlin G-Q Mrs. Comer Counseling Coordinator R - Z Mrs. Halterman Secretary

3 Ms. Boward GRASP (Great Aspirations Scholarship Program) Mrs. Wangler Career Coach

4 Academic Planning Academic Success Exploring Career Options Occasional Reality Checks Problem Solving Strategies Getting the Most Out of High School Function of a High School Counselor

5  Schedule an appointment with your counselor by completing the blue form titled: “REQUEST TO SEE COUNSELOR”  Forms are found in the Counseling Office  Forms should be left in your Counselor’s mailbox located on your Counselor’s office door or given to Mrs. Halterman Counselor Contact Form


7 What is said in a guidance counselor’s office stays in the guidance counselor’s office, unless: 1. Your life or someone else’s life is in danger. 2. You give permission for information to be shared. 3. Your counselor determines that the issue is so potentially threatening or harmful that some kind of resource help is needed. Students are encouraged to share information with parents.

8  School Counselor  School Nurse – Ms. Harvey  Student Resource Officer – Officer Hammersberg  Administrator  Student Assistance Program



11  English: 4 units (English 9, 10, 11, 12)  Math: 3 units (including 2 course selections from among Algebra 1, Geometry, or higher…algebra II part I does not count as the 3 rd class any longer)  Science: 3 units (must include two different disciplines from among Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, or Physics)  Social Studies: 3 units (World Geography, US/VA History, and US/VA Government)  Health/PE: 2 units (HPE I and HPE II)  Economics and Personal Finance: 1 unit  Foreign Language/Fine Arts or CTE: 2 units  Electives: 2 of the 4 units must be in sequential order (ex. Art 1 and Art 2) VERIFIED UNITS (SOL Testing)  English: 2 (both given in English 11)  Math: 1  Science: 1  Social Studies : 1  One additional unit from either Math, Science, or Social Studies

12  English: 4 units (English 9, 10, 11, 12)  Math: 4 units (including 3 course selections from among Algebra 1, Geometry, or higher…Algebra II Part I no longer counts as a math credit…it is an elective credit)  Science: 4 units (must include two different disciplines from among Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, or Physics)  Social Studies: 4 units (World Geography, World History, US/VA History, and US/VA Government)  Health/PE: 2 units (HPE I and HPE II)  Economics and Personal Finance : 1 unit  Fine Arts or Career and Technical Ed: 1 unit  Foreign Language: 3 units of one language or two years each of two different languages  Electives: 3 units, depending on the amount of foreign language completed VERIFIED UNITS (SOL Testing)  English: 2 (both given in English 11)  Math: 2  Science: 2  Social Studies: 2  One additional unit from either Math, Science, or Social Studies

13  Points are given to each class completed.  To calculate your cumulative GPA, add all points together and divide by the total number of classes.  Example: A+ = 4.3B = 3.0C- = 1.6667F = 0.0 A = 4.0B- = 2.6667D+ = 1.3I = 0.0 A- = 3.6667C+ = 2.3D = 1.0 B+ = 3.3C = 2.0D- = 0.6667 CLASSES & GRADES: Algebra 1: B+ (= 3.3) Health/PE 1: A (=4.0) English 9: B (=3.0) Biology: C (=2.0) World History: A (=4.0) Art 1: B+ (=3.3)  Cumulative GPA = (3.3+3.0+4.0+4.0+2.0+3.3)/6 = 19.6/6 classes = 3.267


15  To be in 10 th grade = 5 standard credits  To be in 11 th grade = 10 standard credits  To be in 12 th grade = 14 standard credits

16  VHSL Eligibility › A student must take and pass at least three (3) courses in the semester. › Eligibility is determined by semester and year end grades.

17  Colleges prefer to see a student who › takes a rigorous course load › earns A’s & B’s on their report card › is involved in extracurricular activities both at school and in the community. › takes a full course load each year. › is able to express himself or herself in writing.

18  Clubs  Sports  Get Involved! Make friends with other students who have similar interests and HAVE FUN!

19 We are on Twitter!!! Please follow us SDHS Guidance @SDHSGuidance

20  Today’s power point will be posted on the School Counseling Webpage for you to use as a resource  Thank you for coming!

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