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Thank you for using this pre-visit resource. We believe this will help strengthen student learning leading up to and during your gallery visit. Due to.

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Presentation on theme: "Thank you for using this pre-visit resource. We believe this will help strengthen student learning leading up to and during your gallery visit. Due to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thank you for using this pre-visit resource. We believe this will help strengthen student learning leading up to and during your gallery visit. Due to the different versions of PowerPoint schools may use, please check for, and correct any formatting issues before you use this presentation with your students. Please check by viewing in slide show format before making any necessary changes. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. Welcome Learning Experiences Outside the Classrom Te Tuhi Centre for the Arts Phone: (09) 577 0138 ext 7703 Jeremy Leatinu’u Education Coordinator

2 now loading… 77% Te Tuhi pre visit: Lesson 2

3 Welcome to now loading During this lesson we will explore… How to make something Abstract Image:

4 Let’s explore how to make something abstract… Image;

5 In the last lesson we learnt that abstract painting can use colour and shape to show the world in a different way We learnt that colour and shape can help show our environment, the things we use and how we feel Abstract Painting Lets focus on shapes for now and think about the kinds of shapes we know…

6 Here are some shapes you may know… Let’s name some of these shapes… octagon hexagon cone cylinder cube Oval square rectangle diamond circle triangle

7 Oval square rectangle circle triangle diamond octagon hexagon cone cylinder cube circle triangle Many of these shapes can reflect and remind us of things such as…

8 To create an abstract painting of an object we should think about… The kind of shapes we see on the object What colours can we use to describe the object Let’s start by thinking about this cell phone… We may use warm, bright and playful colours if an object is fun to use

9 What basic shapes can we see in this cell phone? We want to focus on using the basic shapes to create an outline drawing…

10 The next step is to fill our shapes with colour… I have chosen to use primary and secondary colours such as…blue, green, purple and orange

11 Using primary and secondary colours are great because they look very different to one another I’ve chosen these colours to describe how playful and fun technology can be Let’s look at another piece of technology we may be familiar with… Now we have an abstract painting that shows a cell phone in a very different way…

12 Here we have a laptop. To create an abstract painting of this let’s find some basic shapes to create an outline drawing…

13 Now we add colour to show how playful and fun a laptop can be to use… I have decided to use red, blue, yellow, orange and green… Let’s look at another piece of technology we may be familiar with… Now we have an abstract painting that shows a laptop in a very different way…

14 Here we have a playstation portable. To create an abstract painting of this let’s find some basic shapes to create an outline drawing…

15 Now we add colour using primary and secondary colours… In this painting I have decided to use red, blue, yellow, orange, green and violet… I have also left part of my painting white. This is so you can clearly see the shape of the buttons…

16 Abstract Painting To abstract these objects we: First looked for basic shapes on the object to help draw an outline of the object Then we used colour to describe the object We used warm, bright and playful colours to describe how fun the object is to use

17 Abstract activity Now that we know how a little more about abstract art, lets create some abstract drawings of the technology we use. For this exercise we will just focus on creating drawings without colour. Remember its more about basic shapes and not so much about tiny details. On the day of our Te Tuhi visit we will bring these with us and use them in the art room at Te Tuhi. The more drawings of different technology the better.

18 Let’s recap on what we have learnt so far… Now that we know about how to abstract something…

19 So what have we learnt so far? We learnt… If we looked carefully, we can see many things in the world have basic shapes We can use colour to describe an object and how we feel about it To abstract an object we need to think about the kinds of shapes an object has You can show a painting of an object in a very different way rectangle

20 End of lesson In the next lesson we will explore “the kinds of technology people use” End of lesson

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