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2 PROCEDURES You will hear over the PA “We are in a CODE BLACK!”
Once you hear the code, please evacuate the classroom. Make sure that your students take their book bags with them. They do not need to pack them. As you leave, doors should be locked. All classrooms will be evacuated to the east side of the school. (Track, Basketball Courts, Softball Field, & behind Tennis Courts). Move your class as far from the building as possible.

3 PROCEDURES In the process of evacuation, look for and report any unusual or suspicious noises, devices, or disturbances to your nearest SAFE Team member. Do not touch anything that looks suspicious. Once your class is outside, in the safe area, take attendance to see if all students are present and accounted for. If all students present, flag should be turned GREEN If a student is missing, flag should be RED. Please stay with your students in the designated safe area and wait to receive further information from the SAFE Team Members. They will let you know if we are evacuating the facility

Once you get the information to evacuate the school grounds, please let your students know. As we are leaving the school grounds please make sure that your students are in a single file line and following the class in front of your class. Make sure that your students are not running, but they should be brisk walking. Not strolling.

5 ARRIVING AT PINE CREST The stadium will be divided up by grade levels. Please look for your grade level signs and listen to your grade level communication person (AP Guidance Counselor, or Security Specialist. That person will pass on any information to the grade level teachers that comes from the command center) Based on the number of students in each grade level for an elective class, the elective teachers will take their students to the grade level area based on their most students.

6 ARRIVING AT PINE CREST Once you have your students settled in their grade level area in the stadium, take attendance once again. If all students present, flag should be turned GREEN If a student is missing, flag should be RED. If a student is missing get that name to your grade level communication person.

7 THINGS WE DO NOT DO Do not allow students to pack book bags.
Do not touch anything that look suspicious. Do not miss taking attendance. Do not panic and do not yell at the students. Stay calm and speak in a stern composed voice. Do not question the sheriff deputies. Just follow their requests. Do not use cell phones.

8 THINGS WE MUST DO Work together. Keep the lines of communication open with administration, grade level teachers, and staff members. Listen to all requests made by sheriff deputies, administration, and staff members. Keep students calm, make sure they are not using cell phones leaving the school and arriving at Pine Crest. Please stay with your students in the designated safe area and wait to receive further information from the SAFE Team Members.



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