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Art Review.... the game!. Cool colours What are the following:

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Presentation on theme: "Art Review.... the game!. Cool colours What are the following:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Art Review.... the game!

2 Cool colours What are the following:

3 Illuminated Manuscript This type of writing was said to “light up” because of the frequent incorporation of gold or silver leaf onto the page.

4 Warm colours Colours containing mostly Red or Yellow

5 Printing Press This invention, by Gutenberg, caused a growth in education and general knowledge, due to the increase in available written materials.

6 Rhythm Which Principle of Design is best demonstrated by the following picture:

7 Pattern The repetition of an Element of Design

8 Orange has been neutralized What has happened to the colour below?

9 What is the difference between a Gargoyle and a Grotesque? Gargoyle has and open mouth and functions as a waterspout Grotesque has a closed mouth and only decorative

10 Contour lines

11 Yellow-Green If you add the following colours together what do you get?

12 Kiln Oven used to heat clay to temperatures as high as 2500º

13 Forms Cube, Sphere, Prism, Cone

14 Neutralize To lessen the intensity of a colour by adding small amounts of its complementary colour.

15 Light What is this area called?

16 Yellow, Red and Blue Primary Colours

17 Radial Balance When the weight appears to be circling or moving towards a central point

18 Fresco - A method of painting on or in wet plaster.

19 Red has been toned What has happened to the colour below?

20 Colour Definition is... Reflected light

21 Explain what Feudalism is and how it worked. Feudalism was a system in which weaker noblemen would give up their land to powerful lords for protection from outlying tribes that might try to steal their stuff and kill their families. These noblemen would become administrative servant, or vassals, to the lords taking care of the land that was once theirs. Most people were serfs; poor peasants who owned no land but worked on it and were property of the lord, and thereby protected under the feudalism trade deal.


23 What was purpose of the buttress and flying buttress? Taking weight off the sides of a building  Which allowed for larger windows and higher ceilings

24 Humanism What is the name of the philosophy that was key to the Renaissance? Hint: Believes human intelligence is limitless Human work has value beyond the Church Art, Science, wisdom knowledge and the Earth itself were to be used to serve humans

25 Blue-Green If you add the following colours together what do you get?

26 Square, triangle, circle, rectangle Shapes

27 Coil To roll clay into a tube-like form

28 Blue Which colour of Horizon lines corresponds with the cube?

29 Symmetrical Balance When the weight is evenly distributed on both sides of the artwork

30 Form Identify the Element of Design used to create the following image.

31 yellow-green, yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green Tertiary Colours

32 Transparent Light can penatrate and you can sometime see throught it

33 Cast shadow What is this area called?

34 Achromatic To paint using different tints and tones of a neutral

35 To Fire To bake in a kiln/ drying by heating

36 Line Identify the Element of Design used to create the following image.

37 white, gray, black, and brown Neutrals

38 Orange If you add the following colours together what do you get?

39 Horizon Line The line where the sky and land appeared to meet.

40 Core shadow What is this area called?

41 Painterly Lines Line is created by putting two colour beside each other

42 Gesture Line What kind of line is used to create this drawing?

43 Score To rough up clay surface in order to join two piece of clay

44 What are tapestries?

45 Red-Purple If you add the following colours together what do you get?

46 Asymetrical balance When the weight is unevenly distributed on both side of the artwork.

47 Tertiary Colours These colours are made by mixing a primary with a neighboring secondary on the colour wheel.

48 Negative space Is the following image created with positive or negative space?

49 Analogous Colours Colours beside each other on the colour wheel

50 Cool colours Colours containing mostly blue

51 Charlemagne (King Charles the Great of the Franks) WHO….? Came into power in c.800 ruling all of Europe (excluding Britain, Spain, southern Italy and Africa) ENCOURAGED THE ARTS and LEARNING  Churches created schools to study arithmetic, grammar and scripture

52 Name that inventor The Printing press by Gutenberg

53 Shape

54 Identify the Element of Design used to create the following image.

55 Stain Glass Windows created with pieces of colourful glass joined with lead strips

56 Contrast Differences in an artwork

57 Purple If you add the following colours together what do you get?

58 Warm colours What are the following:

59 Opaque When no light can penatrate

60 Fresco secco - A method of painting on dry plaster.

61 Pattern Which Principle of Design is best demonstrated by the following picture:

62 Pinch pot In clay, a Cup-shape, created by pushing thumb in ball of clay and pulling up on side with fingers while rotating the clay in your hands

63 Complementary colours Colours opposite each other on the colour wheel

64 Slip Clay/ water mixture of mud consistency used to join two pieces of clay and to smooth over clay surface

65 Unity Similarities in an artwork

66 Irregular Forms What are the following… be specific

67 Perspective the method of creating the illusion of depth on a two- dimensional surface.

68 Neutrals These are not colours because they do not appear on the colour wheel

69 Reflected light What is this area called?

70 Vanishing Point The point on the horizon line where parallel horizontal lines appear to meet as the go further into the distance.

71 New philosophy Human intelligence seemed limitless Works of humans have value in themselves and were not in the service of the Church Arts, science, wisdom, knowledge and the earth itself were in the service of humanity humanism rejects the validity of transcendental justifications, such as a dependence on belief without reason, the supernatural, or text of allegedly divine origin. What is Humanism?

72 Stain Glass What colourful artwork flourished thanks to the use of buttresses and flying buttresses?

73 Sculpture A 3-dimensional work of art.

74 Form 3D Shape

75 Highlight What is this area called?

76 Tone To darken a colour by adding black

77 Slab A piece cut out of flattened clay (like a cookie cutter)‏

78 Light source What is this area called?

79 Value This term refers to the lightness or darkness of a colour

80 Had scholars (a.k.a. monks and priests) rewrite old texts and prepare new ones to preserve ancient manuscripts and record current history and law What did Charlemagne (King Charles the Great of the Franks) do to ensure that history was maintained and education flourished?

81 Green If you add the following colours together what do you get?

82 Rhythm The repetition of an Element of Design to create movement

83 Contour Lines What kind of line is used to create this drawing?

84 Space The area around, between and through objects in an artwork

85 Positive space Is the following image created with positive or negative space?

86 Texture The feel of a surface

87 Green, Purple, and Orange Secondary Colours

88 Tint To lighten a colour using white or water

89 Balance The weighting of objects in an artwork

90 Linear Lines

91 Shadow What is this area called?

92 Movement The direction your eye travels through an artwork

93 Secondary Colours These colours are made by mixing two primary colours together

94 Monochromatic To paint using different tints and tones of one colour

95 Painterly Lines What kind of line is used to create this drawing?

96 Emphasis The area your eye is draw to in a work of art (AKA the focal point)‏

97 Primary Colours These colours can not be made by mixing any colour combination together

98 Yellow-orange If you add the following colours together what do you get?

99 Clay A natural material used in pottery

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